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Sri Vilakkoli Perumal, Thoopul/ThirutthaNkA dhivya dEsam:NithyAradhana Kaimkaryam : Part 59 , SlOkam 55

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Dear BhakthAs:


Today , adiyEn will cover today , the Fifty Fifth slOkam

of Sri SaraNAgathi DhIpikai , where Swamy Desikan

intensely seeks the anugraham of DhIpa PrakAsan

for the fulfilment of his Prapatthi. The 55th, 56th

and the 57th slOkams contain moving prayers of

Swamy Desikan to the Lord of his avathAra sthalam,

DhIpa PrakAsan , to confer the Moksha sukham

by accepting his Prapadhanam (Prapatthi):


Mukhyam cha yath prapadhanam svayamEva saadhyam

dhAthavyam Isa krupayA tadhapi Thvayaiva

tanmE Bhavath charaNa sangavathIm avasTAm

pasyan upAya-phalayO: uchitham vidhEyA:


SrI SaraNAgathi DhIpikai: SlOkam 55




Oh DhIpa PrakAsa Bhagavan! SarvEswarA ! It is

a truism that every one who seeks Moksham should

perform full (paripoorNa) prapatthi with its five

angams .It is also true that adiyEn has not completed

this full prapatthi.Therefore , Yourself propelled by

Your DayA , should complete this prapadhanam for me

and make it full . At this time , I have arrived at

the stage of enormous attachment to Your sacred feet.

Is it n't so that You HAVE to do what remains to be

done? Is itn't Your duty as SaraNAgatha Rakshakan

and SarvEswaran ? Please cast Your auspicious glances

on adiyEn and take note of this suffering jeevan and

hasten to do the needful . Please reflect on the choices

that You have :(1)whether to complete adiyEn's incomplete

Prapatthi or (2) to accept this incomplete prapatthi as is

(equal to full prapatthi) and grant me the fruit of such

full prapatthi (viz)Moksha Sukham .adiyEn leaves that choice

and decision to You .


Additional Comments


Swamy Desikan addresses the Lord of ThiruttaNkA as

" Isa " in this slOakm . Our Lord is JagadhIsan and

Sarva Loka SaraNyan. He is Sarva Swamy. He is SarvEswaran.

He is the sole grantor of MokshAnandham and paripoorNa

BrahmAnandham at SrI Vaikuntam . Recognizing all these

unique aspects, Swamy Desikan appropriately addresses

the Lord of ThirutthaNkA as " Isa " here !. This Iswaran

is illuminating the world as Jn~Ana DhIpam (Jn~Ana dhIpEna

bhAsvathA). He is the Veda-VedAntha DhIpam ; the prakAsam

from that unique dhIpam gives Him the name of DhIpa PrakAsan

at ThirutthaNkA Dhivya desam. The radiance from this Jaajvalya

dhIpam falls on this dark world ( " nirAlOkE iha lOkE " pathathi).

If it did not fall on this world of ajn~Anam , then it will

not enable the blemishless chEthanams to leave the deep ,dark

fox holes of kutarka vaadhis and kumathis preaching avaidhika

mathams ( " Yathi na jAjvalyathE kila , ahankAra dhvAntham ,

kutarkka vyALa Ogam , kumathi matha pAthALa kuharam anagA:

kaTankAram vijahathi? " --Ythi Raaja Sapthathi slOkam ).


Swamy Desikan summarizes the deep thoughts housed in

SiddhOpAyam and SaadhyOpayam chapters of SrImad Rahasya

Thraya Saaram in this slOkam in the most aphoristic manner:


1. Yath prapadhanam svayamEva Saadhyam

( This Prapatthi has to be performed by one ,

if he wants to become a Prapannan)


2. Yath prapadhanam mukhyam cha

(This prapatthi should be a complete one

with its five requisite limbs/angAs )


3. Tath (prapadhanam ) api ThvayA yEva

krupayA dhAthavyam.

(That (thought to perform )Prapatthi has to be granted

by You out of Your infinite compassion for a suffering

Mumukshu. You bless the Jeevan to reach a SadAchAryan

to start the travel on the path to Prapathti at Your

sacred feet ).


4. tath Bhavath CharaNa sangavathIm (mAm ) pasya

(krupayA avalOkaya).

( Therefore , please look at me , who has the greatest

attachment ot Your holy feet)


5. mE avasTAm (krupayA) pasya

( Please look compassionately at my suffering as a samsAri).


6. mE avasTAm pasyan upAya-phalayO:

uchitham (yath)-(tath) vidhEyA:

( after taking note of my suffering , please decide on

whatever is approriate among the upAyam (means )and

phalam (fruit ) for this long suffering jeevan

attached firmly to Your sacred feet ).


