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Sri Vilakkoli Perumal, Thoopul/ThirutthaNkA dhivya Desam: Nithya AarAdhana Kaimkaryam for VilakkoLi PerumAL and Swamy Desikan : Part XXXIV: Thirty First SlOkam

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Dear BhakthAs:


Today , adiyEn will cover the Thirty First slOkam

of Sri SaraNAgathi DhIpikai , where Swamy Desikan

refers to the Lord performing abhishEkam for PrapannAs

here in preparation for their residence in the kingdom

of SrI Vaikuntam later to enjoy ParipoorNa BrahmAnandham

(AadhirAjyam) there :


dhivyE padhE niyatha-kinkarathA aadhirAjyam

dhAthum ThvadhIya-dayayA vihithAbhishEkA:

aadEhapaatham anagA: paricharyayA tE

YunjAna-chinthya YuvarAja padham bhajanthi


--SrI SaraNAgathi DhIpikai: SlOkam 31




Oh Lord , who is the object of SaalamBana and nirAlamBana

yOgam of the yOgis! The PrapannAs , who have performed Prapathti

at Your holy feet get rid of their paapams acquired before and

get blessed to be free from any paapam accumulated unconsciously

after the upAya anushtAnam ( Prapatthi).


At the end of their bodily existence , they ascend to Sri Vaikuntam.

The nithya kaimkaryam that they are going to perform there for You

is like the joy of the ruler of a big kingdom . You seem to

prepare them here itself for that position by performing

coronation ceremonies for them through the flood of the nectar

of Your DayA . They perform hence kaimkaryam here itself

for You with great relish. This compassionate act of Yours

directed at them is like the gifting of youvarAjyam (King-elect)

during their earthly existence in preparation for the rulership

that has been granted to them by You , when they arrive at Your

Supreme abode. It is the tradition in this world for a future

king to undergo training as King-elect ( YuvarAjA )prior to

his ascending the throne as the king.


Additional Comments :


Oh YunjAna-chinthya! ( Oh the target of the meditation of

yOgis! The PrapannAs become anagA:(blemishless) after

the performance of their prapatthi. They are freed of

the previous sins that they committed and are also free

from any sins committed unconsciously during ther Post-

Prapatthi period of existence on earth. They perform

blemish-free kaimkaryam for the Lord unitl they shed

their mortal coils (aadEha pAtham tE paricharyam karothi).

They are recognized by the Lord for the visEsha kaimkaryam

that they do .They are annointed hence as crown princes in

this universe ( tE paricharyayA Yuva Raaja Padham bhajanthi).


What is the other reason for the Lord to confer this enormous

distinction on them ? It is His overflowing DayA that

propells Him to perform this Yuva Raaja abhishEkam

( ThavdhIya dayayA vihitha abhishEkA: anagA: Yuva Raaja

padham bhajanthi). These Yuva RaajA: are going to assume

responsibilities for Lordship( Kings) over kaimakryams

of their choice for You in SrI Vaikuntam (DhivyE padhE

niyatha Kinkaratha dhAthum). The annointment or coronation

as Yuva RaajA on this earth by the Lord is to prepare

them (PrapannAs ) for higher responsibilities

at SrI vaikuntam at the end of their earthly existence

(dhivyE padhE niyatha kinkarathA Aadhi-Raajyam dhAthum

vihitha abhishEkA: anagA:).


The condensed upadEsam housed in this slOkam is elaborated

in the 22nd chapter of Swamy Desikan's SrImath Rahasya-

Thraya Saaram ( ParipoorNa BrahmAnubhavAdhikAram).

The Focus of this chapter is on " saparikara BharanyAsa

Nishpanna kruthya: " ( Prapannan , who has performed Prapatthi

with all its angams and become filled with a sense of completing

what has been prescribed by the Lord and His SaasthrAs). What

does such a krutha-krithyan do ? Swamy Desikan responds in

a beautiful and brilliant manner :


" svAvasTArham saparyA-vidhim iha niyatham-vyAgasam-kvApi Bhibrath

nirmuktha-sTUla-Sookshma-prakruthi anubhavathi Achyutham nithyamEka: "


Sva-avasTA-arham = (following that which is)appropriate to his nishtai

as covered in the sva-nishtAbhijn~Anam chapter of RTS


saparyA vidhim = performing the pertinent steps of kaimkaryam

as covered in the Utthara kruthyam and PurushArTa Kaashtai chapters

of RTS


iha = in this state of pursuit of Bhakthi as a prapannan

as developed in the Utthara Kruthyam chapter


niyatham = that which is prescribed by the SaasthrAs

as elaborated in the SaasthrIya NiyamanAdhikAram of RTS


vyAgasam = the steps of Bhakthi , which are free of defects


kvApi Bhibrath = staying in a dhivya desam of choice

as described in the apahAra parihAram chapter of RTS


nirmuktha-sthUla-Sookshma-Prakruthi = having left behind

the gross , subtle bodies as described in the NiryANa

and Gathi visEshAdhikArams of RTS


Achyutham nithyam anubhavathi = the Muktha Jeevan enjoys

the Lord always to the fullest extent in a state of

Saayujya mOksham ( paripoorNa BrahmAnubhAvAdhikAram).


