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Chithra BhAnu Samvathsara SrI Raama Navami Celebration: Part VII: SRI RAAMA PATTABHISHEKAM

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Kula-dhaivatham-asmAkam kOdhaNda-sara-maNDitham

Ishta-dhaivatham-asmAkam IshvAku-kula-dhaivatham


Dear SrI Raama BhakthAs:


Today is the glorious day of Sri Raama Navami.

Today is the day, when we recite Sri Raamachandra

PattAbhishEkam after nine days of PaarAyanam

of SrImath RaamAyaNam or Sundara KaaNDam .


Prelude to the PattabhishEka Sargam



The 128th canto of Yuddha KaaNDam contains Sage VaalmIki's

beautiful description of the Coronation ceremony . SlOkams

59-123 of this 128th canto (65 slOkams) describe in great

detail the Raama PattAbhishEkam .


In the 122nd sargam , the victorious Raama leaves

from LankA on Pushpaka VimAnam with SugrIvA,

VibhishaNA and a host of other friends for

AyOdhyA .In the 123rd chapter, Raaman describes

to His dear Saha-dharamchAriNi , the places over

which they were flying. In the 124th sargam ,

Raamachandran makes a halt at Saint BharadhvAjA's

Aasramam to pay His homage to the Sage and to recieve

His blessings.


In the 125th and 126th chapters, Sage ValmIki

describes HanumAn's journey ahead of the Pushpaka

VimAnam to convey the good news of return of Raamachandran

to Guhan and the waiting Bharathan to banish their sorrows.

HanumAn meets Guhan at SringhibhErapuram . At NandigrAmam ,

HanumAn embraces Bharathan and breaks the welcome news

to Bharathan and describes in detail the happenings

in the forest during the exile and the battles in

in LankA including the mighty battle between Raama and



In the 127th sargam , Bharathan rushes to AyOdhyA

to greet SrI Raamachandran .The brothers meet and

the joyous family reunites. RaamA sends back the Pushpaka

VimAnam to KubErA , the original owner.RaavaNan had

stolen that vimaanam form KubEran earlier.


PattAbhishEka sargam


In the 128th sargam , Bharathan places the Kingdom ,

which he ruled as the representative of Raama PaadhukAs,

back at the sacred feet of His brother. Raama has a vijaya

Yaathrai around the streets of AyOdhyA.HIS PATTABHISHEKAM



gift to all the participants in this MahOthsavam

and bids farewell to SugrIvan , VibhIshaNan and others.


The paatAbhishEga portion in the 128th sargam

has 65 slOkams.


The 65 slOkams of PattAbhishEka Sargam and their meanings


adiyEn will recite with you these 65 slOkams and

translate them . May SrI Jaankai-SamEtha Raamachandran

bless us all and give us the strength to perform Kaimkaryams

to Him always with purity of mind and in a spirit devoid

of ego !


Yuddha KaaNDam : 125.59-123


(1)Tatha: sa prayathO vruddhO VasishtO BrahmaNai: saha

Raamam rathnamayE peetE saha-SItam nyavEsayath--(59)


( Along with other members of the priestly class ,

the revered Sage VasishtA , who was very alert and

active although very aged, requested Raama to sit

on a gem-studded seat with SithA Piraatti ).


2)VasishtO VaamadEvsccha JaaBAliraTa Kaasyapa:

KaathyAyana: Suyaj~nyasccha GouthamO vijayastaTA--(60)


3)abhyashinccha nara-vyAgram prasannEna sugandhinA

salilEna sahasrAksham vasavO Vaasavam yaTA---(61)


( Sages VasishtA , VaamadEvA , JaaBALi , KaasyapA,

KaatyAyanA , Sujaj~nyA ( son of Sage VasishtA ) ,

GauthamA and Vijaya consecrated Raamachandran ,

the tiger among men, with fragrant and clear

water just as the eight vasus in the past performed

abhishEkam for the thousand-eyed Indran, the king

of DevAs)....(60-61).


