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PurattAsi SravaNam: Swamy Desikan's MangaLAsAsanam of the dhivya damapthis: Part II

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SrI MahA Devi SamEtha Sri VaradarAja ParabrahmaNE nama:


Dear BhakthAs:


After being seated on the Tanga Kaittalam , Swamy Desikan

goes around the Dhvaja sthambham and arrives at the UdhayabhAnu

manTapam prior to entering the ThoNDaradippodi Vaasal. From

the Vaahana Mantapam , the sthOthra Paata GhOshti follows

Swamy Desikan and recites Kattiyams in between the selected

passages form a wide ranging sthOthrams of Swamy Desikan .

This recitations continue from the time of starting from

UdhayabhAnu Mantapam to return to Vaahana Mantapam

during the late evening.







Here, AbhIthI sthavam slOkam (25th ) is recited

by the ghOshti:


Bhujanga Vihangama pravarasainyanATa : PrabhO

TaTaiva KumadhAdhayO nagara-gOpura-dhvArapA:

achinthya Bala vikramA: Thvamiha desasamrakshakA:

Jithantha ithi vaadhinO jagadanugrahE jaagrathu


What a beautiful choice of a slOkam for benediction

prior to start of the MahOthsavam of MangaLAsAsanam !


(meaning of the SlOkam ): Oh Lord of SrIrangam (standing

on Hasthigiri as SrI Varada NaarAyaNan)! AdhisEshan, Garudan,

VishvaksEnar , Kumudhan and other leaders of the sEnai,

the defenders of Your city, gOpuram and the gates have

valor , heroism and strength that is difficult to comprehend

and grasp( achinthya Bala vikramA:). They are determined

to defend Your dhivya dEsam (APARAAJITHA)like you and

share Your zeal in this matter. They are thinking constantly

about Your victory over all evil forces and are performing

MangaLAsAsanams for You(JithanthE ithi vaadhina:/ May Thou

be victorious)). we pray that these divine servants of

yours will protect not only Your dhivya desam but will extend

the intensity of their protection to the entire world

(JagadhanugrahE jaagrathu)!




After the prayer for Jagath RakshaNam , Swamy arrives

at ThoNDardippodi gate and the sthOthra ghOshti recites

the following slOkam :


visvaprINana visvakarma-rachanA-chAthurya-kaatharyathai:

silpai: kalpayathIva maNDanamasou chEthasTithEr MaNTapa:

ratna-sthambha bhuvOpi rasmaya imE sOpAna gOpAnasI-

madhyam yathra kavakshayanthi vihitha-prathyagra chithrakramA:


One is reminded of the aananda Maya maNTapam referred to

by the Upanishad Vaakyam : " Sahasras-sTUNE " . It is filled

with the ghOshti of the Lord's nithya kinkarALs.Swamy

ParAsara Bhattar refers to this Aanandha Maya MaNTapam

in one slOkam of His SrI RangarAja Sthavam .


The Kattiyam for Swamy Desikan rings forth thereafter:


VisvathisAyee VisvAmithra gOthra-bhUshaNa:!

ananthaguNa sEvathE: AnanthasoorE: aathmasambhava!


Oh Swamy who is the aabharaNam of VisvAmithra gOthram ,

the object of salutation of the entire world ! Oh Swamy

who is worshipped by all limitless aathma guNams!

Oh the celebrated son of Ananthasoori!


After this Kattiyam , Yethsarikai to start the PuRappAdu

is recited:


Yethsarikai Swamy Yethsarikai

Vijayee bhava ! Vijayee Bhava! Vijayee Bhava!

yethsarikai Swamy yethsarikai!


As Swamy Desikan crosses the ThoNDaradippodi gate ,

Lord VaradarAjan's PuNyakOti VimAnam comes into sight .




The sthOthra ghOshti salutes now the PuNyakOti VimAnam

which arose out of the Agni Kuntam in the Yaaga Vedhi of

Chathurmukha BrahmA with the Lord inside it:


YacchAyamAsrithya vinirmitham yath-

puNyam bhavEth kODiguNam vivruddham

Tath PuNyakODithi bhuvi prasiddham

vimAnarAjam bhuvi bhAvayAma:


The world celebrated king of VimAnams named

PuNyakODi VimAnam is worshipped here.The origin of

the name , PuNyakODi is addressed here .




