Guest guest Posted June 26, 2001 Report Share Posted June 26, 2001 Dear BhakthAs of Lord VaradarAja PerumAL: Svasthi Hasthigiri-mastha-sEkhara: SanthanOthu mayi santhatham Hari: NissamAbhuadhikam abhyadhattha Yamm Devam oupanishadhee Sarasvathee --SlOkam 1: Sri varadarAja Sthavam The following thoughts crossed my mind , when adiyEn recited the beautiful first slOkam of Sri VaradarAja Sthavam: 1.The Chandha nadai of this slOkam reminded me of the experience of joyously racing to the top of Hasthigiri to have the darsana SoubhAgyam of DevarAja PerumAL.The lilting melody of this slOakm , makes one experience the swift flow of the mountain brook (of DayA) tumbling down the hill side to welcome us . 2. KurEsar invokes both the Dhivya Dampathis to confer their benedictions on him at the start of his efforts: " Svasthi: Mayi santhatham Svasthi SanthanOthu " is the prayer to PerumdEvi ThAyAr. May the Dhivya Mahishi of Lord VaradarAjA confer always MangaLams on adiyEn is the prayer. " Hasthigiri-mastha-Sekhara: Mayi Santhatham Svasthi santhanOthu " is the other prayer seeking the Lord's anugrahams.Tann is the root for TanOthu and SamtanOthu. Tann refers to extended or uninterrupted . KurEsar prays for an uninterrupted showering of auspiciousnes from Lord Varadhan as he commences his eulogy. 3. The Many Rg Veda manthrams with the invocation of Svasthi at the beginning of the Manthram and their meanings are given below to illustrate the nature of the auspiciousness htat KurEsar was seeking : 3.1: Svasthi na IndhrO VruddhasravA: Svasthi na: PooshA VisvavEdhA: Svasthi nastArkshyO arishtanEmi: Svasthi nO BruhaspathirdadhAthu (Rg I. 89.6) All the names here like Indhran , PooshA , Taarkshyan , ArishtanEmi and Bruhaspahti are references to the Lord Himself . For instance, Taarkshyan is not GarudA here, but " Thrushtithum Vedhithum yOgya: " ( One who is worth knowing and attaining ). Similarly , " arishtanEmi " means the Lord , who can not be overcome by weapons (Narasimhar)or One who cuts asunder all arishtams ( samsAric pains). PooshA refers to His Strength giving , Nourishing qualities of the Lord . The meaning under this context of this vedha Manthram as it applies to DevarAjan for the whole Manthram is: " May the highly-revered , the resplendent Lord guard our well being . May the Omniscient Lord, who is the nourisher guard our welfare. May the srishti-karthA of this cyclic universe always protect us. May the Soverign protector , with unblemished weapons guard us for our prosperity. " May This Lord VaradarAjan protect us! 3.2: There is a string of Veda Manthrams in the 5th KaaNDam of Rg Vedam ( V.51. 11-15) , which invoke Svasthi for the YajamAnan.All the dEvathAs mentioned in these manthrams like Asvini dEvAs, Vaayu , Soman , Aaadhithyan are empowered by the Lord as the indweller through a miniscule portion of His sakthi (lavalEsai:). THE SVASTHI THAT KURESAR SOUGHT WAS SRI VAISHNAVA SRI OF BHAGAVATH-BHAAGAVATHA-AACHARYA KAIMKARYA SRI. THE FOLLOWING VEDHA MANTHRAMS PROVIDE AMPLE SUPPORT FOR THE REQUEST TO THE BOON-GIVNG VARADHAN TO CONFER SVASTHI . Here are the Svasthi-Vachana Veda Manthrams: 3.2.1: Svasthi nO mimithAmasvinA Bhaga: Svasthi dEvyadhithiranavarNa: Svasthi PooshA asurO dhadhAthu na: Svasthi dhyAvApruthivI suchEthunA (Rg. 5.51.11) Meaning : " May the pair of Twin-Divines , the gracious Lord and the divine eternity , contribute to our prosperity. May the irresistable Sun , the scatterer of light and the dispenser of darkness , bestow upon us prosperity.May the most vital heaven and earth vouch safe happiness to us. " The words in the second paadham of this manthram are revelatory. These words are Adhithi and AnarvaNa: The word Adhithi has been translated by Dayaanandha as " Mother Infinity " and the word, " AnarvaNa: " as the unyoked, irresistable One.PooshA here stands for Pushtikaran ( Giver of Strength to reach Him ). Asura: refers not to demons , but to life-giving clouds of KaruNA . 3.2.2: SvasthayE Vaayumupa BravAmahai Somam Svasthi Bhuvanasya Yaspathi: Bruhaspathim Sarvaganam svasthayE Svasthaya AadhithyAsO Bhavanthu na:(Rg 5.51.12) Meaning : " We glorify the Lord of Vitality for prosperity and the Lord of Bliss for prosperity , who is the protector of the world.We praise the Supreme Lord (DevAthi Raajan) , associated with ALL divine powers. May the radiant rays of all the Suns and the luminaries bring us health and happiness " . The word, " Aadhithya " in the fourth paadham refers to the Luminary body like Sun at whose center the Lord resides and presides (Adhithya maNDala Madhyastham). 