Let us now look at the pramANams behind the above six points

from Swamy Desikan's SrImad Rahasya Thraya Saaram :


1. SvayamEva Saadhyam :


1.1: SarvEshAmEva lOkAnAm PithA MaathA cha Maadhava:

gacchatthvamEnam SaraNam SaraNyam PurusharshabhA:

--BhAratham: Vana parvaam :161.56


( Oh the Bulls among men ! Oh PaaNDavAs! The Lord of SrI Devi

is the father and the Mother of the entire Universe .He is

the Rakshakan . Consider Him as the UpAyam and perform

SaraNAgathy at His holy feet!). This slOkam points out that

the effort has to be taken by an individual chEthanam to

gain the Lord's protection and that the means of SaraNAgathy

has to be adopted .


1.2: ThiruvAimozhi : 1.7.5 (First half)


viduvEnO ? yeNN viLakkai yennAviyai

naduvE vanthu uyyak-koLLhinra NaaTanai


I can not leave His feet.He is my very life breath,

path-illuminating dhIpam. He is my Master; adiyEn is His

loving , devoted servant.I will cling to His sacred feet

and seek His rakshaNam . This adiyEn has to do.During my

waywardness, He intervened and gave me protection even if

my upaaya anushtAnam was not perfect .


Here Swamy Desikan focuses on the Rakshya-Rakshaka LakshaNams

and points out the need for the making an effort to

seek SaraNAgathi by the mumukshu (One who desires Moksham).


2. " Yath prapadhanam mikhyam cha: " (This Prapatthi should be

complete with its five angAs of aanukoolya sankalpam,

MahA visvAsam et al to bear fruit ).Swamy Desikan refers to

the ParipoorNa Prapatthi that one has to do to gain Moksham.

Ahirbudhnya samhithai says: ShaD-vidhA saraNAgathi: while

taking into account the 5 angAs and the angi ( Bhara NyAsam /

Aaatma nikshEpaNam ). If the angi is not included , then

" NyAsa: panchAnga samyutha: " according to LakshmI Tanthram.

When all the five parts are there with the NyAsam , then

it is called Mukhyam or ParipoorNa SaraNAgathi.These five

angAs are: aanukoolya sankalpam , prAthikoolya varjanam,

KaarpaNyam , MahA visvAsam and GOpthruva VaraNam .These five

are essential ingredients for a ParipporNa saraNAgathi (mukhyam)

and they are grouped as " avinAbhUtha svabhAvangaL ' or

indispensable features/entities in paripoorNa SaraNAgathi.


3. " Tath (prapadhanam ) api ThvayA yEva DhAthavyam " :

( Even this prapathti , you have to help with through

Yourself standing as the most compassionate SiddhOpAyan

in place of all upAyams). You lead us to a sadhAcharyan

and out of the anugraham odf the AchAryan , one deveops Jn~Anam

about sva-svaroopam and MahA viswAsam to perform SaraNAgathi.

That blessing has to be confereed on us by You .


4 & 5 : Here Swamy Desikan prays to the Lord to take note

of his complete attachmnet to His sacred feet ( Bhavath CharaNa

sangavathIm mE avasTAm pasya)with compassion.


6. After taking note of my devotion to You and recognizing

that my SaraNAgathi is not be complete , please bless me

with whatever upAyam or Phalan that You may decide upon

as appropriate for the occasion (upAya PhalayO: uchitham

vidhEyA: ).


Swamy Desikan appeals to the Lord here and asks Him to decide

as to whether He should perfect his(Swamy Desikan's)

incomplete Prapatthi or be contented with the incomplete

prapatthi to grant the boon of Moksham sought by him.

Swamy Desikan does not press anymore with clever arguments

about his qualifications for the granting of such a magnificent

boon that the Lord alone can give. Swamy Desikan leaves it

up to the Lord of ThirutthaNkA after performing his prapatthi

in the best manner that he is capable of .


NamO NamO SrI VedAntha DesikAya ,

SrImath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam,

RaamAnuja Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan


P.S : For the past few days , I have not appealed to You all

about supporting the NithyArAdhana Kaimkaryam at ThUppul

and ThirutthaNkA dhivya desam . My mood seems to fit with

the spirit of this slOkam of Sri SaraNAgathi DhIpikai:

" Bhavath Charana sangavathIm mE avasTAm pasyan , Yath

uchitham Tath kuru " . Many of You have supported in recent

days , many kaimkaryams ( Upanishad Monograph Release ,

AzhwAr CD ROM release , SrI RanganAthA temple roofing support

et al). That is why adiyEn dared not to add this important

appeal to the many that I have made already .You have responded

magnificently as AasthikAs and PrapannAs . Thank you all !

Today , the core fund for NithyArAdhanam is at 12.25 laks

of Rupees . We need anothe r7.75 Laks of Rupees to reach

the end line . As Swamy Desikan is fond of saying : " Oh Lord !

You have helped me travel this far ! I place my trust in You

to lead me to the finish line of this journey " . This upadEsam

of our ParamAchAryan , I take to heart and pray for the well

being of Sri VaishNavAs and abhimAnis every where.

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