After PuNyakODi VImAna Darsanam in the yonder horizon,

Swamy Desikan arrives now at the first Sannidhi

( Ramar Sannidhi ) for His MangaLAsAsanam. Here

SrI Raghu Veera Gadhyam is recited with great

majesty( The text and commentary on SrI Raghu Veera Gadhyam

has been archived in Bhakthi postings of previous years)

and the recitation of eight slOkams celebrating

RaamAvatharam follow.Two of the eight slOkams are from

DasAvathaara SthOthram (8th slOkam) and

from SrI VaradarAja PanchAsath (25th slOkam):


The 8th slOkam of SrI DasAvathAra sthothram commencing

with the line , " PaarAvArapayO viSoshana kalApArINa

kAlAnala-- " :


(Meaning ): Lord Ramachandran is a matchless villALan/dhanvI

(brilliant handler of the bow and arrows). He is the embodiment

of all dharmams (Dharma svaroopi). The activities of

the arrows sent by Him are terror striking . His arrows

have the power to dry up even the waters of the ocean ,

when Samudhra Raajan ignored His request for help to

build a sEthu (dam) over his (samudhrarAjan's ) waters.

Lord Ramachandran's arrows have the power greater than

the agni at the time of PraLayam. Our Lord of such valor

and glory has the mukhya vratham of protecting every one

who sought His refuge even once ( sakruth prapanna janathA

samrakshaNaika vrathI) . This Lord of ours known for

His soulabhyam and anantha kalyANa guNams should bless us

with freedom from practising adharmams of every kind.


The 25th slOkam of SrI VaradarAja Sthavam saluting

Lord VaradarAjan as SrI Ramachandran takes this form:


yEnAchala prakruthinA ripu samkshayArTI

vArAm nidhim Varadha poorvam alangyasthvam

tamm veekshya sEthu manunApi sarIravantha:

sarvE shaDUrmi bhauLam jaladhim taranthi


(meaning): Oh the Matchless Boon giver ! Today's

samsAris cross the ocean of worldly afflictions

known for its six terror causing waves--Hunger ,

thirst , suffering , ajn~Anam , old age , death--

by having the darsanam of the bridge (dam ) that you

built with the help of monkeys and bears to cross over

to LankA to destroy the raakshasAs there and their

king , RaavaNan. The samsAris also overcome their

inauspicious six guNAs --desire, anger , greed, ignorance ,

pride and jealousy--and gain auspicious aathma guNams by

the darsanam of Your Sethu (Raama Sethu) .


The other slOkams in praise of Lord Raamachnadra are:


1) Nama: Tasmai kasmaichana bhavathu nishkinchanajana-

svayamrakshA dhIkshA samadhika samindhAna yasasE

SurAdhIsa svaira KshaNa kupitha sApAyudhavadhU--

dhrushatthA dhurjAtha prasamana padhAmbhOja rajasE


(Here , Lord Raamachandran's matchless glory of

protecting without fail those , who sought His refuge

and AhalyA Saapa VimOchanam through the power of

the dust from His Thiruvadi is celebrated).


2)rAkAnthE ruddhalanka: chyuthaphaNikadanO DhUmradhrugvajradhamshtrou

bangthvAkampam Prahastham Dasamukhamakutam KumbakarNathikAyou

BrahmAsthracchinna KumbhaadhikamaTa MakarAksham cha hathvEndhra chathrum

jithvaa gasrais thribhstham sahabalamavadhIth RaavaNam Raamabhadra:


(Here , the Yuddha KhANDam activities of Raghuveeran

are remembered and saluted.All the events leading up to

RaavaNA's death from the arrows of the Lord are recalled).


3) vishayibhirasou vakthrair-ghOram manOrajanIcharam

prasamayathi yO yunjAnAnAm prabhOdhasarOthkaram

Janaka suthayA DevyA jushtO disAthabhayam sathAm

DasaraTa suthO Deva: SrImAN DayAmrutha Vaarithi:


( The nectarine waves of DayA of the Lord Raamabhadran ,

who grants Abhaya pradhAnam in the company of His Devi,

Janaka SuthA is remembered here. The entire Abhaya PradhAna Saaram

dealing with Paratatthva NirNayam of the Lord ,His SaraNAgatha

Rakshakathvam , SaraNyaseela Prakasa Tatthvam ( Varadha !

