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PART X: Thiru Adhyayana Uthsavam at Lord RanganAthar Temple at Pomona , NY : Swamy Desikan's Taathparya RathnAvaLi: Seventh SlOkam

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Saturday , Dec 22 , 2001


Seventh ThiruppAvai : " Keesu KeesuenRu " Dinam


ANDAL ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam




Dear RasikAs of Swamy NammAzhwAr's Dhivya Prabhandhams:


On this Seventh ThiruppAavi day , adiyEn will continue with

the Eighth SlOkam of DTR:


sEvyathvAth BhOgyathvAth Subhatanu vibhavAth Sarva-bhOgyadhikathvAth

SrEyastaddhEthudhAnAth SrithavivasathayA svAsrithAnishta-hruthvAth

BhakthacchandhAnuvrutthE: nirupadhika suhruthbhAvatha: sathpadhavyAm

saahAyayyAccha svasiddhE: svyamiha karaNam Sridhara: prathyapAdhi


(meaning): Sriman NaarAyaNan is for all :(1) the One to be

worshipped (sEvyan)(2) The most enjoyable One to experience

(bhOgyan)(3)the One with dhivya MangaLa Vigraham (Subha Tanu

Vibhavam) (4) The One that exceeds all BhOgams in enjoyment

(SarvabhOgya-adhikathvam) , (5)The One who grants all

purushArthams and being the reason behind them (SrEya:

TadhEdhudhAnAth), (6)Being the One , who is under the control

of those , who have performed Prapatthi(Sritha-vivasathayA ),

(7)The One , who removes all the misfortunes of those who

seek succour under His sacred feet (SvAsritha anishta-hruthvAth),

(8) The One who conducts Himself according to the wishes of

His BhakthAs as YathOkthakAri (BhakthacchandhAnuvrutthi),

(9) avyAja Suhruth bhAvam ( nirupadhika Suhruth BhAvam)

and (10) The guide and help on the road of SdAchAram

and anushtAnam prescribed by His SaasthrAs (SathpadhavyAm

SahAyam).With all these ten unmatched guNams , He becomes

the means (upAyam ) to attain Him( sva-siddhE: svayamiha

KaraNam Sridhara: prathyapAdhi). He is the UpEyam (goal).

He wants all the Bhaddha Jeevans to attain Him ( gain

Moksha Siddhi/Sva-siddhi). For them to gain this ultimate

purushArtham , He Himself stands as the UpAyam (Svayamiha

KaraNam SrIdhara: PrathyapAdhi). Swamy Desikan chooses

carefully hte name of " SrIdhara: " in the context of

Sva-siddhi (MOksham). Sridharan implies SrinivAsathvam .

In Swamy Desika SampradhAyam , the performance of

SaraNAgathi for MOkshAnugraham is done before

the Dhivya MiTunam ( the Divine Couple , who are

never seperated from each other). They are both

UpAyam and UpEyam. Together they remove Bhagavathanubhava

VirOdhis (Taramavarum PayanAya ThirumahaLAr TanikkELvan:

ThiruvAimozhi 1.6.9). Her UpAyathvam in unison with

Her Lord is referred to here.Her UpEyathvam is saluted by

Swamy NammAzhwAr In ThiruvAimozhi 6.9.3: " Kolat-ThirumahaLOdu

Unnai kooDAthE--innam TaLarvEnO " .She engages in Nithya Yogam

with her Lord to protect us all through her exercise of

PurushakArathvam and is there as UpAyam and UpEyam in

our siddhAntham.


Swamy Desikan is a special lamp lit from DhIpa PrakAsan,

our PrathamAchAryan . We will always be indebted to Him

for His mahOpakArams to teach us about the importance of

the performance of SaraNAgathi for a Sri VaishNavan.


Therefore , the uninterrupted NithyAraadhanams for Him

in His birth place of ThUppul and for DhIpa PrakAsan ,

the PerumAL of His birth place are vital Kaimkaryams

for every SrI VaishNavan . Please come forward and

support the NithyArAdhanam Project with whatever you can .

adiyEn will continue to appeal to You all until there is

strength in my hands and sight in my eyes to write about

Swamy Desikan's SrI Sookthis. Please support this

NithyArAdhana Kaimkaryam at ThUppul and ThirutthaNkA .


Sri RanganAyaki SamEtha Sri RanganAtha ParabrahmaNE Nama:

Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil VardAchAri SaThakOpan

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