Guest guest Posted September 18, 2002 Report Share Posted September 18, 2002 ChithrabhAnu , KanyA Maasam , PurattAsi 1: Sarva Parivarthanai EkAdasi, SravaNa Vratham shrIH shrImate vakuLabhUShaNa mahAdeshikAya namaH shrImate rAmAnujAya namaH shrImate nigamAnta mahAdeshiKAya namaH shrImad GopAlArya mahAdeshikaiH anugRihItam shrI deshika divya sahasranAma stotram shrImannigamAnta mahA deshika - divyasahasranAmAvaLiH(68-90) *********************************************************** 68.(PrAnavam) PurANOkthAnEka-Tatthva Srushti-krama nirUpakAya nama : Salutations to the Great AchAryan , who proved the correctness of various Tatthva Srushti Kramams cited by PurANams. Different PurANams describe the order of creation of Tatthvams from the prakruthi matter(Dhravyam).In his Sri Sookthis of Para matha Bangam and SarvArTa Sidhdi, Swamy Desikan clarified the questions of hierarchy related to the creation of the sub-tatthvams from prakruthi. Swamy observed that the PoorvAchAryAs did not rule on the correct order among these different evolutions starting from Prakruthi since they were more keen on the seekers comprehending the key differences between three Tatthvams like ChEthanam , achEthanam and Iswaran instead of dwelling deep into AchEthanam , which subdivides into Prakruthi, Kaalam and Suddha Satthvam . Swamy clarified the existing confusion on which came out of prakruthi and their sequence of appearance. There are 24 counts in Tathtva Srushti starting from Prakruthi and ending in PruTvI. The sequence is prakruthi--> Mahath ---> AhankAram ( Saathvika, Raajasa and Taamasa ahankArams). Out of the three kinds of ahankArams arise the 11 Indhriyams ( 5 Jn~ana Indhriyams , 5 KaramEndhriyams and Manas ) and 5 BhUthams ( AakAsam , Vaayu ,Agni , Jalam and Pruthvi) and 5 TanmAthrams ( Sabdha, Sparsa , Roopa, Rasa and Gandham). Sabdha TanmAthram gives birth to AakAsam ;latter gives rise to Sparsa TanmAthram; latter produces Vaayu , which in turn yields Roopa tanmAthram; latter gives birth to Agni , which in turn produces Rasa TanmAthram ;latter gives raise to Appu ( water). From Appu , Gandha tanmAthram and that in turn gives the last of the Pancha bhUtham, PruthvI. TanmAthram is the dhravyam between the two bhUthams and is the kaaryam of the first bhUtham and the KaaraNam for the second bhUtham . TanmAthram is like the state between milk and curd (Thayir). 69. (praNavam) Parakaala-krutha SvarNa-bhimbha- sthEyA virOdha dhrusE nama: Salutations to the SadAchAryan , who examined and concluded that " the stealing of the golden statue " of BuddhA by Thirumangai Mannan was not against the dictates of SaasthrAs! Legend has it that Thirumangai Mannan " stole " a golden statue of BuddhA , melted it and used the revenue generated from it to perform kaimkaryams at the SrIrangam temple. In his SrI Sookthi, SthEyA virOdham ( no longer available), Swamy Desikan proved that the acquisition of that golden statue from the Budhda vihAram at Naagapattinam by Kaliyan was neither theft nor a sinful act. In his Para Matha Bangam , Swamy Desikan observed that Manu Smruthi law , which approves of a king confiscating the wealth of the unrighteous and using it for the benefit of auspicious deeds. Swamy PaAsara Bhattar has also said (SrI RangarAja Sthavam: slOkam 36) that Thirumangai Mannan won over the adherents of other Mathams in debate and acquired the golden statue as a trophy. 70.(PraNavam) SvatantrAshtOtthrasatha virOdha-parihAra- vidhE nama: Salutations to the SadAchAryan , who identified the 108 doubts that might arise in VisishtAdhvaitha darsanam and came up with the answers for resolving them in his SrI Sookthi, VirOdha ParihAram . The Rahasya Grantham , VirOdha ParihAram contains the 108 potential doubts that might arise and Swamy Desikan's responses to clear these doubts. VirOdha ParihAram is the Rahasya grantham created by Swamy Desikan after he completed his magnum opus , Rahasya Thraya Saaram out of compassion for us . 71.(PraNavam) Raghupungava gadhyasrujE nama: Salutations to the great poet , who blessed us with the sweet and majestic gadhyam about the Vaibhavam of SrI Raamachandran ! 