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The Stranger

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Srimate SrivanSatakopa Sri Vedanta Desika yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:




The Stranger



The BrihadAraNyaka Upanishad speaks about a peculiar Stranger. This

Stranger resides pretty close by, in fact inside ourselves. He functions as the

inner controller of the body and the soul, while being distinctly different from

both. Neither the soul nor the body realise His existence, much less know Him

intimately. We know not what He looks like, what His attributes are, what He

stands for and what is the relationship between this Stranger and ourselves.


" Ya Atmani tishttan Atmana: antarO yam AtmA na vEda yasya AtmA sharIram ya

AtmAnam antarO yamayati sa ta AtmA antaryAmi amruta: " says the Upanishad.




We are filled with sadness.


We know our neighbours thoroughly. In fact, we take a healthy interest in their

doings, and voice impartial (!) criticism about their deeds of omission and

commission, all, of course, in the interests of good neighbourliness.


We know our colleagues at office intimately, and take genuine pleasure in

apprising some of them of the shortcomings we observe in the others. We take

care never to wound feelings by talking to people about themselves-we always

voice our feelings to others.


We know our relatives inside out and try our best to improve their lot in our

own way, whether they like it or not. We know our leaders and matinee idols, we

know our celebrities and intimate details about their ways of life.




It therefore makes us sad to learn that there is someone, that too residing

within ourselves, who has escaped so far from the ambit of our all-encompassing

knowledge which we had so far considered comprehensive.


However, when we read on, we find that the situation is not so bad. There are

others too, of considerable distinction, who share our ignorance. For instance,

we find that this sprawling, wide world is equally ignorant about this Stranger,

who has the Universe as His abode and controls it from inside-


" Yam prithivyAm tishttan prithivya antarO yam prithivI na vEda yasya prithivI

sharIram ya: prithivIm antarO yamayati sa ta AtmA antaryAmi amruta: "




As if this were not enough, the TaittirIyOpanishad adds to our woes by putting

this Stranger's form beyond our ken-


" na sandrisE thishttathi roopam asya, na chakshushA pasyati kascha na Enam " . Sri

Nammazhwar concurs with this thought by saying that He cannot be seen by

ordinary human eyes- " KaNgaL kAndarku ariyanAi " .




Our eyes, ever sharp to identify and announce the shortcomings in others, are

just not enough to grasp this Stranger's form. We find this hard to believe. We

have at our disposal the most modern of scientific instruments, which enhance

our vision to take in the minutest of microbes and the most distant of stars in

the heavens. Then how come this Stranger continues to elude our vision?




Even if the Stranger is beyond our vision, can He at least be visualised? No,

says Sri Nammazhwar, putting Him beyond mental imagery too- " evarkkum chintaikkum

gOcharam allan " . He cannot be captured by our intellect or mind, says Sri

Alavandar- " namO namO vAng manasAti bhoomayE " says he in his Stotra Ratnam.




Can we at least identify this Stranger's gender? Azhwar says that this person is

neither male nor female, nor even an intermediate creature. It is impossible to

see this person. However, this doesn't make the Stranger non-existent. Looking

to the difficulties in sizing up this Stranger, Azhwar gives up the task and

throws up his hands-


" AN allan peN allan allA aliyum allan


KANalum AgAn uLan allan illai allan


PENum kAl pENum uruvAgum allanumAm


KONai peridu udaitthu em pemmAnai koorudalE "




Compounding the problem, this Stranger does not have a definite form, says the

JitantA Stotra- " na tE roopam na cha AkAra: " .


If we try to know Him from His origins, we find that He is without one.

" apramEya: " says the Vishnu Sahasranama. We are unable to find His parents, if

He had any. He appears to be a person without a beginning and an end- " anAdi

nidhana: "




A person is known by the company he keeps, says the adage. By this token, when

we try to find out the company the Stranger keeps, we find that He is one of a

kind ( " Eka: " ) and beyond compare, being without an equal or superior-


" oppAr mikkArai ilaiAya mAmAyA!' says Sri Nammazhwar.




Now we really despair and are ready to give up. Adding fuel to fire, Sri

Tondaradipodi says that He is beyond the reach of even exalted souls like Brahma

and Shiva, despite their penance lasting several millennia-


" PeN ulAm sadainAnum Piramanum unnai kANbAn


eNNilA oozhi oozhi tavam seidAr veLgi nirpa " .


It is really frustrating to learn that the Stranger is present everywhere,

occupying the space inside and around all beings. Whatever we see and hear has

this Stranger in its midst, thus making Him omnipresent ( " antar bahischa tat

sarvam vyApya. stittha: " ). However, even if He is present everywhere, we are

unable to see or feel Him, try as we might.


Would anybody tell me how to find this Stranger?




Srimate Sri LakshmINrsimha divya paduka sevaka SrivanSatakopa Sri Narayana

Yatindra Mahadesikaya nama:


Dasan, sadagopan.







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