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Sri Vilakkoli Perumal, Thoopul/ThirutthaNkA dhivya Desam: Nithya AarAdhana Kaimkaryam for VilakkoLi PerumAL and Swamy Desikan , Part 45: Fourty First SlOkam

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Dear BhakthAs:


Today , adiyEn will cover the Fourty First slOkam

of Sri SaraNAgathi DhIpikai , where Swamy Desikan

ardently seeks the protection of SrI DhIpa PrakAsan:


iTTam Thvad-yEka-SaraNai: anagai: avApyE

Thvath-kimkarathva vibhavE spruhayA aparAdhyan

AathmA mamEthi Bhagavan Bhavathaiva GeethA:

VaachO nireekshya bharaNeeya iha ThvayA aham


SrI SaraNAgathi DhIpikai: SlOkam 41




Oh ViLakkoLi PerumALE! It is not easy to obtain

the bhAgyam of performing ParipoorNa Kaimkaryam

to You at SrI Vaikuntam. The fortunate paramaikAnthis ,

perform saraNAgathi at Your sacred feet and thereby

become free from all sins ; they alone are qualified to

perform such blemishless kaimkaryam. adiyEn , who is

utterly unqualified to have that BhAgyam also

long for such a kaimkaryam . adiyEn recognizes that

to have such a desire itself is an apachAram from

the paramaikAnthin's point of view . Oh Lord!

You Yourself have instructed us in GeethA that

that such Jn~Anis are the life to You.adiyEn reflects

on those words . I have no other recourse than You.

In that state of my helplessness (ananya gathi) ,

You must come to my rescue and bless me with

the boon of paripoorNa Nithya Kaimkarayam .


Additional Comments (V.S):


In the previous slOkam , Swamy Desikan described the arrival

of the Muktha Jeevan at SrI Vaikuntam and it becoming qualified

to perform ParipoorNa Kaimkaryam to the Dhivya dampathis

(Gathi VisEshAdhikAram of SrImath Rahasya Thraya Saaram).


In this 41st slOkam , Swamy Desikan longs for a similar

blessing for himself.He paraphrases the thoughts of

AchArya RaamAnujA in SaraNAgathy Gadhyam and Sriranga



This slOkam is also close to what Swamy Desikan would describe

later in detail in the 22nd chapter of SrImad Rahasya Thraya

Saaram ( ParipoorNa BrahmAnubhava adhikAram ). The context

of this slOkam is to be found in the following PramANams

referred to by Swamy Desikan there:


1. ChAndhOgyam : BhoomAdhikaRaNam , 8.12.5

2. SrI BhAshyam:1,3.7 Soothra VyAkhyAnam

3. Bhagavad Geethai:8.15-16

4. MuNDakOpanishad:8.1.3

5. TaitthirIyOpanishad:Aanandavalli 1.2, 7.1


Once again , the amzing genius of Kavi-ThArkika simham

compresses the deep meanings of the above pramANams

in a single slOkam to express his longing for Nithya

Kaimkaryam at parama padham in a manner prescribed by

the SaasthrAs and PoorvAchAryAs.


ParipoorNa BrahmAnandham


The sruthi Vaakyams from Aanandavalli describes this

Aanandham perfectly:


SoasnuthE SarvAn KaamAn Saha , BrahmaNA vipaschithEthi

--Aanandavalli: 1.2


(meaning): The Muktha Jeevan enjoys in aprAkrutha AkAsam

(Parama Padham /SrI VaikuNtam ) the Lord's ananatha KalyANa

guNams without any restrictions, without any expansion or

contraction and without being controlled by anyone or

by any cause(nirupAdhikam ). Like a father and son

enjoying sweet paayasam , the Muktha Jeevan and the Lord

jointly enjoy the anantha kalyANa guNams of the Lord.


rasO vai sa: rasagumhyEvAyam laBdhvA aananadhI bhavathi

--Aanandavalli: 7.1


(meaning): The Brahman which is being meditated upon

is the embodiment of Bliss (aanandham).The one who meditates

on that Aanandha Brahman becomes blissful by partaking that

aanandham .Thus Brahman becomes the PrApyam and upAsyam

(the One to be attained and the One to meditate upon).


ParamaikAnthi & his paripoorNa Brahma anubhavam at Parama padham


The paramaikAnthi remembers the Lord at all times and

places and performs service to Him without asking for

anything including Moksham.The paramaikAnthi does not

look upon any Gods other than SrIman NaarAyaNa and

is fully integrated with Him . The ParamaikAnthi takes

refuge in Him and passes beyond His MayA to attain

parama padham.


