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KurEsar's Sri VaradarAja Sthavam :Part XIX-- SlOkam 8

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SrimathE raamAnujAya nama:


Dear Sri VaradarAja BhakthAs:


In this Eighth slOkma , KurEsar reminds us of

the power of the sacred hill, Hasthigiri,which

makes it easy for all of us to come close to

the Lord and bless us with the darsana SoubhAgyam .

The Eighth SlOkam containing these thoughts is :


NyAya tarka Muni mukhya BhAshithai:

sOdhithai: saha kaTanjana Thrayee

jOshayEth Harim anmahasO JanAn

HasthidhAma Sakalam Janam Svayam


(Meaning): Vedams are strenously researched by SadAchAryAs

and VidvAns to reveal their essence , Sriman NaarAyaNamn.

Other approaches in comprehending the Isvaran and His Tatthvams

are by travelling on the slippery slopes of NyAya Saasthrams

( Poorva MeemAmsam and Utthara MeemAmsam ) , Tarka Saasthrams

and the SadupadEsams of great sages like VyAsar , ParAsarar

et al. The people of this world assist themselves through

one or more of the above approaches of our MahA PurushAs

and Saasthrams with great effort , get rid of their sins and

become eligible to have the experience of the Lord and appreciation

of the Isvara Tatthvams. While people follow these ardous

tasks in their search for the Lord , this Sacred Hill of

Hasthigiri by itself makes it possible for all people

to have the Darsana SoubhAgyam of the Anantha KalyANa GuNa

Poornan, Lord VaradarAjan , effortlessly.


SrivatsAnkAcchAr's VyAkhyAnam


Only people with deep intellect can comprehend that

the Supreme Being is Sriman NaarAyaNan with the help of

Vedams. They need the help of groups of true NyAyam rules

(Samyang-nyAya KalApam )instead of the NyAyams with false

premises ( apanyAyams).The apanyAyam will dump them into

the ditches of ignorance . Alternativelly , the quintissence

of VedAs can be understood by the right kind of Tarka arguments

or by the insightful words of Jn~Anam blessed by great sages

like Manu , VyAsA , ParAsarA.Even with all these help,

those with jealousy and ego can not succeed in their efforts

to grasp the essence of Para-Tatthva , Parama-Hitha , Parama-

PurushArtham doctrines. One neeeds the blessings of the glances of

the Lord at birth ( JaayamAna KatAksham ) and SadAchArya

anugraham through upadEsam.Very few indeed are those , who are

blessed to come out of such searches and truly understand

the Lord as the Parama-Purushan , the one and only Moksha-

Daayakan . Such a Bhakthi for the Lord arises after thousands of

births , completion of austerity , penance and meditation without

let. Then , their paapams are destroyed and the Bhakthi for

KrishNan (Sriman NaarAyaNan ) shines like a rich flame :


JanmAnthara SahasrEshu TapO-dhyAna-SamAdhibhi:

NarANAm KshINa PaapAnAm KrishNE Bhakthi: PrajAyathE


While , a Mumkshu ( one desirous of Moksham ) goes through

all these " impossible " efforts , the Sacred hill of Hasthigiri

makes it so easy for any one from children to the untutored

(AabhAla GOpAlam ) to have the comprehension of the Supreme Lord

as The One , who is standing on top of it. It seems to invite

all the people with every level of Jn~Anam and tell them :


" Here is Lord VaradarAjan ; He is the Supreme Being . There is

no One equal to Him or greater than Him . Please come and

have His darsana SoubhAgyam " .


Hasthigiri seems to instruct these struggling people :

" Saasthra Jn~Anam is very diffiuclt to master and

leads to all kinds of difficulties because of

the agitations of the mind. Listen to my instruction and

comprehend the Lord and get yourself freed from all binding

KarmAs ( Saasthra Jn~Anam bahu klEsam buddhhE: chalana-kAraNAth,

upadEsAth Harim BhudhvA viramEth Sarvakarmasu) " .


(1)NyAyam approach and the dangers: Those who do not know how to

truly comprehend the dangers of apacchEdha NyAyam will end up

giving prominence to NishEdha Vaakyams ( prohibitive rules)

and become objects of laughter.


(2)Tarka Saasthram approach : NaaTa Muni defined through his

Sri Sookthi , NyAya Tatthvam , the way to use of Tarka Saasthram .

Swamy Desikan built on it and showed us further the way to use

Tarka Saasthram in NyAya Parisuddhi .Speaking of the importance of

Tarkam to understand the Lord , Sage Manu says :


Aarsham DharmOpadEsam cha VedasAsthra-virOdhinA

yastarkENaanusandhatthE sa Dharmam Veda , nEthara


Sage Manu defines what is the true Jn~Anam and what is not .

The Instructions of Rishis without VirOdham to Vedam

becomes Dharmam , when laced with Tarkam . Others

are not true dharmam. The importance of understanding

Vedic meanings with the help of its six angams is stressed by

the following slOkam :


IthihAsa-PurANAbhyAm Vedam samupabramhayEth

BhibhEhtYalpa-SruthAdh VedO Maamayam pratharishyathi


(meaning): Vedam has to be understood properly with

UpabrahmaNams like IthihAsams and PurANams as well as

with Samyag-NyAsa-Tarakams and Niruktham of Yaaskar.

Those who imperfectly and superficially read VedAs

will make the Vedams themselves tremble about what is

happening to Them.


(3)MeemAmsam approach : Jaimini's inner thoughts were revealed by

Swamy Desikan in his SEsvara MeemAmsA and MeemAmAmsa PaadhukA

and he has rejected in them the wrong intrepretations of

Poorva MeemAmsakAs ( MeemAmsa PaadhukA is aseries of 173

SlOkams instructing us to perform dharmA in accordance with

MeemAmsa Saasthram; SEsvara MeemAmsA proves that Sage Jaimini's

Poorva-MeemsA SoothrAs are not at variance with Sage VyAsA's

Uttara MeemAmsA (Brahma SoothrAs). Swamy Desikan provides

conclusive proof to the fact that Jaimini accepted Isvaran

as the Supreme Lord. He proved in this work that MeemAmsA is

a Unitive Saasthram /Eka Saasthram , which happens to be

organized into two parts as Poorva and Utthara MeemAmsam).

Those , who can not follow these truths will be deluded and

will not see the Lord with the help of studying MeemAmsa Saasthram.


BhagavAn in His Geethai (7.3) states the plight of those ,

who fail to comprehend His tatthvam this way , while

acknowledging that there rare are those , who truly

comprehend Him :


ManushyANAm SahasrEshu Kascchith yathathi siddhayE

YathathAmapi SidhAnAm KascchinmAm vEtthi Tatthvattha:


(Meaning): " Among Thousands of men , some one strives

for perfection; even among those who strive for perfection ,

some one only knows Me; and among those who know Me ,

a extremely small number of people know Me in reality,

as I am.


While People at all levels of knowledge struggle and

often fail to understand the Lord and gain true knowledge

about Him and His Svaroopam , Hasthigiri makes it so easy

for every one to know that VaradarAjan is that Supreme Being

( ParamAthmA, Para Tatthvam ) .


KurEsar instructs us therefore to seek the Hasthigiri itself

as our refuge .These thoughts are very similar to Swamy Desikan's

salutations to Thirumalai hills in DayA Sathakam and Swamy NammAzhwAr's

reverence to ThirumAlirumchOlai hills and their sanctity in



Sri VaradarAja ParabrahmaNE Nama:

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SatakOpan

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