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Swamy Deshikan THirunakshatram Special - 1

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Swamy Deshikan Thiruvadigale Sharanam


This series is to commemorate the forthcoming thirunakshatram of the

greatest acharya of Sri Ramanuja Sampradayam, Swamy Nigamantha Maha




First in the series presented below is the English translation of the

original article " Srimannigamantha Maha Deshikara Vyaktitva " , written in

Kannada by Dr. NSA and published in " Swamy Deshika a special number " by Sri

Deshika Seva trust.


All translation errors are solely my responsibility.




Swamy Nigamantha Maha Deshikan's Vyaktitvam (personality) - part 1



From time immemorial, this world has seen phenomenal personalities take

birth as per divine ordainment and uplift the Lord's subjects through their

profound teachings and thoughts. They have influenced our minds a lot and

have shown the way to salvation. Swamy Deshikan is one amongst such

luminaries, and enjoys a superlative status amongst them.


He was born in the later half of the thirteenth century and led his life

completely dedicated to the service of the Lord for a full period of one

hundred years as per the Vedas, and influenced everyone with his philosophy

and practice. With his magnificent works, which crossed over a hundred, he

lit lamps of knowledge that would glow eternally and would guide future

generations on the path to salvation. The way he lead his life and his

practices showed to the world that he is a rare blend of knowledge, devotion

and vairagya. He showed the world that with true dedication, devotion and

practice, one could be godlike. He led his life with pristine purity and

with a yogic approach, with a calm and controlled mind, matched by

compassion and a helping mentality. He was a living example of what Lord

Krishna said - " yasmAnnodvijatE lOkO lOkAnnO dvijatE cha yaH | " .


Many great scholars have explored the depths of the works of Swamy Deshikan

and have celebrated him with lots of praises and works, which glorify his

knowledge and devotion. These can accurately be seen from the works of

Swamy's contemporaries and his students including his illustrious son,

Varadacharya. These works on Swamy illustrate the limit to which he

influenced them. It is observable that Swamy's divine traits can be seen in

his works as well as in the works sung in praise of him by his disciples.


Swamy Deshikan in some his works gives certain biographical details about

himself. In his work Sankalpa Suryodayam Swamy gives details regarding his

incarnation being that of the Lord's Ghanta or bell. He says -


" utprekshyatE bidhajanairupapattibhUmnA

ghantA haressamajanishta yadAtmanEti | "


It is most evident from this that he is a divinely commissioned missionary.

He recalls his interaction with Nadadur Ammal during the early days of his

life as -


" varadagurukrUpA lambhitOddAmabhUmA " and

" shrImadbhyAm syAdasAvityanupadhi varadAchAryarAmAnujAbhyAm " .


He mentions about his acharya Atreya Ramanuja saying -

" shrutvA rAmAnujAryAt sadasadapi "


He also gives details of having mastered all shastras at an early age of

twenty saying -


" vimshatyabdhe vishruthanAnAvidhavidyah trimshadvAramshrAvita shArIrika

bhAshyah " ,


which also conveys that he was all the time immersed in the sri sooktis of



" YatipravarabhAratIrasabhareNa nItam vayah " also stands as evidence to this.


He was conferred with the titles " Kavitaarkikasimha " , " Sarvatantraswatantra "

and " Vedantacharya " . Appaya Dikshitar who wrote commentary to his kavyam

Yadavabhyudayam, seconds these opinions and says

" Kavitaarkikasimhasya kaavyeshu laliteshwapi " .


" paraspara hitaishiNAm parisareShu mAm vartaya " , " vayam tu haridAsAnAm

pAdarakshAvalambakAh " , " KrishNe niveshita dhiyo vayamEva nAnyE " , " dEvam

sEvitumEva nishchinumahE " , " Nasti pitrArjitam kinchit " , are some of the

sayings from the works of Swamy Deshikan which convey his life which was

spiritually rich with great devotion, exemplary dedication, firm vairaagyam

and untainted character. He was a great poet and philosopher and his entire

life is a great inspiration filled message.


To be contd....


vedAntasUri charaNam sharaNam prapadye !!!

vAzhi vyAkhyAmuddirak kai !!!


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