72.(PraNavam) Krutha-GOpAlavimsathayE nama: Salutations to the Kavi Simham , who composed the madhura sthOthram on KaNNan known as SrI GOpAla Vimsathi ! 73.(PraNavam) GOpapUrgathi bhadrAsAsana-thushta- ThrivikramAya nama: Salutations to that SadAchAryan , who went to ThirukkOvalUr (GOpalapuram) and performed MangaLAsAsanam for Thrivikraman through the SrI Sookthi of DEhaLIsa Sthuthi and made the Lord GOpAlan happy. 74.(PraNavam) DEhaLIsa-sthuthi preethAdhi-aadhibhaktha- sthutha MaadhavAya nama: Salutations to that AchAryan , who placed SrI DehaLIsa Sthuthi at the sacred feet of the Lord , who was worshipped by the Mudhal AzhwArkaLs and pleased the Lord of GOpAalapuram with his own sthOthram ! The Aadhi BhakthAs referred to here are Poygai, BhUtham and pEy AazhwArs , who were squeezed by the Lord in the narrow space of a DEhaLi and benefitted from the darsana soubhAgyam of the Lord with His divine consort SrI DEvi , the three AzhwArs celebrated their aanandhAnubhavam through their three ThiruvandhAthis . The nAmam of Maadhavan is used by Thirukkudanthai Desikan deliberately to remind us that the Mudhal AzhwArs saw the Lord with His divine consort ( ThirukkaNDEn ) and celebrated the fundamental doctrine that the Lord in the company of His PirAtti (a sLakshmipathi) is the Para Tatthvam for us. 75. (PraNavam) HasthisailEsa PanchAsath sthutha naagAchalEswarAya nama: Salutations to that Great VaradarAja Bhakthar , who bequeathed us with the divine sthuthi known as SrI VaradarAja PanchAsath containing 51 slOkams! 76. (praNavam) SrI Chihna mAlAhva kruthi preetha sajjana maanasAya nama: Salutations to the great AchAryan , who blessed us with the SrI Sookthi known as " Thirucchinna Maalai " to please the hearts of the saadhu janams. At one time , during the travel of the Uthsava Moorthy, Lord VaradarAjan around the Raaja Veethis Of Kaanchi , some protested that the dhivya Prabhandhams shoud not be recited in His GhOshti. Swamy Desikan won over this protestors in debate and established that " Dhivya Prabhandham recitation in front of the Lord is " a Vaidhika ritual " and resumed the Uthsavam . The AaasthikAs of Kaanchi were very pleased with the outcome of that debate and the Lord Himself was so moved that He presented Swamy Desikan with one of His two Thirucchinnams as His recognition of the Kaimkaryam. 77. (PraNavam) DhvAdhaSAkhyAna gATAkruthE nama: Salutations to that great AchAryan , who blessed us with the SrI Sookthi Known as Panniru ThirunAmam extolling the Vaibhavam of the twelve VyUha Naamams of SrIman NaarAyaNan. 78. (PraNavam) NyAsa gATA vidhAyakAya nama: Salutations to the SadAchAryan , who bequeathed the PeraruLALan SaraNAgathi-related SrI Sookthi named " Adaikkala patthu " . 79. (PraNavam) arTapanchaka sangrAhitha gATAkruthi VichakshaNAya Nama: Salutations to that great AchAryan , who had the skill to condense the elaborate meanings of ArTa panchakam in his short prabhandham known as " aruttha Panchakam " . One who desires Moksham (Mumukshu) should comprehend clearly five doctrines : (1) The nature of the Supreme Brahman (PrApyan) who is sought after as the one to be attained (2) the nature of the Jeevan , which longs to attain Him (3)The means (upAyam ) to attain that goal (4) The fruits arising from the anushtAnam of that UpAyam (5) The obstacles that stand in the way of reaching that coveted goal. 80. (PraNavam) VaishNavAvasyaka dinacharyAkrama vidhAyakAya nama: Salutations to that MahAchAryan , who blessed us with a SrI Sookti named " SrI VaishNava dinasari " to instruct us on the daily anushtAnams to be followed by a SrI VaishNavan. 81. (PraNavam) SrI Hasthigiri mahAthmya kruthE nama: Salutations to the great AchAryan , who composed the SrI Sookthi of Hasthigiri MahAthmyam ! The hill on which the Lord of Kanchi incarnated during the Yaj~nam of Braham dEvan is Hasthi Giri . To remind us of the glory of this hill due to the avathAram of Lord VaradarAjan , the prefix of SrI has been added here before Hasthigiri in this sahasranAmam. 