Guest guest Posted October 15, 2001 Report Share Posted October 15, 2001 SrimathE RaamAnujAya Nama: Dear Sri VaradarAja BhakthAs: In the previous slOkam , KurEsar criticized those , who hold the view that Brahman is without attributes (nirguNa Brahman) and began to provide proof for The Lord as the abode of limitless auspicous attributes .The thoughts enshrined in the previous SlOkam established that the Lord has anantha KalyANa GuNams based on SaguNa Sruthi pramANams. In the 12th slOkam , SrivatsAnkAcchAr Swamy points out Swamy KurEsar provides a commentary for the so called " nirguNa Sruthi " passages and asks people ,who get deluded over the thought that Brahman is NirguNam (without attributes). He challenges those who engage in NirguNa Vaadham to climb Hasthigiri even once , worship the Sakala KalyANa GuNa ParipoorNan , Lord Varadarajan there and then try to go on with their instructions on NirguNa Vaadham , if they could . The 12th slOkam with deep links to Sri BhAshyam passages takes this form: NirABhAdham Nithyam Niravadhi NiramhO Nirupamam SADHAA Saantham Suddham prathibhaDam avadhyasya Sathatham Param BrahmAmnAtham Sruthi-Sirasi Yath Tadh VARADHA ! tE Param Roopam SaakshAth Tadhitham apadham VaangmanasayO: Meaning by the Four individual Paadhams of the slOkam ******************************************************** (1)First Paadham: Oh Lord VaradhA! Oh Granter Supreme of Boons sought ! adiyEn , who has no sight sees and enjoys Yet Your dhivya Roopam distinctly ;this dhivya roopam is beyond description of any one and is not fully grasped by the thought process. What a wonder this is ! That dhivyAthma , dhivya MangaLa roopam of Yours does not experience any vikaarams/changes (nirABhAdham); it stays permanent and same (Nithyam) across all the time divisions such as the present , past and the future. It pervades every where ( Niravadhi) as " Niravdhi Sukha Dhaayaka " svaroopam; It is devoid of any bad attributes ( Niramha:); It is matchless and shines in all creations in its Prathi- Vasthu PoorNa SvarUpam( Nirupamam). (2)The Second Paadham: It is ALWAYS (SADHAA) peaceful to bless one with anukoolam ( Sadhaa Saantham); It is of Suddha Sathva Svaroopam always( Sadhaa Suddham); It is always (sathatham) the opposite scale of the balance (prathibhaDam )for those , who seek succor at this Lord's sacred feet ( Sathatham avadhyasaya Prathibhadam yath). (3)The third Paadham: It is described as shining on the head of the VedAs (Upanishads) as the Supreme One ( Yath Param Brahma Sruthi-Sirasi aamnAtham Tadh) . That is You , My dear VaradhA! (4)The Fourth Paadham : " Tadh Idham apadham , Vaangh ManasayO: Param Roopam (Varadha) SaakshAth(KarOmi) " . Oh Lord VaradhA! adiyEn sees directly that Supreme Roopam of Yours , which is boundless and which is beyond the ken of word and thought in front of me ! What a myserious blessing ! (Comments by SrivatsAngAcchAr Swamy): adiyEn has lost my eye sight and hence adiyEn can not see you with my fleshy eyes and yet adiyEn experiences and enjoys this dhivya Svaroopam of auspicious attributes right in front of me . All the adjectives used by Swamy KurEsar are abbreviated references to the deep VedAnthic thoughts , which were elaborated by AchArya RaamAnujA in His Sri BhAshyam . Sadhaa and Sathatham should be attached to every one of the VisEshaNams such as " NirAbhAdham , Nithyam , Niravadhi, NiramhO , Nirupamam , Suddham , avadhyasya PrathibhaDam " . This Varadhan of limitless attributes is not affected by the PramANams produced by NirguNa Vaadhis. There is no one , who is equal or superior to Him. Therefore , there is no concern that there will be any obstruction to His sankalpam. as instructed by the Brahma Soothram: SaakshAcchaObhyAmnAnAth . That He is unaffected by Desa-Kaala-Vasthu paricchEdhams is indicated by " Niravadhi, Nithyam , Nirupamam " . The usage of the words " Sadhaa Suddham " refers to His Suddaha Sathva Svaroopam without admixture of RajO and TamO GuNams. " Sadhaa Saantham " refers to His mind set (ManO Vrutthi) unlike the Jeevans . His mind set is " Suhrudham Sarva BhUthAnAm " as a dear one to all beings . The Sruthi Vaakyams " Saantham, Niravadhyam , Niranjanam " are reflected in " PrathibhaDam avadhyasya Niramha: " .He is not only " apahathapApmA " (free from all and any sins) , but he also blesses all those who seek His succor with apahatha-paapmathvam. Swamy KurEsar described Him as " Vaang-ManasayO: apadham tath Roopam " based on the Sruthi Vaakyams: " Na ChakshushA gruhyathE naapi VaachA , YathO VaachO NivarthanthE aprApya Manasa Saha " . In the previous slOkam , Swamy KurEsar established that Brahman has GuNams based on SaguNa Sruthi pramANams. In this 12th slOkam , Swamy KurEsar provides a commentary on the NirguNa Sruthi references to Brahman as " NishkaLam , Nishkriyam , Saantham , Niravadhyam , Niranjanam " . Swamy KurEsar points out that we should be weary of the polemics of NirguNa Brahama Vaadhis and comprehend the true svaroopam of BhagavAn as the abode of anantha KalyANa GuNams , Suddha Sathvam ( beyond RajO, TamO and Sathtva guNams). He has no heyams or dhOshams of any kind. His five natural traits are : Sathyam , Jn~Anam , Anantham , Aanandham and Amalathvam .His twin lakshNams (Ubhaya Linghams) are: abode of all auspiciuous attributes and freedom from any dhOshams (hEyams) whatsoever. His saguNa Brahma svarUpam is well saluted by the following slOkam: Ya: Sarvan~ja: Sarva Vidh GuNEsa: SathyakAma: Sathya-Sankalpa: ParAsya Sakthir Vividhaiva SrUyathE SvAbhavakI Jn~Ana BalakriyA cha. The word we use to salute Him , BhagavAn itself connotes His great natural attributes : Jn~Anam , Veeryam, Sakthi , Balam , Tejas and Isvaryam . He is indeed " Samastha KalyANa GuNAthmakOsou " , the treasure house of all auspicious attributes . In the next few slOkams , Swamy KurEsar goes on to establish that Lord VaradarAjan is Sarva GuNa GaNa PoorNakan ( abode of the assembly of all KalyANa GuNams ). Sri VaradarAja PerumAL ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam , Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SatakOpan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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