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Sri Vilakkoli Perumal, Thoopul/ThirutthaNkA dhivya Desam: Nithya AarAdhana Kaimkaryam for VilakkoLi PerumAL and Swamy Desikan : Part XXXII: Twenty Ninth SlOkam

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Dear BhakthAs:


In yesterday's posting on the 28th slOkam , the Vaibhavam

or PrabhAvam of Prapatthi was celebrated by Swamy Desikan.

Later, He would devote many chapters of Srimath Rahasya Thraya

Saaram(RTS) on the glories of Prapatthi.Chapter 25 of RTS in

particular ( PrabhAva VyavasthAdhikAram ) is a masterly

discussion on what Prapatthi is , why we celebrate it and

what it is not.Swamy Desikan discourses in great detail about

the Vaibhavam of prapatthi in the Charama SlOkAdhikAram.


Today , adiyEn will cover the Twenty ninth slOkam

of Sri SaraNAgathi DhIpikai , where Swamy Desikan

clelebrates the matchless Vaibhavam of PrapannAs :


Manthrai: anusvara-mukhEshu adhigamyamAnai:

svAdhikriyA samuchithair-yadhi vAanyavAkyai:

NaaTa Thvadheeya Charanou SaraNam gathAnAm

naivAyuthAyutha kalAapi aparairavApyA


--SrI SaraNAgathi DhIpikai: SlOkam 29




Oh DhIpa PrakAsA! There are specific manthrams ordained

for performing Prapatthi. They are housed in Vedam and

PaancharAthra samhithAs. One should chose those which are

appropriate to their needs. There are some guidelines

for proper performance of Prapatthi. Those who are not

eligible to utter these Veda Manthrams can use the SrI

Sookthis of AzhwArs and AchAryAs and perform their prapatthi.

One can therefore complete successfully the performance of Prapatthi

at Your sacred feet through the utterance of the veda manthrams

or other Vaakyams . When one evaluates the glories of those

who adopted Prapatthi as UpAyam against the glories of others ,

(who adopted other routes) , it is very clear that the latter can

not reach even one part in crore of the PrapannA's prabhAvam.

The Vaibhavam of the prapannan thus outweighs others by

an immeasurable factor.


Additional Comments :


Here Swamy Desikan addresses the Lord as " NaaTa " or

Sarva Swamy ( Supreme Master). He is VaikuNta NaaTan ,

OppilA Appan or ThiruviNNagarappan .As explained by

a great scholar , " prapatthi is an intrinsic truth of

the vEdAs and never an outside growth.The sacred vEdAs

ordain that one should evolve a life of devotion

and Godliness for an upward evolution . Unshakable

faith in divine guidance is implicit in the entire mass of

the holy texts. Man has realized his smallness and inability

to achieve the goal of his life and so he has prayed

sincerely to the All-Knowing God to lead him on safely

to that highest aspiration " and realization (Freedom from

the cycles of births and deaths: Moksham ).


We will dwell on few vEda manthrams , which have been

identified by elders with these thoughts:


moorA amUra na vyam chikithvO mahithvamagnE thvamanga vithsE

sayE vavris charati jihvayAdhan rErihyathE yuvathim vispathi: san


---Rg Vedam : X.4.4


In a mood of Prapatthi, the jeevan expresses its smallness

and aakinchanyam here ;it prays for acceptance of its self-

surrender and invites the Lord to enjoy this offering with

relish .


MoorA means the MooDAs or ignorant ones . That is us. amUra

is the supremely wise one. SayanA comments: " vayam aj~naa:

na vidhma vayam chikithvO mahithvam AgnE, Thvam thu vEtTa "

We are ignorant ones; Thou art the wise one and Sarvaj~nan.

We can not comprehend Your greatness; Thou are fully aware of

Your Mahimai. We are confused and do not know , but You

--the anthraathmA of Agni--are not confused and knows precisely

Your greatness. You are Visvapathi, Visva Swamin, the Lord of

th Universe . Please acccept and taste our offerings in

this Prapatthi Yaj~nam . In a spirit of utter helplessness

(KaarpaNyam) and in a mood of seeking Your protection

(gOpthruva varaNam ), we surrender of the Self (Aathma

nikshEpam ) at Your holy feet .


The bhAndhavyam ( tight relationship between the Aathmaa

and the Lord , " uRavu ozhikka ozhiyAthu " ) , the knowledge

of which qualifies us (sEsha-sEshi ) to perform prapatthi.

The jeevan declares with great assurance about this unique

relationship in another Veda manthram :


ThvayEd Indra yujA vayam prathi bruvImahi sprudha:



--Rg Vedam X.92.32


With great sense of pride of belonging as the Seshan of

the Sarva Seshi and Sarva Swamy and with clear knowledge

of His power , the Jeevan says here :


" With the resplendent Lord as our helper , let us answer

those who envy us , FOR YOU ARE OURS AND WE ARE YOURS. "


AndAL said " UnthannOdu uRROmoAyavOm , UmakkE naam aatcheyvOm " .