4)rthvigbhi: BrAhmaNai: poorvam kanyAbhir-manthribhistaTA

yOdhaiscchavAbhyashinchamstE samprahrushtA: sanaigamai: --(62)


( First , the Rthviks ( officiating priests) consecrated

Him and then they were followed in order by (sixteen ) virgins,

Ministers ,joyous warriors as well as by Merchants)...(62)


5)sarvoushaddhirasair-dhivyair-dhaivathair-nabhasi sTithai:

chathurrbur-lOkapaalaischa saravir-dEvaisccha sangathai: --(63)


( The sages headed by VasishtA invited the celestial ones

-- the four key demi-gods, the eight gods of directions and all

the others-- to sprinkle the essence of all medicinal

herbs/oushadhis on Ramachandran's head.They were

assembled in the sky over the court hall ..(64)


7)BrahmaNA nirmitham poorvam kirItam rathna-sObhitham

abhishiktha: purA yEna Manustham dhIptha-tEjasam (65)


8)TasyAnvavAyE rAjAna: kramAdh-yEnAbhishEchithA:

sabhAyAm hEma-klupthAyAm sObhithAyAm mahAdhanaI:(66)


9)rathnair-nAnAvidhaiscchaiva chithrithAyAm susObhanai:

nAnArathnamayE peetE kalpayithvA yaTAvidhi (67)


10)kiritEna tatha: paschAdh vasishtEna mahAthmanA

rthvigbhir-bhUshaiscchaiva samayOkshashyatha Raaghava:(68)


11)chathram tasya cha jagrAha Sathrugna: paaNduram subham

svEtham cha vAlavyajanam SugrIvO vaanarEsvara:

aparam chandra-sankAsam rAkshasEndhrO VibhIshaNa:(69)


( Meaning of slokams 65-69): At the beginning of creation,

Brahma dEvan had created a crown inlaid with precious gems

for the coronation of the seventh Manu ( Vaivasvata Manu,

the son of Sun God). The kings of solar dynasty ( IshvAku

Kulam to which RaamA belonged) were successively coronated

with that special crown.Now , Raamachandran clothed in

pithAmbharam of dazzling splendour adorned with the same

crown , while he sat on a gem-studded throne in the council

hall (raaja Sabhai) decorated with precious stones and

other rich decorations. The noble souls like VasishtA

and fellow officiating priests participated in this

coronation/consecration ceremony .During this occasion ,

SathrugnA held over RaamA's head the heriditary beautiful

white umbrella that symbolized the emperorship of his

brother. SugrIvA , the king of monkeys held a white fan

on one side to fan RaamA and VibhIshaNA , the ruler of

RaakshasAs held another whisk shining white like

the autumn Moon ---( 65-69).


12)mAlAm jvalanthIm vapushA kAnchanIm satha-pushkarAM

RaaghavAya dadhou vaayur-VaasavEna prachOdhitha:

sarva rathna samAyuktahm manibhisccha vibhUshiham (70)


13)mukthAhAram narEndhrAya dadhou sakra-prachOdhitha:

prajagur-dEvagandharvA nanruthuscchApsarOgaNA: (71)


14)abhishEkE tadharhasya tadhA Raamasya dhImatha:

BhumI; sasyavathIchaiva phalavanthasccha paadhapA:

gandhavathi cha pushpANi bhaBhUva RaaghavOthsavE (72)


(Meaning of slOkams 70-72): Prompted by IndrA , Vaayu,

the wind god , presented to SrI Raaman a golden garland

made up of hundred lotuses , which was beautiful to behold.

Goaded further by Indran, Vaayu prsented a pearl necklace

interspersed with a variety of beautiful precious gems.

To honor the occasion , the singing demi-gods (GhandarvAs)

and the dancing semi-gods (Apsaras) performed for the uthsavam.

The entire earth became rich with crops and the fruit-bearing

trees became abundant with fruits and the flower bearing

creepers and bushes were filled with the most fragrant

flowers during the special festival for their Lord....( 70-72).


