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PurattAsi SravaNam MangaLAsAsanam at Kaanchi:ThAyArSannidhi:Part V

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SrI MahA Devi SamEtha Sri VaradarAja ParabrahmaNE nama:


Dear BhakthAs:


After the honors for Swamy Desikan at the ThAyAr

sannidhi MahA Navami MaNTapam and recitation of SrI Sthuthi,

hAratthi takes place at Garudan Sannidhi and Four slOkams

in praise of PakshirAjan are recited by the GhOshti :


1) aryamNA dhuryayOkthra grasana bhayabhruthA


kODaNDajyAm jigrushEdhithi chakithadhiyA

sanktha: SamkarENa

talpE kalpEtha maa thE mathirithi HariNA api

aadharENa anuneetha:

PakshIndhras-thrAyathAm na: Phanadhara mahishI



-- Sri Garuda panchAsath: SlOkam 27


(Meaning): Here, the fear of Sooryan, Sivan and EmperumAn

about the destruction of all the serpents due to

His anger over them en masse. Sooryan was worried

that the serpents serving as the nostril chain (PoottAnkayiru)

for His seven-horsed chariot will be devoured. Therefore ,

Sooryan asked for the intercession of AruNan ,His charioter

and the brother of Garudan to intervene and save

those serpents , which are integral entities of

His raTam. Sivan had a major serpent as the chord

for His bow. Sivan was worried about any harm to His bow .

EmperumAn was concerned about His bed , AdhisEshan.

He requested Garudan not to think about AdhisEshan

as His food. In response to these requests from

Sooryan , Sivan and EmperumAn , Garudan destroyed

all other serpents and made their wives amangalis.

May that powerful PakshirAjan protect us !


2) VaamE Vaikunta sayyA phaNipathi kaDakO

Vaasuki brahmasoothra:

rakshEnnastakshakENa graTitha kaDitaDs-

cchAru KaarkODa haara:

Padhmam karNEapasavyE praTimavathi mahA

padhmamanyathra Bhibrath

chooDAyAm SankhapAlam GuLikamapi bhujE

dakshiNE Pakshimalla:


--SrI Garuda PanchAsath: SlOkam 36


(Meaning): Here , the adornment of famous 8 serpents

by Garudan as ornaments in the different parts of

His body :He wears AdhisEshan and GuLikan as two

bangles on His left and right hands respectively.

Vaasuki is worn as His sacred thread; Takshakan

is the waist band;KaarkODan is worn as necklace;

on his right ear is seen Padhman and on the left ear

is seen MahA Padhman as ear rings/KuNDalams;On His

Crown is seen the sarpam , SankachUDan . May this

Garudan with the adornment of the 8 MahA sarpams

protect us !


3) This slOkam salutes the kaimkaryam of Garudan to His Lord

during RaamAvathAram from Naaka Paasam on top of SuvEla hills

of the city of LankA:


vEgOdhvEla: suvElE kimidhamithi miTO

manthrithO VaanarEndhrai:

maayA maanushya leelAmabhinayathi Harou

labdha sEvA visEsha:

VaidhEhi karnapoora sthapaka surabhiNA

Ya: samAslEshI dhOshNA

thrushNA pAriplavAnAm Sa bhavathu GarudO

dhukkhavaariplavO na:


-- SrI Garuda PanchAsath: SlOkam 48


(Meaning): SrIman NaarAyanan took the avathAram

of a Human Being (Son of DasaraTan) and performed

the abhinayam of one undergoing the experiences of

joy and suffering with His own sankalpam. During

that avathAram, He fought RaavaNA , who abducted

His wife (SithA PirAtti) and engaged Indhrajith,

the son of RaavaNan in combat. Indhrajith used

the serpent arrows (NaagAsthram ) to tie down both

Raaman and LakshmaNan in the battle field .Recognizing

this problem caused by the NaagAsthrams , Garudan

swept down in a big hurry. The monkey chieftains on

SuvEla malai could not figure out the object moving

down with the speed of a missile and discussed among

themselves as to what that object would be . Once the

serpents binding the Lord and His brother saw

the approaching Garudan, they took flight and

removed their bonds. Raamachandran got us and

embraced tightly Garudan for the timely service

rendered.Raamachandran's shoulders carried still.

The fragrance of the flowers worn by SithA PirAtti

in Her ears. May that Garudan embraced by the Lord

help us engaged in pursuit of petty things by taking

the form of a Boat across the ocean of SamsAric misery.


4) The fourth and final slOkam used for the mangaLAsAsanam

of Garudan also comes from SrI Garuda PanchAsath and refers

to the kaimkaryam done by Garudan to the Lord during His



dugdhOdhanvath prabhUtha: svakamahimA praTur-

VishNunA KrishNanAmnA

pincchA kalpAnukalpa: samagaDi sudhruDhO

yathpradhishDa: kirIDa:

virO VairOchanAsthra-vranakiNa guNithO-


sanghAtham sarpagAthI Sa harathu mahathAm

asmath adhyAhithAnAm


---SrI Garuda PanchAsath: SlOkma 49


(meaning): VirOchanan was the son of Bhaktha PrahlAdhan .

He was performing Kaimkaryam for the Lord at the Milky ocean.

Our Lord was deeply engaged in His Yoga Nidhrai. VirOchanan

had an evil thought at that time . He stole the Lord's

crown and ran off to the nether world.When the Lord woke up

and blessed the sages that visited Him , they found that

the Lord's ThiruvabhishEkam (Crown) was missing and they

figured out that VairOchanan must have absconded with

that divine crown.They prayed to Garudan to retrieve

the crown from VairOchanan's secret hide out in PaathALam.

Garudan arrived quickly at the nether world and engaged

VairOchanan in combat.Vairochanan hurt Garudan with his

arrows and the marks of those arrows added to the welts

formed from the earlier comabts of Garudan with Indhran ,

when Garudan was hit by the VajrAyudham . Garudan chased

away VairOchanan and ascended from PaathALam and travelled

across the skies. At that time , Garudan had the darsanam of

Lord KrishNan playing with His friends as GOpAlan at

BrundhAvanam. Garudan recognized His Lord and descended

from the skies and placed that gigantic crown of

KshIrAbhdhi Naatan on the head of the child KrishNan

(Baala GOpAlan). Once the big crown was placed on His

head, the Lord made the Crown fit His smaller head

as a child. That crown fitted exactly and became second

to the peacock feather , which was His favorite aabharanam.

May this servant of the Lord , who presented the divine

crown and had the darsana soubhAgyam of His Lord wearing

this crown destroy the bonds of SamsAram !


At the end of the recitation of the above four Garuda

PanchAsath , MaryAdhais for Swamy Desikan are offered .

Next the air is resonant with the auspicious sounds of

SrI Garuda DaNDakam . At the conclusion of that recitation ,

Swamy arrives at Lord Narasimhan's (Guhai Narasimhan's)

sannidhi . Haaratthi for Lord Narasimhan takes place.

Eight grand slOkams saluting Lord Narasimhan ring forth.


(To be continued)


Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

SrI MahA Devi samEtha Sri HasthigirIsAya namO nama:

Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan

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