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SrutaprakASikA edition released etc

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SrImatE rAmAnujAya namaH

SrImatE nigamAnta mahAdESikAya namaH


SrImatE abhinava-dESika vIrarAghavArya mahAdESikAya namaH


namO nArAyaNa!


Subject :


* Release of SrutaprakASikA edition

* Publications in 2002

* Invitation for sponsorsing the publication of few books

* Books availability for buying


Dear bhaktas,


On the auspicious thirunakshatram of SrI KEtANDapaTTi SwAmi

(aippasi-moolam; 8th Nov 2002), the kUTasthar of the lineage

to which SrI UttamUr SwAmi belongs, the precious SrutaprakASika

edition by SrI UttamUr SwAmi (and later re-edited by SwAmi's

disciple " MahAmahOpAdhyAya " SrI SrIvatsA~nkAchArya

SwAmi) published by " Sri Uttamur Viraraghavachariar Centenary

Trust " was released by SrI SrIbhAshya-SimhAsanAdipati

SrI PuriSai NaDAdUr KRushNamAchArya SwAmi and the first

copy recipient was " MahAmahOpAdhyAya abhinava-sudarSana

bhaTTa SrI PerukkAraNai ChakravarthyAchArya SwAmi, under

the adhyakshakam of SrI PayyampADi VE~nkaTavaradAchArya

SwAmi (the successor to SrI UttamUr SwAmi in that lineage).


All these three mahAns spoke about the greatness of SrI-BhAshyam,

SrutaprakASika etc, pUrvAchAryas and also about " abhinava dESika "

ie. SrI UttamUr SwAmi.


SrIbhAshya SimhAsanAdipati SrI VillUr NaDAdUr -

KaruNAkarAchArya SwAmi spoke about three instances of his

liking from SrI UttamUr SwAmi's tippaNi to SrutaprakASika

named " SudarSana SEvA " - the interesting one of which was

on the resolving of the apparent conflict between SrutaprakASika

and its commentary " BhAvaprakASika " by " Upanishad BhAshyakAra "

SrI Ra~ngarAmAnuja Muni on the number of sAmAnAdhikaraNyas

used by advaitins [context : tat-tavm-asi vichAram in SrI-BhAshyam].


SrI MannArkuDi RAjagOpAchArya SwAmi spoke on the

topic related to " mImAmsA " from SrI UttamUr SwAmi's

Sudarsana SEvA, wherein clarification is brought out between

the way SrI-BhAshyam and SrutaprakASika explains a particular

Sruti text.


This edition also has good Introduction by SrI UttamUr SwAmi

apart from an excellent treatise called " Upayukta MImAmsA "

on the mImAmsA knowledge necessary for VEdAnta.


Also included are SrI-SUktis of the pUrvAchAryas (verses/poetic

type; not prose) on Bramha-SUtras, like SrI KEtANDapaTTi

SwAmi, SrI MukkUr Azhagiyasi~ngar [who donated for some

of the important publications of Sri UttamUr SwAmi].


SrI SrIvatsA~nkAchArya SwAmi has added very useful

informations as well.


Thanks to SVSS for channeling the funds, which made the

publication possible. Special thanks to Smt Radha Rangarajan,

SrI Srinath Chakravarthy and SrI Mani Varadarajan for

sponsoring the first volume of this two volumed publication.


It is priced at Rs.500/- per set [ie.two volumes].



In this year 2002, Sri Uttamur Viraraghavachariar Centenary

Trust has re-printed the following books by SrI UttamUr SwAmi :


1. Tamil commentary with word-to-word meaning for

Bhagavad GIta. Also for gItArtha sa~ngraha of

ALavandAr and SwAmi DESikan. Rs.100/-


Sponsors : SrI Madhavakannan and Sri Achutaraman.


2. Upanishad SAram - Tamil work on the salient teachings

of important upanishads.


Sponsors : SrI-VaishNavas at Bahrain.


3. SrI BhAshya SAram : Tamil work on the essence of each

adhikaraNam in SrI-BhAshyam - Only till second pAda

of first adhyAya has been written by SwAmi. For the rest,

SwAmi has asked to refer his tamil translation of

Bhagavad RAmAnuja's VEdAnta Deepam itself. This was printed

in a magazine run by SrI PayyampADi VE~nkaTavaradAchArya

SwAmi earlier.


