Guest guest Posted August 18, 2001 Report Share Posted August 18, 2001 SrimathE RaamAnujAya Nama: Sriamth Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam Dear Sri Matam SishyAs and AbhimAnis : Today adiyEn will cover the Vijaya Yaathrais , MangaLAsAsanams at the different Dhivya Desams and the various chAthurmAsyams as well as the unique Vidvath Sadhas over which HH The 42nd Jeeyar presided duirng His reign. 8. DHIVYA DESA MANGALAASAASANAMS ********************************* Our AchAryan was known as Thiruvaranga Chelvan. The first dhivya Desam that HH The 42nd Jeeyar visited was therefore Sri Rangam after His PattAbhishEkam there in 1941. He made DasAvathAra Sannidhi as His home at Srirangam and performed MangaLAsAsanams at ThiruveLlarai (Sri PundarIkavalli SamEtha SvEthAdhri Naathan)and UrayUr/ThirukkOzhi/NisuLApuri ( URayUr Valli/Vaasa Lakshmi SamEtha Azhagiya MaNavALan )next.ThiruveLLaRai has recieved 24 Paasurams form PeriyAzhAr and Thirumangai . PeriyAzhwAr visualized ThiruveLLarai PerumAL as Kannan ( KannanE ThiruveLLaRai NinRaai) and performed Kaapidal ceremony for KaNNan there . Thiru URayUr is the avathAra Sthalam of ThiruppANa AazhwAr.These three MangaLAsAsanams were just after HH The JeeyAR'S PattAbhishEkam . Now, HH The Jeeyar prepared for MangaLAsAsanams of ChOLa Nattu Thiruppathis. Next in line were the Nadu Naadu Thiruppathis . ThoNdai Naadu Thiruppathis were the subsequent MangaLAsAsana KshEthrams . Abhimaana Sthalams (VaduvUr , Raja- MannAr Koil , MadhurAnthakam , SrimushNam et al ), Sri Matam Sannidhis (Uragatam , ThiruveNNai NallUr, AathanUr , PuLLambhUtham- kudi , AhObilam , ThiruveLLUr et al) were also included in these KshEthrAdanams. Whenever possible , HH The Jeeyar also visited the AvathAra Sthalams of PoorvAchAryAs ( Sri PerumbhUthUr , Thuppul/ThirutthaNgA et al) and the birth places of Sri Matam AchAryAs ( Atthippattu, KaLatthUr , MelkOttai , ThiruveLLiyankudi , ThiruvallikkENi, Thirukkudanthai , ThirukkuRunkudi , Aadhirangam , SrivilliputthUr, Kaaraikkuricchi et al), the many AgrahArams established by Sri Matam Jeeyars ( Uragadam /Third Azhagiya Singar,InjimEdu/Sixth Jeeyar et al). In all these KshEthrams, AbhimAna Sthalams , Sri Matam PoorvAchArya Villages and dhivya desams , Pancha samskAram and BharanYasam rites took place for the many Sri Matam sishyAs. Srimath InjimEttu Azhagiya Singar had a lovely singing voice and had good knowledge of Raaga LakshaNams . Hamsadhvani wa one of his favorite Raagams. He used to perform MangaLAsAsanams in a sweet voice and rendered the SthOthrams in a melodious manner. Paasurams , Swamy Desika SthOthrams were recited in front of the EmperumAns of the dhivya Deesams. The MangaLAsAsanam began with prostrations at the Dhvaja Sthambham with the manthram: " Samastha ParivArAya SrimathE NaarAyaNaaya Nama: " . The next stop was at the Bali Peetam according to the Saasthram that prescribes salutations to the Guru Paramparai there ( Bali Peeta samIpE thu namEth Guru ParamparAm ). AchArya vandhanam and prayer for the removal of the dhOshams of AhankAra-MamakArams are thus performed at Bali Peetam. PradhakshiNam and mangaLAsAsanam pf PerumAL sannidhi was next performed . ThAyAr Sannidhi MangaLAsAsanam followed next.After MangaLAsAsanams , HH The Jeeyar left the Sannidhi without turning His back to the Lord , which is very important . At Sri DevarAja PerumAL Sannidhi ,HH The Jeeyar performed the ThiruvAlavatta Kaimkaryam in a manner similar to Thirukkachi Nampi. At Ahobilam , HH The Jeeyar celebrated the Serthi Sevai of MalOlan Uthsavar , His Aaraadhana Moorthy , with Moolavar in the cave koil. AarAdhanam was performed for both there .He performed SaraNAgathi for a few bhAgyasAlis during that occasion. ManthrarAja Padha SthOthram was recited by the Jeeyar there. In his 24 years of AaathAna alankAram, HH The Jeeyar blessed many sishyAs with upAya AnushtAnams as commanded by MalOlan . 