82. (PraNavam) KruthAshtabhujAshtakAya nama: PraNAmams to the SadAchAryan , who blessed us with the AshtabhujAshtakam about the ArchA Moorthy (Ashtabhujakaran) of Ashtabhujam temple at Kaanchi. This sthuthi has 8 slOkams in praise of the Lord with Ashta Bhujams . 83. (PraNavam) YathOkthakAri sthuthikruthE nama: PraNAmams to the great AchAryan , who bequeathed us with the VegA sEthu SthOthram about " SonnavaNNam Seytha PerumAL ( YathOkthakAri) of ThiruvehhA . 84. (PraNavam ) Krutha KaamAsikAshtakAya nama: PraNAmams to the SadAchAryan , who blessed us with a sthuthi on SrI VeLukkai Narasimha BhagavAn containing 8 slOkams. 85. (PraNavam) Prapatthi dhIpikA preetha SrImath DhIpa PrakAsakAya nama: PraNAmams to that matchless AchAryan , who composed SrI SaraNAgathi DhIpikai to celebrate the doctrines of SaraNAgathy that he performed at the sacred feet of SrI DhIpa PrakAsan of ThirutthaNkA dhivya Desam , whose agrahAram is ThUppul.Swamy has referred to in this sthuthi that he composed this SaraNAgathy-related sthuthi at the behest of the righteous ones(bhAgavathAs): " SathAm niyOgath " krutham. 86. (PraNavam )PrapannAnvaha sambhAvya ParamArTa- sthuthi priyAya nama: Salutations to that matchless AchAryan , who blessed the PrapannAs with a SthOthram known as " ParamArTa Sthuthi " for use in the daily anushtAnams of PrapannAs. This sthOthram is about SrI VijayarAghava PerumAL of JaDAyu KshEthram ( Thirupputkkuzhi dhivya dEsam). At the end of this sthuthi , Swamy Desikan himself has suggested : " anasooyuabhirAdharENa bhAvyA ParamArTasthuthiranvaham prapannai: " ( This delectable ParamArTa Sthuthi should be recited daily by PrapannAs without jealousy and should be recited with SraddhA ). 87. (PraNavam ) SudarsanAshtakOddhUtha srEyoBhAdhaka sanjayAya nama: PraNAmams to that compassionate AchAryan , who banished the assembly of sins that block the righteous way of chEthanams through the creation of SudarsanAshtakam. Some suggest this Ashtakam was composed to banish the cold fever that bothered the people of Thirupputkkuzhi; others say that this was composed at ThiruvahIndhrapuram before defeating the contestants from other mathams in a debate before Lord DeivanAyakan. 88. (PraNavam) sajjanaardhayA-SAsanaArta ShOdasAyudha- samsthuthayE nama: PraNAmams to that ParamAchAryan , who composed the ShOdasAyudha sthOthram for the enhnacement of the srEyas of the righteous ones ! This SthOthram saluting the Vaibhavam of the sixteen weapons of SrI Sudarsanar is also considered to have been created for reducing the sufferings of the people of Thirupputkkuzhi , when a flu type epidemic held its sway there. Swamy states in the body of this sthuthi: " SrEyasE bhUyasE sathAM " ( For the benovolence of the Saadhu Janams of Thirupputkkuzhi). 89. (PraNavam) SrImath VenkatanATiya mangaLAsAsana priyAya nama: PraNAmams to that SadAchAryan , who enjoyed immensely the sevai of ThiruvEnkatamudayAn! The SrImath Sabdham is added in this Sahasra Naamam by Thirukkudanthai Desikan since the Lord of Thirumalai is SrinivAsan , the Lord on whose chest AlarmEl Mangai ThAyar resides . 90. DayAsathaka veeNAgIthi preetha SrinivAsakAya nama: PraNAmams to the Great AchAryan , who pleased Lord SrInivAsan of Thirumalai through his VeeNA ghAnam , which took the form of DayA Sathakam ! Swamy Desikan composed a profound sthOthram to eulogize the DayA GuNam of Lord SrInivAsan and made the Lord of Thirumalai happy with that sthOthram. There are 108 slOkams in this sathakam. In the 104th slOkam , Swamy Desikan states that he was the VeeNA in the hands of Lord VenkatEsan and it was the Lord , who played on that VeeNA to create this SrI Sokthi ( VaihArikENa vidhinA samayE gruhIthAm, VeeNAvisEshamiva VenkatasailanATa:). VAzhi vyAkhyAmuddirak kai !!! VedAnthasUri charaNau sharaNam prapadye !!! SrI LakshmI HayagrIva ParabrahmaNE nama: Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SaThakOpan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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