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Digest Number 554

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Dear Bhakthas



Thirupavai upanyasam of Shri Seva swamy


As a person who was associated with Shri Seva swami , I follow the progress

in several tasks that he had undertaken during his life time .Acceding to

the request of several of his follwers our Seva swamy had consented to

record his lectures on Thriupavai , a task that is nearing completion.To

those who have had the benefit of attending his upanyasams , the distinctive

style would have been discernable and it was the wish of our community that

this anubhavam should be available for posterity. The seva trust will be

shortly releasing the cd which will have 60 hours of his Upanyasam and I

recooemend that each of the members get a copy for their library.

Adeyen ramanjua Dasan








Thursday, November 22, 2001 6:08 PM

Digest Number 554



> Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka

> Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

> ------


> There are 4 messages in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1. Buddha et al

> " Malolan Cadambi " <mcadambi

> 2. Old Archives

> " Malolan Cadambi " <mcadambi

> 3. Sri Varadaraja Sthvam: part XXVI: SlOkm 15

> Sadagopan <sgopan

> 4. Re: Old Archives

> Anand K Karalapakkam <kgk



> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 1

> Wed, 21 Nov 2001 09:30:38 -0600

> " Malolan Cadambi " <mcadambi

> Buddha et al


> sri:

> srimathe ramanujaya namaha


> Dear Members,


> Adiyen was discussing about the Buddha avatara and it's relation to

sarveshwaran emberumAn. The discussion took place elsewhere on the WWW and

it was scholarly and objective in nature, drawing references and facts from

Both Hindu as well as Buddhist Scriptures. All in all, this was a very

objective discussion and was discussed without prejudice or partiallity

towards both religions.


> To Sum up the conclusions of the Discussion, Buddha whom we know today as

Siddharta Gautama *was* not the avataaram of Mahavishu. This can be reached

upon by logical and objective analysis of both hindu as well as buddhist



> First Let us consider the Verse in Srimad Bhagavatam which points out to

the Avatara of Buddha:


> tataH kalau sampravR^itte sammohaaya suradviShaam

> buddho naamnaajanasutaH kiikaTeShu bhaviShyati || Srimad Bhagavatam

1.3.24 ||

> ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


> Concentrate on the words " buddho naamnaajanasutaH " ---- This says that the

Buddha would be born as Anjana Suta (Son of Anjana). But Siddharta Gautama,

whom we know as the buddha was the son of Suddhodhana and Maya and was born

in Lumbini not Gaya as the verse points out.


> The fact that Maya and Suddhodhana are the parents of Gautama buddha is

very evident even in buddhist scriptures such as Amarakosha,Prajnapiramita

Sutra, Ashtasahasrik Prajnaparamita Sutra, Shatasahasrik Prajnapdramita

Sutra and Lalita Distara.


> Question: Why did many people say Siddharta Gautama was the Avatara of



> The First five people to whom Siddharta Gautama preached to were brahmins.

Besides there were many brahmins who were converted to Buddhism.

State-sponsored conversion to buddhism was supported by various kings such

as Ashoka, Kanishka et al. This also occured during the reing of Nagarjuna

in Andhrapradesh.


> The Brahmin converts wanted to " Curry Favour " among other Brahmins who

were faithful to the Hindu Scriptures. Hence these brahmin converts to

buddhism started equating Siddharta Gautama to be the avatara of Mahavishnu,

which he clearly is not.


> This was not challenged by many people and hence stuck to moden folkore.

Even today many Hindu scholars consider Siddharta Gautama to be an

auxilliary avatara of Maha Vishnu.


> Question: Why do many people popularly hold Buddha to be an avatara of



> This myth has been popularised by the VHP and the Sangh Parivar. For the

VHP and Sangh Parivar, any famous non-christian, non-muslim religious

teacher can be termed according to them as an " avatara "


> It is clear that Siddharta Gautama was not an avarata of Buddha.


> Best Wishes,


> Adiyen Ramanuja Daasan,


> Malolan Cadambi




> [This message contained attachments]




> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 2

> Wed, 21 Nov 2001 22:57:53 -0000

> " Malolan Cadambi " <mcadambi

> Old Archives


> sri:

> Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha


> Dear Moderators,


> Adiyen would like to know if the old archives are accessible any

> longer? They don't seem to be functional anymore. Adiyen seems to be

> getting broken links whenever adiyen clicks on them.