15)sahasra satham asvAnAm dhEnunAm cha gavAm taTA (73)


16)dadhou sathavrushAn poorvam dhvijEbhyO manujarshabha:

thruisath-kODir-hiraNyasya BrahmaNEbhyO dadhou puna: (74)


17)naanaabharaNa vasthrANi mahArhANi cha Raaghava:

arka-rasmi-prathIkAsam kAnchanI maNivigrahAm (75)


18)SugrIvAya srajam dhivyAm prAyacchan manushAdhibha:

VaidhUryamaya chithrE cha vajra-rathana-vibhUshithE (76)


19)Vaali-puthrAya dhruthimAn AngadhAya anghadhE dadhou

maNipravar-jushtam tamm mukthAm anuthamam (77)


20)SeethAyai pradadhou Raamachandra-rasmi-samaprabham

arajE vaasasI dhivyE subhAnyAbharANAni cha (78)


(meaning of slOkams 73-78): SrI Raaman, the foremost

among men gave a hundred thousand cows that recently had

calves and horses as well as a hundred bulls as gifts

to Brahmins. Next , the King of Raghu vamsam gave away

thirty crores of gold coins , vasthrams and costly

gems to the same Brahmin community . Afterwards ,

the king of men, SrI Raaman prsented His friend

SugrIvan , the monkey king , with a divine necklace

made up of gold and gems radiant like the rising sun.

SrI Raamachandran presented with affection to Angadan ,

the son of Vaali , a pair of beautiful armlets inlaid

with diamonds , other gems including the cat's eye

gem .Next , beaming SrI Raaman presented to His queen

the exquisite pearl necklace given to Him by the wind god

earlier , which was shining brightly like autumnal

moon beams.He also presented SitA pirAtti with a pair

of celestial robes and captivating precious stones..(73-78).


21) avEkshamANA VaidEhi pradadhou VaayusoonavE

avamuchyAthmana: kaNDAth haaram Janaka nandhini (79)


22) avaikshatha harIn-sarvAn barthAram cha muhurmuhu:

thAmmingithag~nya: samprEkshya BhabhAshE JanakAthamajAm (80)


23) pradEhi subhagE haaram yasya thushtAsi Bhaamini

aTa Saa VaayuputhrAya tamm haaram asithEkshaNaa (81)


24) tEjO dhruthir-yasO dhAkshyam saamarTyam vinayO naya:

pourusham vikramO buddhir-yasminnEthAni nithyadhA (82)


25) HanumAmsthEna haarENa susubhE vaanararshabha:

chandrAmsuchaya gourENa svEthAbhrENa yaTAchala: (83)


(Meaning of SlOkams : 79-83): Remembering the matchless

services of HanumAn , VaidEhi felt inclined to present

HanumAn a special gift. She unclasped the pearl mnecklace

that She had just recieved from Her Lord , removed it from

Her neck and cast Her glances on all the monkeys as well as

Her husband again and again. Raamachandran , who could

discern the intent of His consort readily looked intently

on Her with admiration and said to Her: " Oh Young Lady!

Please bestow with affection the pearl necklace on

whomever you wish to honor " . The dark-eyed beauty ,

SitA PirAtti , immediately presented that beautiful

necklace to HanumAn in whom the auspicious guNAs such as

energy, firmness , keerthi , dexterity , competence ,

modesty, prudence , virility , prowess and intelligence

take their abode. Wearing that necklace , HanumAn ,

the leader among the Monkeys , shone splendidly like

a mountain surrounded by a white cloud resembling

a cluster of Moonbeams.