SrI UttamUr SwAmi's article on second pAda of second adhyAya

is in SudhA-rasa man~jari malar published on the eve of

" vAkamRuta varshi " SrI VELukkuDi VaradAchArya's

thirunakshatram. This is also incorporated.


This is published for the first time as a book - covers

till the second pAda of second adhyAya.


4. VaikhAnasa Vijayam : A short Sanskrit work on this Agama.

[srI SrIvatsA~nkAchArya SwAmi's bhUmika included]


5. Tamil commentary and word-to-word meaning to Sri-ChatuSlOki

and Stotra Ratnam.


Apart from this, BhEda SAmrAjyam of KOzhiyAlam SwAmi

was also published. This Sanskrit work establishes

ViSishTAdvaita SiddhAnta from Upanishads.



Books planned to be released on the eve of

thirunakshatram of " abhinava dESika " - thai svAti

(Jan 25, 2003) :


* BhAvaprakASika edition re-print - TTD


* KEna etc Upanishads with commentary by SrI Ra~ngarAmAnuja

Muni and gloss by SrI UttamUr SwAmi re-print


Sponsor : SrI KastUri VaradarAjan, through SVSS.


* RakshA Grantas by SwAmi DESikan re-print


Sponsors : Almost finalized..., through SVSS.



Sponsorship for the publication of the following

master-pieces by SrI UttamUr SwAmi [reg advaita

ViSishTAdvaita polemics] has already

been obtained. They are planned to be released

by 2004 Or may be within 2003 itself :


* ParamArtha PrakASika.

Sponsor : SrI M.S.Hari and Singapore bhaktas.


* ParamArtha BhUshaNam.

Sponsor : SrI Kumar Kannan.




Sponsorship for the re-print of the following books

are invited :


* Bhagavad GItA with GItA-BhAshyam, TAtparya ChandrikA

and UttamUr SwAmi's tippaNi, extensive Inttroduction.

(approx. Rs.140,000/-).


* Taittriya etc Upanishads with SrI Ra~ngarAmAnuja

Muni's bhAshyam and SrI UttamUr SwAmi's tippaNi

(approx. Rs.90,000/-)


* AchArya BhAshya TAtparya - Detailed commentary

to SwAmi DESikan's commentary upon ISAvAsyOpanishad

(approx. Rs.40,000/-)


* MImAmsA SudhAsvAdA - SrI UttamUr SwAmi's commentary

to MImAmsA-NyAya-PrakASa

(approx. Rs.35,000/-)


* VaiSEshika RasAyanam - SrI UttamUr SwAmi's commentary

to VaiSEshika darSana SUtras.

(approx. Rs.30,000/-)


There are many other books to be re-printed. Will let

you know if anyone is interested.


Those who are in USA and Canada can avail tax-exemption

by donating through SVSS (check to be issued in the

name of NAMA Inc with memo column reading " Uttamur Swami's

Books " ). Contact person is Smt Nagu Satyan

<satyan 7821 West Alder Drive, Littleton,

CO 80128,USA.


Those who are in India can avail tax exemption by

donating directly to " Sri Uttamur Viraraghavachariar

Centenary Trust " 11, Hasthigiri St, Chennai 600-033,India.


Sponsorship needn't be by a single individual for a

book; It can be shared by few bhaktas as appropriate.


Those who are interested to contribute, are kindly

requested to contact me <kgk.



The complete list of books available for buying

[which includes SrI UttamUr SwAmi's commentaries to the

following : 4000 Divya-Prabandha pAsurams, SrI-BhAshya,

SrImad Rahasya Traya SAram, NyAya-PariSuddhi, AdhikaraNa

SArAvaLi, Paramata bha~ngam, DramiDopanishad TAtparya

RatnAvaLi and SAram (in tamil), Tarka Sa~ngraha] will be

released by Jan 25,2003.


Anyone interested to buy the available books (inclusive

of the books to be released during Jan 25,2003), please

do contact me at kgk.


The books will be mailed by first week of Feb,2003.


For those in USA, it will be around $110 inclusive of the

sea-mail charges by which the books will reach US within two

to three months.


For those in India and elsewhere than US, contribution of

Rs.3500/- + mailing charges will be good enough for sending all

the books available by Feb first week.


For those who want specific books too, please do contact

me at kgk.



Awaiting good response for this very important kai~nkaryam

about which lots have been written in the previous years,


rAmAnuja dAsan,


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