Her declaration is set in the same mood of this Veda manthram ,

which proclaims: " Thou art ours; We are Thine " .


In the Rg Veda manthrams ( VI.29.1-5), aanukoolya Sankalpam ,

Praathikoolya varjanam , kaarpaNyam , gOptruva varanam

and MahA visvAsam are referred to in a mood of Prapatthi

before the mighty Lord. The first manthram (VI.29.1)

salutes the just Lord as the greatest boon giver (VaradarAjan)

and asks us to worship Him to win His protection (aham ThvA

sarva paapEpyO mOkshayishyAmi maa sucha:). His friendship and

loving kindness (Vaathsalyam ) is prayed for :


Indhram vO nara: sakhyAya sEpurmahO yantha: sumathayE chakAnA:

mahO hi DHAATHAA vajrahasthO asthi mahAmu raNvamavasE YAJADHVAM


--Rg Vedam Vi.29.1


This manthram instructs us that the Lord is the greatst boon

granter and asks us to worship Him with MahA visvAsam to win

His protection. SayanA says that the jeevans are engaged in

uttering the greatest praise (SumathayE sumathim sObhanAm

sthuthim sabdhayantha:) to this granter of Supreme boons

(like Moksham).


The next manthram salutes the Lord in whose hands (Yasmin

hasthE) the well-being of the Jeeavns and the world rests.


Rg Vedam VI.29.4 reveals that the Lord's " favorite libation

is one that is full of devotion replete with knowledge

(Tatthva Jn~Anam ) and good deeds ( BHaagavatha Kaimkaryam)

...equipeed with their virtues , Your devotees -

-extol You by singing hymns (Swamy NammazhwAr et al)

and offering dedications ( Prapatthi) to You " .


Rg veda manthram VI.29.5 hints again at Prapatthi,

the dedicated act of aathma nivEdhanam:


na tE antha: savasO dhAyyasya vi tu BaaBdhE rOdasI mahithvA

aa taa sUri: pruNAthi tutujAnO yUTEvaapsu samIjamAna Uti


Oh Lord ! Your greatness is limitless . Even earth and heaven

know not the measure of Your greatness (anantha kalyANa guNams).

Your devotees hasten to perform the dedicated act ( bhara nyAsam,

Aaathma samarpanam ) and endeavour to kepp You pleased

with such devotional offerings .


The final manthram of this section( VI.29.6) acknowledges

the Lord as an alert listener, who responds with alacrity

to such dedicated acts performed with MahA VisvAsam by

His devotees. It invites this giver of wealth to destroy

all opposing evils forces (that stand in the way of

performing the dedicated act of Prapatthi) and other

violent elements as soon as they manifest:


evEd Indrah suhava rishvO astUtI anUtI hirisibra: sahvA

yEvA hi jAthO asamathyOjaa; purU cha vruthrA hanathi ni dasyUn


--Rg Vedam VI.29.6


Many Veda manthrams instruct us to surrender at the sacred feet

of the Mighty Lord with total faith in His saving grace . Swamy

VedAntha (NigamAntha MahA ) Desikan made it His life's mission to

build up the mansion of SaraNAgathy Saasthram on the firm Vedic

foundations laid down by PoorvAchAryAs .


SrImath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam

SrI Lakshmi Nrusimha ParabrahmaNE Nama: >


NigamAntha MahA Desikaaya NamO Nama:

SrI Maragathavalli SamEtha SrI DhIpa PrakAsa ParabrahmaNE nama:

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan/SaThakOpan


( On May 26, 2002 SrI RanganAthA Temple at Pomona , NY will be

consecrating the Sannadhis for AchArya RaamAnujA , Swamy Desikan,

Adhi VaNN SaThakOpa Jeeyar, the tenth Narasimhan of Ahobilam

and HH the 45th Pattam Azhagiya Singar ,the Jeeyar who commanded

BhakthAs of North America to construct a Temple for Lord RanganAtha.

HH the 45th Jeeyar is also the MahAn , who built the South

Raaja gOpuram at Srirangam. There are lot of expenses

incurred in the consecration of the above four sannidhis .

Your financial support for the conductance of the Vaidhika-Aagamic

rites associated with the prathishtai, Anna dhAnam will be

most welcome. The details are at http://www.ranganatha.org/

Please let me know of your interest in sponsoring some

of the activities related to the three day long sacred rites

(May 24-26, 2002) at Sri RanganAtha Temple. Please come and join

the other BhakthAs in these sacred celebrations. The Mission of the temple

is absolute Self-surrender at the Thiruvadi of Sriman NaarAyaNan ).

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