> http://dileepan.busi.utc.edu//malolan.asp


> Is the above link for the archives still functional?


> There are many articles in the old archives contrubuted by various

> members. It would be great if they become accessible to

> members.


> Regards,


> Adiyen Ramanuja Daasan,


> Malolan Cadambi




> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 3

> Wed, 21 Nov 2001 22:01:24 -0500 (EST)

> Sadagopan <sgopan

> Sri Varadaraja Sthvam: part XXVI: SlOkm 15


> Dear Sri VaradarAja BhakthAs:


> The 15th slOkam is one with deep connections to

> the Isvara Tatthvam as established by Sri VaishNavite

> doctrines. It has been pointed out that Swamy Desikan

> has quoted this slOkam twice in his commentary on

> SaraNAgathi Gadhyam of AchArya RaamAnujA .This slOkam

> rebutts the views of those , who assert that the Lord

> is Nirgunan (without auspicious attributes of any kind)

> takes this form:


> prakrushtam vign~am balamathulam isvaryam akhilam

> vimaryAdham veeryam Varadha! paramA sakthirapi cha

> param tEjaschEthi pravara-guna shaDkam prathamajam

> guNAnAm nissImnAm gaNana-viguNAnAm prasavabhU:


> (meaning): Oh VaradarAja PrabhO! Your most auspicious

> six guNams arose out of Your form as the First of Moorthys ,

> Para VaasudEvan and became the birth place for

> the limitless derivative KalyANa GuNams .Your primary

> six guNams are recognized as : Jn~Anam , Sakthi, Balam ,

> Isvaryam , Veeryam and Tejas .


> Commentary by SrivathsAnkAcchAr Swamy: There are those ,

> who preach that You are NirvsEsha Brahmam and as such

> You are NirguNan. They try to destroy Your true status

> as " SaguNan and Anantha KalyANa GuNAkaran " . This is

> ofcourse patently false propaganda. BhAshyakArar has

> firmly established that You have Ubhaya Lingam based

> on the PramANams of ValmIki , ParAsarar , Sukha ,

> Sounakar and other Maha Rishis. Sage ParAsarar has

> shown that the six kalyANa guNams behind the name of

> Yours as BhagavAn is an elaboration of the two guNams,

> (viz)., Jn~Anam and Sakthi.When we try to elaborate on

> the six guNams , there are branches and branches of

> derivative kalyANa GuNams. It is impossible to list

> all of these auspicious guNams.The Sri Sookthi known as

> " ShADguNya VivEkam " explains that all of the limitless

> kalyANa GuNams of the Lord fold into the primary hextad

> of GuNams .Swamy Desikan refers to this explanation

> and compares that relationship to the situation , where

> the whole world is held in the belly of the Lord during

> the time of universal deluge:


> tavAnantha guNasyApi shaDEva praTamE guNA:

> yaisthvayEva jagath kukshou anyEpyanthar nivEsithA:


> In this slOkam of KurEsar , there is a qualifier for

> each of the six primary GuNAs that arose from Para

> VaasudEva Moorthy.:


> 1. Prakrushtam Vij~nAnam : The capacity to know

> every thing (Omniscience) that is far superior to

> that of a Jeevan.


> 2. Athulam Balam: All pervasive and unstoppable

> strength that can control and subdue every other power.


> 3. Akhilam Isvaryam: the all comprehensive Isvaryam

> (VibhUthi) including LeelA and Nithya VibhUthi that

> confers on Him the title of Ubhaya VibhUthi Naathan .


> 4. VimaryAdham Veeryam: Limitles valour .


> 5. ParamA sakthi: The supreme state as the power

> behind the universe and its functioning .


> 6. Param Teja: The capacity to be the matchless

> Supreme Radiance (Param JyOthi:, Svayam JyOthi:)


> The guNams exhibited by the Jeevans pale into insignificance

> compared to the KalyANa GuNams of the Lord. For instance ,

> the Jn~Anam shown by th eJeevans is alpam(insignificant),

> where as the Lord's Jn~Anam is VilakshaNam ( matchlessly

> superior).


