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Kalai Differences - Part 4 (Concluded)

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Dear Bhagavatas:

This is Concluding Part (Part 4) on the subject, highlighting

Aspects 11 to 18 of the 18 differences mentioned in the Sloka cited.


Anbil Ramaswamy


BEdaH swAmi krupA- phalAni a-gathishu- shree vyApti- upAyatwayo

Tad vAtsalya- dayA- nirukti-vachasO- nyAsE- cha- tat-kartari /

Dharma thyAga virOdhayO:- sva-vihithE - nyAsA- Anga: - hetutvayO:

PrAyaschitta vidhou- tadeeya bhajanE- aNuvyApti- kaivalyayO://


11. Sva- VihitE: Regarding UpAsana for worship:


There is a contradiction between UpAsana and the concept of resignation.


The contradiction is limited only to the consciousness of the incompetence

(Aakinchanyam) which forms part of Prapatti itself.


12. NyAsa: Regarding actions ordained in Srutis and Smritis like

SandhyAvandanam etc.:


They are not obligatory for a Prapanna. To a highly evolved soul,

non-performance of the compulsory duties is not an offence because, Dharma

Saastras rank lower than Aagamas in point of authority. But, they should

continue to do them more for setting an example to the less evolved ones.


As compulsory duties are laid down in the Saastras which are Lord's

commands, non-performance will tantamount to transgression of His commands

(AagjnA adhilanghanam) and will render the Prapanna liable for punishment.

They firmly believe that they should continue to be observed. " Kritakritya

Adhikaram " of " Srimad Rahasya Traya Saram " of SwAmi Desika is definite about

this. Dharma Saastras are absolutely binding for both those practicing

Bhakti and those adopting Prapatti.


13. Anga: Regarding accompaniments to Prapatti


It is not necessary to observe all the preliminaries for Prapatti because a

Prapanna is deemed to have no other purpose or thought for the result.

The Angas would operate automatically at the time of performing Prapatti.


All the Angas viz.; (i) Anukulya Sankalpam, (ii) PrAtikulya Varjanam, (iii)

MahA ViswAsam, (iv) KarpaNyam and (v) Atma NikshEpam

*should be observed. The absence of even one of the accessories

*at the time of Prapatti* will vitiate the efficacy of Prapatti.


14. HEtotvayOh: What brings the final Salvation?

Next to the caste mark, this probably is the only other difference most

people are aware of!


Lord's grace is spontaneous. He can grant Moksha to anyone He likes. This is

based on " MarjAra NyAya' - a comparison to a mother cat carrying its kitten

holding it in its mouth without any effort on the part of the infant (unlike

in the case of monkey). Lord's grace is enough. It is like the mother

breastfeeding her baby. In other words, Lord's " NirhEtuka Kripa " secures

Prapatti for the Jeeva without any effort on his part.


The endeavor from the Prapanna is also essential. But, this " NirhEtuka

Kripa " itself arises out of " ajnAtha sukritam " or " yadrEchA Sukritam " of the

Jeeva in the past.


No doubt, it is the mother who takes the initiative to feed the baby. But,

unless the bay puts its mouth to suck, the mother cannot feed it. Prapatti

as a formal act is like the baby putting its mouth to the mother's breast.


15. PrAyaschitha Vidou Regarding sanctifying ceremonies connected with



No positive, specific PrAyaschitta act is necessary. All that is required is

(i) the knowledge of the Svarupa of the JeevAtma and

(ii) mental acceptance of the Lord's grace in granting salvation.

(iii) In other words, Mere meditation will suffice.


All compulsory duties as laid down in the Sastra which are the Lord's

commands, non- performance of which will tantamount to transgression of His

commands (AagjnA adhilanghanam) and will render the Prapanna liable for


All purificatory ceremonies and performance of atonement out of " NirvEdam "

mentioned in the Smritis must necessarily be observed.

All the preliminaries for Prapatti should be gone through because a Prapanna

is deemed to have no other purpose or thought for the result.


16. tadheeya bhajanE: Treatment to be shown to devotees of the Lord.


A Sudra Prapanna should be given the same status as a Brahmin Prapanna.


While due respect should be given to all Prapannas, VarNa distinctions will

continue in this birth.

SwAmi Desika says " The temple cow, however holy it may be, continues to be a

cow during its present life " .


17. Anu-vyApti : Pervasion of the Infinite God into the finite soul.


His being atomic in atoms and enveloping even the biggest are all done by

what is known as " AgaTitha GhaTanA sAmarthya " (Special powers enabling the

accomplishment of even the impossible) By such powers, the Infinite

ParamAtma passes 'en masse' into the finite JeevAtma irrespective of its



He is smaller than the atom in beings that are atomic in size. This is

called " Anthar vyApti " (Immanence); He is also greater than the greatest in

the sense He pervades and surrounds everything. This is called " Bahir

vyApti " (Transcendence) The pervasion is a simple " overlapping " .


18. kaivalyayOh: Regarding Kaivalyam:


(i) Kaivalya is inferior to Paramapada and the Jeeva going there gets so

stuck there and immobilized as not to attain Paramapadam or descend down to

an earthly existence.

(ii) Kaivalya is eternal

(iii) Kaivalya is within Paramapadam but in its outermost parts.


(i) Kaivalya is inferior to Paramapadam but it can help in promotion to

Moksha ultimately..

(ii) (ii) Kaivalya is NOT eternal

(iii) Kaivalya is situated Outside Paramapadam.


Sri Anand Karalapakkam adds-

Whose works are more important? – those of Rishis or of AazwArs ?


“ In some books, it has been written that, for ThennAchAryas,

the works of AzhwArs are more important than those of Rishis

and that AzhwArs are superior to Rishis ; while for Vadakalai

AchAryas, the works of Rishis are more important than those of

AzhwArs and that the Rishis are superior to AzhwArs.


It is a complete mis-information regarding the stand of

Vadakalai AchAryas. SwAmi DESikan has expressly advocated

the superiority of the works / upadEsams of AzhwArs over those

of Rishis (eg: " ....mAsil manam theLindu munivar vagutthadellAm

mAl uganda aasiriyar vArthaikku ovvA " implying that the works

of Rishis who were pure hearted and faultless, can't match

even the words of AchAryas <like NammAzhwar> who were most

beloved to Lord " ). However, this does not mean that the works

of Rishis are " faulty " . This is only to eulogize the greatness

of the way in which AzhwArs have explained the hidden truths of

vEdAnta. The works of Rishis like Brahma SUtra, IthihAsa-purANas,

Smrutis are perfectly valid as a pramANa. In other words,

there is no contradiction in the teachings of the Rishis like

Sage VyAsa and Saints like NammAzhwAr.

This is the actual stand of Vadakalai AchAryas”



" One can form own conclusions whether these are vital or not. But, during

Swami Desika's times, there was no such exclusiveness and later even among

TKs. There were many who belonged to SwAmi Desika's school.

In any case, there is the aspect of Ubhaya VedAnta so far as VKs are

concerned. Both schools honor that what is actually needed is better

understanding- a willingness to agree to disagree. " (K.P.Rangaswamy Iyengar,

Retd. I.A & A.S Officer and a doyen in VisishTadvaita SiddhAntham)












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