SakalamEthath-samsrithArTam chakarTa , the salutation of

KurEsar in SrI VaradarAja Sthavam reminding us that

the Lord has put at the disposal of His adiyArs His

ubhaya VibhUthi , ThirumEni and Aathma Svaroopam),

SaraNya Vratha visEsha PrakAsam are implied here).


4) AyOdhyA dhivyEyam vahathi SarayUrathra VirajA

vibHOrEthE yoopA vidhi niyama nirmuktha pasava:

akuNDa svAtanthrya svapadham adhirOhannvasarE

SahAnaishIdhEsha sTira Charamasesham Raghupathi:


Here, the vaibhavam of SrI Raghupathi granting the superior

lokams to all chethanams and achEthanams at the time of

His return to SrI Vaikuntam at the end of His avathAram

as described in the Utthara KaaNdam section of SrImad

RaamAyaNam and the ThiruvAimozhi Paasuram of Swamy

NammAzhwar ThiruvAimozhi : 7.5.1


( kaRpAr RaamapirAnaiallAl maRRum kaRparO ,

puRppA muthalA pulleRumpAthiyonRinRiyE,

NaRppAl AyOthtiyil vaazhum charAcharam muRRavum ,

naRppAlukkuyutthanan NaanmuhanAr peRRa nAttuLE ).


5) Bhagavathi BharadhvAjE Bukthi: TaTA SabarIgruhE

PrabhuranusruthO VisvAmithra: plavangapathis-taTA

BhrugupathitapO loonam dhrushti: KhagasTa cha DakshiNA

Jayathi lalaithOtthungaa vrutthi: dasaasyaripOrithi


(Some other incidents from SrImad RaamayaNam --Enjoyable

Feast for Rama and his retinue at BhardhvAja Aasramam ,

Sabari's offering of fruits , journey with VisvAmithrA ,

travel with the chiefs of monkeys , loss of penance by

ParasurAma , loss of one eye by Kaakam --are activities

of the enemy of RaavaNa , Our Lord Raamachandran.


6) silAdhE: sthrIthvAdhi vipariNathirasthvadhbhutham idham

tathOapyEtacchithram yadhutha dahanasyaiva himathA

thruNasyaivAsthrathvam ripushu nihatharEva hithathA

padhathrENaivEha thribhuvana parithrANamithi cha


The glories of Raamachandran in protecting beings of

the three worlds are saluted here.


7. dharpOdhagradhasEndhriyAnana manO nakthanjarAdhishtathE

dEhEasmin bhaavasindhunA parigathO dhInAm dasAm aasthitha:

adhyathvE Hanumath-samEtha guruNA prakhyApithArTa: pumAn

LankAruddha VidEharAja tanayA nyAyEna laalapyathE


Additional vaibhavam of Lord Raamachandran , who besieged

LankA in helping the suffering samsAris are saluted here.

HanumAn is mentioned here in anticipation a special

Haaratthi for him , whose Vaibhavam is the subject

matter of Sundara KaaNDam.


After the recitation of the sthOthrams on Raghu Veeran ,

aaratthi for HanumAn in His sannidhi takes place . A slOkam

praising the valour and vaibhavam of AnjanEyar is recited :


pariNatha phalagrAsa sraddhAjigrkshitha BhAskara:

PavanagarudaspardhAna praveeNa javOlpana:

dasamukhapurIdhAhOthsiktha svavAladhi Vaibhava:

Raghupathi RaNArambha kreeDAraTOayamupasthitha:


The early exploits of Baala HanumAn in jumping at

Sooryan thinking that latter was a fruit to eat ,

the quenching of His lit tail in the ocean

after burning LankA city and the sportful but

deadly activities of HanumAn in the war of

Raghupathi at LankA are saluted here


Swamy Desikan recieves now MaryAdhais from Lord Raamachandra

(Theertham , Garland , SaThAri ) and this kattiyam rings forth:


KavithArkika kalabhavraja kaBalIkruthi Simha!

Sakala VidhyA vaahinI Janmasaila!


Yethsarikai is announced and Swamy Desikan

proceeds to the next sannidhi of Thiru AnanthAzhwAn,

who is a Nithyasoori and serves the Lord in

SrI Vaikuntam and VibhavAvathArams .