26)sarvE Vaanara-vruddhAsccha yE chAnyE vaanarOtthamA:

vaasObhir-bhUshaNascchaiva yaTArham prathipoojitha:(84)


27)VibhIshaNOaTa SugrIvO HanumAn-JaambhavAmstaTA

sarvE vaanara-mukhyAsccha RaamENaaklishta karmaNA (85)


28)yaTArham poojithA: sarvE kaamai rathnaisccha pushkalai:

pruhrushta-manasa: sarvE jagmurEva yaTAgatham (86)


29)tathO dhvidha-MaindhAbhyAm NeelAya cha paramtapa:

sarvAn kaamaguNAn veekshya pradadhou VasudhAdhipa: (87)


30)dhrushtvA sarvE mahAthmanastathasthE vaanararshabhA:

visrushtA: paarTivEndhrENa KishkindhAm samupAgaman (88)


31)SugrIvO vanarasrEshtO dhrushtvA RaamAbhishEchanam

poojithascchaiva RaamENa KishkindhAm prAvimsath pureem (89)


32)VibhishaNOapi DharmAthmA saha tEnair-puthrasharbhai:

labdhvA kuladhanam RaajA LankAm prAyan-mahaayasa: (90)


(meaning of slOkams 84-90): All the senior members of the Vaanaara

praivAram and the bears were honored with vasthrams and aabharaNmas

according to their ranks. Raamachandran was untiring in honoring

His helpers in the campaign in LankA and VihishaNA, SugrIvan ,

HanumAn , JaambhavAn and all the chieftains of Raama sainyam

(army) were honored with gifts of all desired objects including

abundant precious gems .All those , who were honored publicly

in this manner were delighted and all of them returned to their

respective homes . Carefully choosing the sammAnams (gifts),

Raama , the scourge of His enemies and the Master of the Universe

conferred with DwhividA , MaindhA and NeelA on the excellences of

the articles lined up for recognition of individuals .Bidden

farewell by RaamA , the participants in Raama PattabhishEkam

returned to their respective homes just as the monkey chieftains

returned to their kingdom of KishkindhA. The dhaarmika king of

LankA , VibhishaNan , returned with the presents and his retinue

to His kingdom that he had inherited as the next of kin as

a result of the fulfillment of Raamachandran's vow to

accept his SaraNAgathi.


SrI Raamachandra ParabrahmaNE Nama:

Raama Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan


Post Script:


SlOkams 91-106 of this sargam describe the glories

of Raama Raajyam and how dharmam was in ascendance and

every one flourished under the matchless rule of Emperor

Raamachandran . Subhiksahm prevailed every where. Raama

ruled for ten and one thousand years prior to ascending

to His aasthAnam in SrI Vaikuntam.


SlOkams 107-123 are phala sruthi , which asserts that

those who listen every day to this oldest epic composed

by Sage Vaalmiki will be free of sins , acquire religious

merit and live long surrounded by progeny .Phala sruthi

goes onto say that all obstacles coming in the way of anyone

will be banished , if that individual has in his house

a copy of SrImath RaamAyaNam bequeathed to us by

the Aadhi Kavi , Sage Vaalmiki. Anyone peforming Raamayana

PaarAyanam every day will be free of sins and live long

serving the Lord and His BhagavathAs here and reach parama

Padham thereafter. It will bless one in this life with longevity ,

health , renown , brotherly love , wisdoam and vitality :


" aayushm-aarOgyakaram yasasyam soubhrAthrukam budhdikaram subham cha

srOthavyam yEthath niyamEna sadhbhirAkhyAnam Ojaskaram riddhikaamai:


--SrImath RaamAyanam : Yuddha KaaNDam,: sargam 128.125


adiyEn concludes this year's SrI Raama Navami samarpaNam

with the traditional concluding verses:


SrI Raamachandra Srutha-paarijAtha:

samastha kalyANa guNAmbhurAsi:

SitA-mukhAmbhOruha sanjarIka:

nirantharam MangaLam aatanOthu


Svasthi PrajAbhyA: paripAlayanthAm

nyaayEna maargENa mahIm mahIsA:

gObrAhamaNEbhyO subhamasthu nithyam

lOkA: samasthA: sukhinO bhavanthu


Raama , Raama , Raama .














SrI Raamachandra ParabrahmaNE nama:

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan

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