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Uddalaka and Svetaketu

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srimathe ramanujaya namaha


Dear Bhaktas,


I missed the series of lectures where Dr.NSA Swamin addressed the topic covering the mahavakyams.


I would like to know how Bhagavad Ramanujar/Swami Desikan explains the meanings conveyed by "tat tvam asi" and "aham brahmasmi".


Also how is the story of Uddalaka and Svetaketu to be understood?


Please keep in mind adiyen's limited ability in understanding the vakyams of the Sruti. I would appreciate a simple answer which a layman like me can understand.


Please do consider my humble questions.


Adiyen Ramanuja Daasan,







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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Sriman Malolan Swamin,


You raise an important question here. Adiyen will try to explain this

based on hearing upanyasams of asmadhAcharyan, H.H. Srimad Andavan

Swami of Srimad Poundarikapuram Ashramam.


Tat Tvam Asi: The literal meaning of this Chandogya upanishad vakyam

is " Thou art that. "

A better understanding of this vakyam is obtained by examining its

individual padams. First let us focus on the meaning of the term

Thou. This refers to the Brahman, the Supreme Being Lord Narayana

never separated from Sri, who is replete with auspicious qualities,

who is responsible for the creation, preservation, and destruction of

the universe, who signifies antarvyApti and BahirvyApti as glorified

in the Narayana Sooktam Rk " Antarbahischa thath sarvam vyApya

Narayana stitha: " , who remains as the indweller of every sentient and

insentient being, who has sentients and insentients as his body but

is unaffected by the actions of these beings or the resulting

consequences of such actions, who is glorified by the three Vedas,

who is the unfailing refuge of those who surrender at His Lotus Feet.


The full import of this vakyam can be summarized as follows:

That by knowing which everything becomes known and that by not

knowing which nothing becomes known.


Swami Desikan glorifies Mahalakshmi Thayar in verse 23 of the Sri

Stuthi using this Mahavakyam " mAtA devi tvamasi Bhagavan " . The

reference here is to the fact, that full knowledge about Lord

Narayana comes about only account of the anugraham and limitless

compassion of Thayar and Her Purushakaram. Therefore, She is

glorified by our Paramacharyan, Swami Desikan through this Mahavakyam.


The vakyam Aham BrahmAsmi can be briefly explained as follows.

Literal meaning: " I am Brahman " .

Explanation of Sri Ramanujacharya and Swami Desikan: Brahman remains

as the indweller of every sentient and insentient being in the

universe. Furthermore, the Brahman has sentient and insentient beings

as his body but is unaffected by their actions or the resulting

consequences. Hence, the usage " I am Brahman " , i.e., the Brahman

resides within me.


A second explanation offered by our Acharyas is that upon begetting

Moksham, one begets a form that is full of Shuddha Satvam with fully

expanded Dharma Bhoota jnAnam (loosely speaking the ability of one to

fully comprehend everything about themselves and their surroundings),

which is no different from that of the Brahman-the Supreme being,

Lord Narayana, who is never separated from Sri. The only difference

lies in the fact that the liberated jivan does not play any role in

the process of creation, preservation, and destruction, which are the

sole privy of the Lord and His consort Sri. Therefore, the vakyam

" Aham Brahmasmi " (I am no different from the Brahman) describes a

liberated jivan.


Hope the above input answers your questions. Adiyen is sure that

learned scholars in this forum will have material to add to adiyen's



Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


, " Malolan Cadambi " <mcadambi> wrote:

> sri:

> srimathe ramanujaya namaha


> Dear Bhaktas,


> I missed the series of lectures where Dr.NSA Swamin addressed the

topic covering the mahavakyams.


> I would like to know how Bhagavad Ramanujar/Swami Desikan explains

the meanings conveyed by " tat tvam asi " and " aham brahmasmi " .


> Also how is the story of Uddalaka and Svetaketu to be understood?


> Please keep in mind adiyen's limited ability in understanding the

vakyams of the Sruti. I would appreciate a simple answer which a

layman like me can understand.


> Please do consider my humble questions.


> Adiyen Ramanuja Daasan,


> Malolan

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