Guest guest Posted May 18, 2002 Report Share Posted May 18, 2002 SrI: Dear BhakthAs: Today , adiyEn will cover the Thirtieth slOkam of Sri SaraNAgathi DhIpikai , where Swamy Desikan refers to the importance of Bhagavatha kaimkaryam for a Prapannan : dhatthA: prajA janakavath Tava dEsikEndhrai: pathyA abhinandhya BhvathA pariNIyamAnA: madhyE athAm mahitha-bhOga-visEsha-siddhyai maangalyasUthramiva Bhibrathi kinkarathvam --SrI SaraNAgathi DhIpikai: SlOkam 30 Meaning: ******** Oh DhIpa PrakAsA! When the father of a girl performs kanyA dhAnam , the boy accepts the girl with great joy. The married girl wears and protects the Maangalya soothram ( Taali charadu) placed around her neck with great care for recieving many auspiciousness from her wedded husband. Similarly , the AchAryAs places the jeevAthmAs at Your sacred feet. You accept those jeevans , which have performed that anushtAnam of Prapatthi with great happiness. The prapannAs keep thinking about the aanandham that they are going to enjoy at Your Supreme abode after casting aside their bodies here . They use the time in between life on earth and the life at Sri Vaikuntam and lead an auspicious life here by spending their times on this earth performing kaimakryams to Your BhAgavathAs.This act of theirs is equal to the wedded wife of a woman , where she protects her Maangalya Soothram with reverence. Additional Comments : ********************** " prajA: Tava DesikEndhrai: Tava DhadhatthA: " The great AchAryAs present the chEthanams to You like the father giving his daughter away to a boy in marriage (KanyA DhAnam). " PathyA BhavathA prajA: abhinandhya pariNIyamAnA:). As the Lord of the chEthanams , You , My Lord accept the offered chEthanams with joy as a man accepts a kanyA given to him by her father . The husband ties the Maangalya Soothram around the neck of the wife .The wife treasures and protects that Maangalya Soothram in anticipation of the many soubhAgyams that she will recieve during Her wedded life. Similarly , the PrapannAs after aathma samarpaNam by their AchAryAs spend their post-prapatthi life on earth performing kaimkaryam to Your BhAgavathAs ( madhyE SathAm kinkarathvam Bhibrathi). This slOkam has been elaborated upon by Swamy Desikan in the Utthara KruthyAdhikAram and PurushArtha-kaashtAdhikAram of SrImath Rahasya Thraya Saaram . Swamy Desikan instructs us that there are six things that a Prapannan should enact and reject with the full power of his mind , speech and body during his post-prapathti period: To be rejected: (1)The desire for the perishable pleasures of the world (2) dwelling on one's superiority (3) Bhaagavatha apachAram . To be remembered and practised: (1)the upakAram of AchAryan from the time of His first glance (katAksham ) (2)recitation of Dhvayam (3)the Kaimkaryam to BhagavAn, His BhaagavathAs and one's AchAryan. SadAchArya sambhandham enables the kaimkaryam to BhagavAn and His BhAgavathAs.Swamy Desikan says in this context: " Suddhai: prasrumara -mahAmOdha smEraprasoonasamai: kramai: paribhunjathE " . After their prapatthi anushtAnam , the prapannAs engage in BhAgavatha Kaimkaryams imbued with Saathvika thyAgam and are immersed in sweet and fragrant waves of aanandham. He instructs us that a prapannan should perform kaimkaryam to the BhaagavathAs as though he is performing kaimkaryams to the Lord. BhAgavatha Kaimkaryam is the boundary of Bhagavath Kaimkaryam . BhagavAn is immensely pleased with the kaimkaryam done by Prapannan to His BhaagavathAs. There are many pramANams given by Swamy Desikan for the Utthara Kruthyam (Observances after Prapatthi) of Prapannan to please the Lord in PurushArtha KaashtAdhikAram of Srimath Rahasya Thraya Saaram : PaadhmOttharam(29.81): Of all AarAdhanams , the AarAdhanam to VishNu is the best; even bettter than that is the aaarAdhanam of His BhAgavathAs. MahA BhArahtam( Aasva--116.23): Our Lord's words:I have great affection for those , who revere my BhaagavathAs. Therefore , You must worship my BhAgavathAs. MahA BhAratham(Aasva--104.9):Our Lord's words: Those who are devoid of worship of other dEvathAs and have reverence for My BhagavathAs are My true devotees. ThiruppANAzhwAr: " adiyArkku yennai-aadpauttha Vimalan " ( The Lord of Srirangam , who has blessed me to be a servant of His BhaagavathAs). PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi(4.4.10): " KesavA ! PurudOtthamA! KiLarsOthiyAi! KuraLA ! yenRu pEsuvAr adiyArkaL yenthammai vikavum peRuvArkaLE " ( Those BhagavathAs who recite with joy our Lord's names have the power to sell us ; We are their indentured servants). BhAgavathAs are saluted by Swamy Desikan as SuddhAntha-- SiddhAnthnis. They observe their paathivrathyam (kaRpu) like the women of the inner chambers ( antha: pura peNNmaNikaL, Padi thANDA PathnikaL). They are of firm mind about their unshakable devotion to their Lord and to Him alone(sTira dhiyA:): " suddhAnAm tu labhEmahi sTiradhiyAm suddhAntha-siddhAnthinAm mukthaisvarya dhina prabhAtha samayAsatthim prasatthim muhu: " Srimath rahasya Thrya Saaram: PurushArTa Kaashtai concluding slOkam (meaning): They ( the BhaagavathAs) are parisuddhAs ( pure in speech, mind and body) and are of firmness of mind in devotion to their Lord just as the ladies of the inner chamber are to their Lord. For prapannAs , worshipping BhaagavathAs of the Lord here is like the aruNOdhayam (dawn) compared to the noon of ParipoorNa Bhagavadh anubhavam at SrI Vaikuntam after the shedding of the physical body . Additional PramANams celebrating the greatness of Bhaagavatha Kaimkaryam are: Swamy NammAzhwAr : ThiruvAimozhi 3.7 " Payilum SudaroLi " Paasurams ( Paramanai payilum ThiruvudayOr yemmAyALum ParamarE). BhagavathAs are TadhIyAs of the Lord and their worship is TadhIyArAdahanam. Swamy NammAzhwAr : ThiruvAimozhi: 8.10 NedumARkkadaimai Paasurams , where Swamy SaThakOpan celebrates the worship of BhaagavathAs. This set of ten paasurams are recognized as the " KaNNinuNN SiRutthAmpu " of ThiruvAimozhi. Here , Swamy NammAzhwAr celebrates BhAgavatha sEshathvam ( serving as servants to BhagavAn's selfless devotees ). " avanadiyAr SiRumaa manisarAi yennai aaNDAr ingE tiriyavE " is one of the famous passages from this decad.SaThakOpa Muni points out that TadhIyAs or BhaagavathAs of the Lord should be considered not only as BhOgyam , Svaroopam but also Lakshyam for PrapannAs. Thirumangai Mannan's ThirucchERai Paasurams : Periya Thirumozhi 7.4 decad . ThirukkaNNapuram Paauram: Periya Thirumozhi 8.10.3 " uRRathum unn adiyArkkuadaimai " . In summary, for those , who have performed Prapatthi, the most recommended and important anushtAnam is service to the Lord's BhAgavathAs ( paramaikAnthis)prior to their ascent to SrI Vaikuntam at the end of their earthly existence . SrImath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam SrI Lakshmi Nrusimha ParabrahmaNE Nama: > NigamAntha MahA Desikaaya NamO Nama: SrI Maragathavalli SamEtha SrI DhIpa PrakAsa ParabrahmaNE nama: Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan/SaThakOpan P.S: Please do not forget to support the NithyArAdhana Kaimkaryam for Swamy Vedantha Desikan at ThUppul and Sri ViLakkoLi PerumAL at ThUppul/ThirutthaNkA dhivya desam. We ahve only 5 more Laks of Rupees needed to complete this kaimkaryam. Please contact adiyEn for details. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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