GIthAchAryan instructs ArjunA that such a Jn~Ani is very dear

to Him and I am very dear to him ( PriyOhi Jn~AninOathyarTamaham

sa cha Ma priya: GItA 7.17). Our Lord says to Arjuna: " All

the others contemplate on Me only until the fulfilment of

their desires: " AartthO JigyAsu: arTArTi " (the distressed ,

the seekers of Knowledge and the wealth-seekers ) . The Jn~Ani /

ParamaikAnthi is the one outside the set of these three groups ,

who is described by GItAchAryan as His very self since

he is devoted to the Lord alone as the highest end

( Jn~Ani thvAthmaiva mE matham ,aasthiTa: sahi yukthAthmA

MaamEvAnutthamAm gathim --GitA: 7.18)


The Lord concludes the assessment of the dearness of such

a ParamaikAnthi this way:


BahUnAm JanmanAmanthE Jn~AvAn Maam prapadhyathE

VaasudEva: Sarvamithi Sa MahaathmA Sudurlabha:


(At the end of many births , the man of knowledge

finds refuge in Me , realizing that VaasudEvA is ALL.

It is very hard to find such a great-souled person ).


The men of the world (non-paramaikAnthins )are controlled by

their inherent nature, and are deprived of true knowledge by their

multiple desires .Such worldly-minded men seek other gods ,

observing various disciplines that are propitating only such

deities that can not grant mOksham:


kaamaisthair-hrutha-jn~AnA: prapadhyanthE anyadEvathA:

tam tam niyamamAsTaya prakruthyA niyathA: svayA

--Bhagavath GIthai: 7.20


Swamy Desikan's references


The fortunate ParamaikAnthis and their wealth of

kaimkaryam to the Lord is described this way in SlOkam 41:


" iTTam Thvath yEka Saranai: anagai: avApyE Thvath

kinkarathva vibhavam "


These paramaikAnthis are blemishless(anaga:) and have sought

You and You alone as their unfailing refufge (Thavth yEka

SaraNai:)and have cherished the incomparable wealth of

nithya kaimakryam (Thvath kinkarathva vibhavam) to You.


Swamy Desikan reminds the Lord that he is very keen on being

blessed with such a Kaimkarya Sampath and catches himself

and says that such thoughts of seeking such a wealth itself

is contrary to the behavior of a paramaikAnthi , who never

seeks anything from the Lord including Moksha Sukham and

Kaimkarya SrI (Thvath kinkarathva vibhavE spruhayA aparAdhyAn

aham ).


Swamy Desikan now reminds the Lord of His own words about

the paramaikAnthis being very dear to Him and asks the Lord

to think about it and remember that he (Swamy Desikan) has

no other recourse for protection than the Lord. Swamy Desikan

pleads with the Lord to take on the burden of his protection .


adiyEn will conclude this posting with the passage from

SrI BhAshyam that deals with the paripoorNa BrahmAnandham

enjoyed by the muktha jeevan in Parama Padham. Swamy Desikan

pleads in this slOkam for such a paripoorNa BrahmAnandham :


When the Muktha Jeevan enjoys the limitless and unique

Brahman in the form of Bliss, he does not experience any

thing else except that Brahman. This is because of all

entities are embedded in the superiority and loftiness of

the Brahman. Therefore , the Muktha Jeevan enjoys Brahman

with its Isvaryam (VibhUthi/wealth) , auspicious attributes

and the magnificent sukha maya aanandham and does not

recognize anything else. Nothing else distracts him

(BhUmAdhikaraNa Soothra vyAkhyAnam of SrI BhAshyam ).


Swamy Desikan longs here for such ParipoorNa , BrahmAnandha

Bhagavath anubhavam.


Swamy DEsikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

SrImath Azhagiya Singar Thiruvadi,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan


P.S: Please support the NithyArAdhana Kaimkaryams

at ThUppul VedAntha Desian sannidhi and ThirutthaNkA

Sri maragathavalli SamEtha SrI DhIpa PrakAsan Sannidhi.















NamO NamO SrI VedAntha DesikAya ,

SrImath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam,

Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan


(P.S): Dear BhakthAs: We have now reached the 11.8 Lak

Rupees stage of the NithyArAdhana Kaimkaryam (Target

is 20 Laks of Rupees as Core Fund) at ThUppul VedAntha

Desikan Sannidhi and the daily AarAdhanam for

Swamy Desikan's home PerumAL and PirAtti ,

Sri Maragathavalli SamEtha Sri DhIpa PrakAsan.


We have thus approximately 8.2 laks of Rupees to complete

the kaimkaryam . Please Join in this important Kaimkaryam.

Please contact adiyEn , if you would like to support this

important Kaimkaryam and join the BhaagavathAs , who have

already brought the kaimkaryam past its half way point.

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