> The auspicious effects of the six guNams of the Lord on

> the jeevans are linkable to the Lord's dhivyAthma

> Svaroopam and Dhivya mangaLa Vigraham.The Jagath

> Srushti ( the creation of the world with its chEthanms

> and achEthanams) , RakshaNam (protection ), VinAsam

> (destruction ), conferral of true Jn~Anam and finally

> the blessings of MokshAnugraham are manifestations

> of the six guNAs in action.


> Sri SrinivAsa Varadha TaatAchAr Swamy of Kaanchi

> has elaborated further on these GuNams of Lord

> VaradarAjan as experienced by Swamy Desikan in

> His Sri VaradarAja PanchAsath . In a brilliant

> monograph entitled Sri VaradarAja GuNAmrutha

> Vaibhavam , Sri TatAchAr Swamy , a direct disciple of

> Thirupputkkuzhi Sri Nrusimha TaatArya MahA Desikan ,

> identifies TEN auspicious GuNams of the Lord with

> emphasis on the GuNam celebrated as KaruNai or DayA.


> These ten guNams identified are: (1) KaruNai/Compassion

> (2) Soulabhyam/Ease of access)(3) Souseelyam

> (4)Vaathsalyam/affection(5)Kruthaj~nathvam/acceptance

> of adiyAr's little efforts to worship Him as big efforts

> (6) Sarvaj~nathvam /Omniscience(7) Sarva

> Sakthithvam /power to accomplish whatever He

> has resolved to accomplish (8) Sathya Sankalpathvam/

> unalterable in pursuit of the vows made by Him

> (9) Pari-Poornathvam /abode of all wealth and bliss

> (10) ParamOdhArathvam/matchless generosity .


> Swamy Desikan describes Lord VaradarAjan as

> " kOpi KaaruNya Raasi: " . Swamy Desikan gives

> prominence to Lord Varadhan's karuNai just as He did

> highlight the DayA aspects of ThiruvenkadamudayAn

> in His Dayaa Sathakam . The " kOpi " qualifier

> for the KaruNai of BhagavAn is to remind one

> of its incomparable nature (Vilakshanam).


> This auspicious attribute of KaruNai helps us

> to have the confidence in Him as our Protector

> at the appropriate moment.When Lord's KaruNai propels

> Him to have the Sankalpam to protect us , no force

> in the Universe can oppose that Sankalpam . RakshaNam

> will come to be. KarUnai energizes His sakthi and

> vice versa. Without Sakthi, KaruNai can not accomplish

> any thing; without karuNai, Sakthi can not lead to

> MangaLams .


> The name of PeraruLALan for Lord VaradharAjan

> suggests that He is the embodiment of this KaruNai gunam .

> We can not see the GuNam of karuNai , but we can

> enjoy it with our eyes as the Archai ThirumEni of

> Lord VradharAjan standing on top of Hasthi Giri.

> He is Sarva Phala-Pradhan ( blesses us with all

> what we seek all the way upto Moksha anugraham ).


> " Kalayathu kusalam na: kOpi KaaruNyarAsi: "


> Sri VardarAja ParabrahmaNE Nama:

> Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil V.SaThakOpan




> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 4

> Thu, 22 Nov 2001 08:51:44 +0530

> Anand K Karalapakkam <kgk

> Re: Old Archives




> Malolan Cadambi wrote:


> > sri:

> > Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

> >

> > Dear Moderators,

> >

> > Adiyen would like to know if the old archives are accessible any

> > longer? They don't seem to be functional anymore. Adiyen seems to be

> > getting broken links whenever adiyen clicks on them.

> >

> > http://dileepan.busi.utc.edu//malolan.asp

> >

> > Is the above link for the archives still functional?

> >

> > There are many articles in the old archives contrubuted by various

> > members. It would be great if they become accessible to

> > members.


> Dear SrI Malolan,


> Thanks for the note. There must be some technical problems

> related with computer/file-keeping. The Net Administrator

> SrI Dileepan is in Chennai at-present and will be back

> probably by the end of this month. He shall then fix the

> problem.


> aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,

> Anand.





> ______________________

> ______________________





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