ParipoorNa BrhmAnandham following SaasthrIya niyamam


After Prapatthi , the Prapannan performs blemishless

kaimkaryams ( Bhagavath-BhAgavath-AchArya Kaimkaryams)

prescribed by the SaasthrAs , while he waits for the time

to cast aside his earthly body and ascend SrI Vaikuntam .

Our Lord recognizes these kaimkaryams and joyously rewards

the Prapannan by annointing him as a Yuva RaajA here.

At the end of bodily life here , Prapannan arrives at

Sri Vaikuntam and engages in the never-ceasing kaimakryams

for the dhivya dampathis and experiences perfect and full

BrahmAnubhavam.This is the message of the 31st slOakm of

SrI SaraNAgathy DhIpikai.


PramANams for the ParipoorNa BramAnandham


The Prapanna ( Muktha) Jeevan raches SrI Vaikuntam

through the nine steps described by Swamy Desikan

in His Parama Padha SOpAnam . There , this muktha jeevan

enjoys the ThirumEni , GuNam and chEshtithams ( deeds)

of the Lord in sarva desams, sarva kaalam and sarva

avasthais without let.The Muktha jeevan performs

Sarva-vidha Kaimkaryams to the dhivya dampathis.

This jeevan immerses itself thus in ParipoorNa

BrahmAnandham and never ever returns to the Karma

BhUmi that he left behind.


Swamy Desikan quotes the passages from the Aanandhavalli

section of TaitthirIya Upanishad(TU) ,ChAndhOgya Upanishad(CU) ,

MundakOpanishad (MU) and Lord's own Githai. Here are selected



TU Aanandavalli : " sOasnuthE sarvAn KaamAn saha,

BrahmaNA vipascchitEthi


(meaning): In that aprAkrutha aakAsam ( ThiruviNNagar/

SrI Vaikuntam ), the Muktha Jeevan enjoys equally all

the BhOgams with SrI Vaikunta NaaTan , who is nirupAdhika

Seshi , OppAr-MikkAr ilan , ParipoorNa Jn~Anandha SvarUpi.


TU Aanandavalli(7.1): rasO vai Sa: , rasagumhEyEvAyam

labdhvA aananadhI bhavathi


(meaning): The Brahmam that is being worshipped is

the embodiment of Aanandham. The UpAsakan ( Muktha Jeevan)

experiences that aanandham and becomes the possessor of

the same. Thus Brahmam becomes the praapyam and upAsyam

(goal , Phalan and the object of worship/means ).


CU 7.26-2: Sarvam ha pasya: pasyathi SarvamApnOthi Sarvasa:


(Meaning): Muktha Jeevan sees every thing in parama padham

and through the power of his own sankalpam enjoys every thing

at all times and is immersed in ParipoorNa BrhmAnandham (Sa

vaa yEsha yEthEna dhivyEna chakshushA manasaithAn kaamAn

pasyan RAMATHE , ya yEthE Brahma lOkE:CU 8.12.5).


BhUmAdhikAraNa vishaya vAkyam in SrI BhAshyam : When Muktha

Jeevan enjoys the bliss of Brahman , he does not see anything

else since every thing is contained in Brahman and its glories .

Since there is nothing else other than Brahman , the liberated

jeevan does not comprehend or enjoy anything else. He enjoys

therefore the vibhUthi (Isvaryam ) , GuNams of the sukha Maya

Brahman . Since all that is experienced is full of Sukham ,

the muktha jeevan never experiences any dukkham at Parama Padham.


In the next five slOkams of SrI SaraNAgathi dhIpikai,

Swamy Desikan elaborates on the Kaimkaryams done by

the Yuva RaajAs ( Prapanna Jeevans) on this earth

until the time of their ascent to SrI Vaikuntam.


SrImath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam

SrI Lakshmi Nrusimha ParabrahmaNE Nama:


NigamAntha MahA Desikaaya NamO Nama:

SrI Maragathavalli SamEtha SrI DhIpa PrakAsa ParabrahmaNE nama:

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan/SaThakOpan


P.S: Please do not forget to support the NithyArAdhana

Kaimkaryam for Swamy Vedantha Desikan at ThUppul and

Sri ViLakkoLi PerumAL at ThUppul/ThirutthaNkA dhivya desam.

We have only 5 more Laks of Rupees needed to complete

this kaimkaryam. There is nothing greater to us

than honoring our AchAryAs in general and Swamy Desikan

in particular . Please contact adiyEn for details incase

you wish to particpate in this NithyArAdhana Kaimkaryam .

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