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[t'vengadam] Sri Vilakkoli Perumal, Thoopul/ThirutthaNkA dhivya dEsam:NithyAradhana Kaimkaryam : Part 61 , SlOkam 57

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Dear BhakthAs:


Today , adiyEn will cover the Fifty Seventh slOkam

of Sri SaraNAgathi DhIpikai , where Swamy Desikan

prays for the blessings of SrI DhIpa PrakAsan for

the realization of Kaimkaryam to Him rooted in

the unification of his Mind, speech and body

(KaraNa Thrayam)as a Prapannan :


Tatthva-avabhOdha-samitha-prathikoola vrutthim


kruthvA Thvad-anya-vimukham krupayA Svayam maam

sphAthim dhrusO prathilabhasva jagath-JananyA:


SrI SaraNAgathi DhIpikai: SlOkam 57




Oh ViLakkoLi PerumAnE! You should bless adiyEn to

be the beneficiary of AchArya KatAksham to gain

a clear understanding of the three Tathtvams so that adiyEn

does not engage in deeds prohibited by Your SaasthrAs.

Oh Lord of ThirutthaNkA ! You must bless adiyEn to

perform kaimakryams for You with all my three karaNms

(Vaak-Manas and SarIram ) aligned in the same direction .

You must further grant adiyEn the unassailable firmness of

mind to seek no one other than You as my Master.If You were

to bless adiyEn compassionately this way , You will be

the benficiary of the auspicious glances of Your dear

Consort.She will be so pleased with the DayA that You

have shown as a concerned parent to one of Her children

(adiyEN) that She will be so happy with You and shower You

with the greatest signs of affection . Oh Lord ! Please do not

miss this opporunity to recieve that soubhAgyam from Your

dear Consort , SrI Maragathavalli!


Additional Comments


Swamy Desikan's first request to the Lord is:

" Tatthva avabhOdhanam kuru " ( Please bless me

with the true knowledge about the Tathtva Thrayam

through AchArya anugraham ). Why is this emphasis

on gaining true knowledge about Tatthva Thrayam

and what are these Tatthva Thrayams ?


The three Tathvams are: ChEthanam , achEthanam and

Isvaran.Swamy Desikan houses the deliberations on

the Tatthva Thrayam in the Fifth Chapter of SrImad

Rahasya Thraya Saaram , his magnum opus. A clear

comprehension of these three Tatthvams is a must for

any one , who seeks Moksham.If they do not understand

these Tathtvams , then they will be headed towards

a journey of delusion driven by the false beliefs :


(1) " SarIrAthma bramam " ( confusion that the body is

the same as AathmA ).


(2)SvatantrArTa bramam ( Jeevan is independent and

is not the liege of the Lord .Jeevan thinks that it

is a Svatantran and not a Bhagavath parAdhInan)


(3)anIsvara Vaadha ruchi ( taste for the conviction that

there is no Isvaran: nirIswara MeemAsaka view ).


All of these confusions will interfere with the performance

of the upAyams for Moksham ( Bhakthi or Prapatthi yOgam).

This obstruction to Moksham is what Swamy Desikan

refers to as " samitha prathikoola Vrutthi " .


The Tatthva Thrayam has been summarized as " BhOkthA-

BhOgyam-PrErithAram cha mathvA Sarvam BhOktham

Thrividham BrahmamEtath " . BhOkthA is the Jeevan,

BhOgyam is achEthanam and PrErithA is the Lord and

together they form the Tatthva Thrayam.In the 11th slOkam

of SaraNAgathi DhIpikai , Swamy Desikan saluted

the paramountcy of the Lord over the ChEthnams and

His blessing the jeevans with Karthruthvam (doership)

and BhOgtruthvam (enjoyership) as part of their pravrutthi

(EedupAdu). Lack of understanding or misintrepretation of

the Tatthva Thrayam therfore interferes with the Parama

PurushArTam ( the jeevan's supreme goal) of Kaimkaryam

to the Lord with unity among the Mind , Speech and

Body ( Kaimkarya Labdha KaraNa thraya Saamarasyam).


Once the three Tatthvams are clearly understood with

AcArya anugrham --arising from the Lord's katAksham --

then the Jeevan does not look at any dEvathA as

superior to or equal to SrIman NaarAyaNan ( Thvad-anya

vimukam kruthavAn ). That svaroopa Jn~Anam of the Jeevan

pleases the Lord and He blesses the Jeevan with

the ParamAnugraham of Moksham once he does Prapatthi.

When that happens,SrI Maragathavalli ThAyAr is overjoyed

with Her Lord's ParmAnugraham to Her child and

She casts her affectionate and auspicious glances at

Her Lord.She is Jagath Janani (Mother of all the ChEthanams

of the Universe). Her dhrushti ( glance) is known for

the growth of all Isvaryams .She casts her benovolent

glances at Her Lord for His MahOpakAram to Her child .

Her face blossoms like the Lotus at the sight of

the rising Sun ( Jagath JananyA: dhrusO: sphAthi).


Swamy Desikan tempts the Lord to be blessed with

the boon of the auspicious glances of His PirAtti

arising from Her Joy that the Lord has played His

role as Sarva Rakshakan and Sarva Loka SaraNYan .

Swamy Desikan suggests that the Lord should not

miss such a great opportunity .


Swamy Deesikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan


P.S : Please do not forget Your support for

the NithyArAdhanam for Swamy Desikan and

SrI DhIpa prakAsan at the dhivya dEsam of

ThirutthaNkA. adiyEn will be leaving for

ThUppul/ThiruttaNkA on Aug 8 and will be happy to

hand carry Your SamarpaNam for this Kaimkaryam .


PathinettAm Perukku is on August 3 , 2003.

On that day , the river Cauvery will be flowing

in abundance touching both of its banks . Families

will assemble with chithrAnnams and enjoy the bounties of

harvest . adiyEn hopes to bring this Kaimkaryam on

writing about SrI SaraNAgathi DhIpikai to a conclusion

on August 3 . Swamy Desikan's compassion for us

is seen as a great flood touching the two shores of

Ubhaya VedAntham carrying the rejuvenating nectarine

message of SaraNAgathi for our ujjevanam (Upliftment

and release from SamsAric afflcitions).


Please help as much as You can with the NithyArAdhanam

core fund for our great AchAryan , who opened our eyes

to the grandeur of our SampradhAyam focused on

the unconditional surrender to SrIman NaarAyaNan

as our Parama PurushArTam.

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