Anantha-khyAthisampanna: suddha sathva sudhIbala:

dhatthE bahuvidham bhOgai: sruthidhrushti sTiraasraya:


Many glories associated with AdhisEshan as prathama nithyasoori

( Umbrella when the Lord is standing , Throne when He is sitting ,

Bed when He is reclining and sandals , when He walks as

well as accompaniment in Raama-KrishNa avathArams and

later as AchArya RaamAnuja in Kali yugam) are hinted here.


JagathyasEshANi yadhEkasEshE paryankathAm yasccha gatha: praTimnA

alankaneeyam mahimAnamanyai: bhajathyasou bhAvitha sEshabhAva:


AdhisEshan's unparalleled sEsha Vrutthi is saluted here once more.


After AdhisEsha mnagaLAsAsanam with the above two slOkams ,

Swamy Desikan recieves MaryAdhais from AadhisEshan at

the MadaipaLLI prAkAram or AaLavanthAr MURRam , where

AaLavanthAr first saw from distance RaamAnujA . This is

followed by the recitation of the 43rd slOkam of Garuda

PanchAsath that begins with : " Slishyath RudrAsukeerthi--- "

where Garuda Bhagavan's mighty arms are eulogized.The other

top nithyasoori is saluted with the above 43rd slOkam .




In the same MadaipaLLi prAkAram is the sannidhi of

KarumANikka Varadhar.This is exactly where AaLavanthar

saw RaamAnujA as a student and prayed to Lord Varadhan

to enable RaamAnujA to become the illustrious

SampradhAya Pravarthakar. That famous SaraNaagathi

prayer by AaLavanthAr salutes the limitless power of

Lord VaradarAjan that makes deaf hear , blind see, lame run ,

the dumb speak and even the maladi gets a child :


yasya prasAdhakalayA Bdhira: sruNothi

pankhu: pradhAvathi javEna cha vakthi Mooka:

andha: prapasyathi sutham labahdhE cha VandhyA

Tamm DevamEva Varadham SaraNam gathOsmi


Another SlOkam starting with , " LakshmI nEthrOthpala-

SrIsatataparichayAdEsha samvardhamAna: " is recited next

at KarumANikka Varadar Sannidhi.


Kattiyam for Swamy Desikan follows:


sraddhAtavya Saranya dhivya dampathi dayA dhivyApagAvyApaka!

thrayyanthaprathinandahaneeya vividhOdhanatha!


After Yeccharikai , Swamy moves on to the MangaLAsAsanam

of MadaipaLLi NaacchiyArkaL with the first slOkam of

SrI SaraNAgathi DhIpikai:


PadhmApathE: sthuthipadhEna vipachyamAnam

pasyanthviha prapadanapravaNA mahAntha:

madhvAkyasamvalithamapyajahath svabhAgam

maanyam YathIsvara MahAnasa sampradhAyam


Here the salutation is to MadaipaLLi Vazhi vantha

SampradhAyam . The reference is to MadaipaLLI

AacchAn , who performed MadaipaLLi Kaimkaryam

and served as a prime disciple of AchArya RaamAnujA.

another slOkam saluting this tradition that came to

us via Kidambi (MadaipaLLi) AacchAn ( 1057-1157 A.D)

is the subject of another Kattiyam:


After MaryAdhai at MadaipaLLI NaacchiyArkal,

two more verses are recited to salute KidAmbi

(AthrEya) AcchAn :


ithi YathirAjamahAnasa parimaLa parivAha vaasithAm piBhatha

vibhudha parishannishEvyAm VedAnthOdayana sampradhAya sudhAm


VedAnthOdayana was a title given by AchArya RaamAnujA

in recognition of his erudition in VedAntha.


The salutation to KidAmbi AacchAn is followed by

a Kattiyam for Swamy Desikan :


YathirAjamahAnasa parimaLa parivAha vaasitha

VedanthOdayana sampradhAya paripOshaka!

yathipathi sampradhAya nirapAyadhanOpachitha!


Yethsarikai is announced and Swamy Desikan

now travels further and has the darsanam of

SrI PerumdEvi ThAyAr's KalyANa Koti VimAnam .


(To Be continued)


Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SaThakOpan



















SrI MahA Devi samEtha Sri HasthigirIsAya namO nama:


Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan

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