3.2.3: VisvE dEvO nO adhyA SAVASTHAYE VaisvAnarO Vasuragni: SVASTHAYE dEVA avantvrubhava: SAVASTHAYE SVASTHI nO Paathvahamsa: (Rg 5.51.13) Meaning: " may all the divine powwers be with us today for our prosperity. May the divine fire, the benefactor of all men , and giver of dwellings , be with us , for our prosperity . May the divine wise sages protect us for our prosperity. May the fear of the Lord of terror keep us from crimes and calamity . Ribhava: in the third paadham refers to Men of wisdom (AchArya:) . Lord VaradarAjan is the boon-giver of AchAryans for us. 3.2.4: SVASTHI MithrAvarunA SVASTHI PaTyE Revathi SVASTHI na IndhrascchAgnisccha SVASTHI nO adhithE krudhi ( Rg : 5.51.14) Meaning: May the Lord of Light and bliss grant us prosperity. May the guiding spirit of firmament and the Goddess of riches , grant us prosperity. May the adorable and resplendent Lord prosper us and May the spirit of indivisible fullness bestow prosperity upon us. The reference to the Goddess of Riches is connected with salutations to MahA Lakshmi ( PerumdEvi ThAyAr here). Indivisible fullnes refers to Oupanishdhee Sarasvathee from IsAvAsyam about Paripoornathvam of the Lord. 3.2.5: SVASTHI PanTAmanu charEma SooryAchandramasAviva Punar-dadhathAghnatA JaanathA sam gamEmahi ( Rg : 5.51.15) Meaning : May we ever pursue our path of prosperity like the Sun and Moon; May we move in full cooperation in mutual give and take , without causing injury to each other , and in the mutual right understanding ! In the context of KurEsar standing before the Boon-giving Varadhan at Hasthigiri following the command of AchArya RaamAnujA after the ChOLa RaajA committed asahyApachAram, this Vedha manthram has tremendous significance .This noble Kuresan seems to be guided by the code of conduct advocated by this manthram . The final three Svasthi Manthrams come at the very end of Rg Vedam in the Xth Canto ( Rg X.7.1 , Rg X.63.15 and X.63.16): 3.2.6:SVASTHI nO dEvO AgnE PruthivyA VisvAyurdEhi yajaTAya dEva SachEmahi Tava dhasma prakEtair- urushya Na urubhir dEva samsai:( Rg: X.7.1) (Meaning): " Oh Adorable Lord ! May You bestow upon us prosperity and abundant food from Heaven and Earth so that we may be able to perform beneficial acts efficently. Oh Divine ! Oh Wonder-worker! protect us with Your far reaching indications of favour in rsponse to our profuse praises " . The blessings from the LeelA and Nithya VibhUthi are sought here from the Lord. Since Aayu: is synonoums with annam in Vedhic parlance, VisvAyu: of 2nd Paadham stands for abundant spiritual food. 3.2.7: SVASTHI na; paTyAsu dhanvasu SVASTHI apsu vrujanE svarvathi SVASTHI na: puthakaTEshu yOnishu SVASTHI rAyE MaruthO dhadhAna (Rg. X.63.15) Meaning : Oh Vital principles( Men of Spirtuality/ AchAryAs)! May we have security and well being on our paths across the (samsAric) deserts. May we have well-being on our waterways (billowing samsaric oceans), even in the hostile surroundings! May we have well-being , when our children develop in the Mother's womb ( Garbha SrImAn)! We pray for their safe delivery. May we have the well being for the acquisition of riches ( Sri Sookthis based on Vedham and Upanishads as well as Saasthrams )! 3.2.8: SVASTHIR id dhi prapaTE SrEshtA rENasvathyapi yaa vaamamEthi saa nO amA sO araNE ni paathu svAvEsA bhavathu dEvagOpA ( Rg. X.63.16) Meaning : " May every one's good wishes secure us well-being on (traveling across ) our excellent paths ( adhyAthmic journey). Abounding with wealth , May we proceed to attain the goal of our life ( PurushArTam ). May we have protection on the path that we travel; blessed and protected by nature's bounties , May we have a plesant abode , and a security in forests too! dhrushtam and adhrushtam are the two kinds of fortunes or forms of Svasthi . The most important among the two is adhrushtam ( " PrapaTE PrkrushtAya MaargAya " ) or Praaptthi or Aathma SamarpaNam at the Lord's Thiuvadi with the help of a SadAchAryan. KurEsar standing before the Sarva Loka SaraNyan and his AchArya Saarvabhouman invoked the most auspicious word of Svasthi ripe with Vedha Sambhandham as the first word of his illustrious Sri Varadha Raaja Sthavam. May Lord VaradharAjan give the strength and insight to complete this kaimkaryam ! Sri KurEsAya Namo Nama: Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE Saranam , Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SatakOpan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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