9)MALOLA VIDVATH SADHAS ************************ As a part of the execution of one of the Karthavya Prathig~nai , the First MalOla Sadhas at Srirangam DasAvathAra Sannidhi. This Sadhas was convened on HH The Jeeyar's Thirunakshathram ( Thai UttharADam). VisishtAdhvaitha VedAntha VaakyArthams were debated . The second MalOla Vidhvath Sadhas on the next Thai UttharAdam was at Kaanchipuram. The third one was at KodiyAlam Village. ThirunArayaNapuram , the birth place of the First Jeeyar of Ahobila Matam served as another site for MalOla Vidhvath Sadahas. A special site for another MalOla sadhas was the Bangalore TuLasi Garden. Hyderabad , ThiruninRavoor ( Bhakthavathsala PerumAl and Mathsavithri ThAyAr) were sites of anohter other Sadhas. The VisishtAdhvaitha VedAntha Jn~Anam and recognition for the Sri VaishNavA scholars were accomplished through the execution of this Karthavya Pratig~nai of the Jeeyar. After the Aaasrama SveekAram of HH The 43rd Azhagiya Singar (DevanArviLAgam Azhagiya Singar), both the Chinna and Periya Azhagiya Singars conducted the Sadhas together.One such joint sessions was in Kara Samvathsaram(1952 C.E).During the Nandana Samvathsaram (1953 C.E), Periya Azhagiya Singar was too ill to be present in person at the Sadhas and he blessed the VidvAns from his place of rest and asked Chinna Azhagiya Singar to preside solely over the Sadhas. This was in Thai. Next month , Periya Jeeyar ascended to parama Padham. 10)CHATHUR MAASYAMS ******************** HH The InjimEttu Azhagiya Singar reigned for 24 years ; half of that period was as Chinna Jeeyar. During those times ,Chinna Jeeyar's ChAthurmAsyam sites were the same as that of the Periya Jeyar.After HH The Jeeyar ascended the Peetam , The ChAthurmAsyams took place at PerumpAkkam (DakshiNa AhObilam ), ThiruveLLUr , SinganallUr (Thrivikraman Sannidhi), Gadhvaal SamasthAnam (Banks of KrishNA river) and other locations. 11)THE ESTABLISHMENT OF VEDA PAATASAALAI *************************************** During October 24, 1951 HH The Jeeyar ascended the Sri Matam Peetam. Next month , HH The Jeeyar started the Veda PaatsAlai at DasAvathAra Sannidhi built by Thirunagai at Srirangam. The Sanskrit PaatasAlai was created next at the Dhvayam ViLaintha Thiruppathi, MadhurAnthakam . ThirukkOttiUr Sowmya NaarAyaNAcchAr Swamy was appointed the first principal .Ten scholars trained by the 42nd Jeeyar were appointed as Instructors. Prabhandha PaatasAlai was added at the same site next. Few years later, HH The Jeeyar purchased a village near PeruhavAzhundhAn (My Mother's birth place) and deflected the revenue from the lands there to cover the financial needs of MadhurAnthakam PaatasAlais. The far seeing Jeeyar thus assured the protection of the MadhurAnthakam PaatasAlais to train the next generation VisishtAdvaitha vedAntha Scholars. HH The 43rd Jeeyar was a principal here during his grahsthAsramam. 12)THE ESTABLISHMENT OF NRUSIMHA PRIYAA MAGAZINE ************************************************ During the same Kaarthikai of 1941 C.E , HH The Jeeyar invited Maharishi VaasudEvAcchAr Swamy of Maambalam to be the Editor of the new monthly journal of Sri Matam with the auspicious name of Sri Nrusimha PriyA ( the One dear to MalOlan). HH The Jeeyar blessed this Journal with His own AasAsana anusandhAnam: SrinrusimhapriyA Srinrusimha karuNOTTithA Srinrusimha KatAkshENa JeeyAdhAchandra-taarakam Nrusimhapadha BhakthAnAm gEhE gEhE sadhA vasEth SrinrusimhapriyA hyEshA NrusimhapriyayA saha (Meaning): May this Journal named Sri Nrusimha PriyA born out of the infinite DayA of Sri Nrusimhan grow further and further with the KatAksha and Sankalpa Balams and shine as long as the stars and the Moon are there ! May this journal with the naamadEyam of Sri Nrusimha PriyA live in all the houses of our sishyAs and abhimAnis with the consort of Sri Narasimhan, MahA Lakshmi! Sri Nrusimha PriyA Journal has thrived and prospered with the MangaLAsAsanam of HH The InjimEttu Jeeyar and has passed the Shastiyabhdha Poorthi (60 year)mile stone this year. Great essays from renowned Sri VaishNavite Scholars have found their permanent homes here. Some of the contributing scholars became Azhagiya Singars later( DEvanAr ViLAgam Jeeyar, MukkUr Azhagiya Singar and IdhAnim Jeeyar). In the next posting, adiyEn will cover the favorite sthOthrams and Sri Sookthis of HH The 42nd Jeeyar. Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam , Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SatakOpan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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