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ThiruvahIndhrapuram RathnAngi Kaimkaryam: Part III

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ChithrabhAnu Kaarthikai RohiNi ,

ThiruppANa AzhwAr avathAra dinam




Dear BhakthAs:


On this auspicious day of Kaarthikai BharaNi ,

the uplifting day of the avathAram of the divine

bard , " mudhitha Mukunda vilOkana MunivAhana

Sukavi " , adiyEn will continue with the salutations

to Lord DEvanATan of ThiruvahIndrapuram

and anticipate with aathuram the completion of

the RathnAngi Kaimkaryam for Him adored by

Swamy Desikan through his SrI Sookthis .

With our AchArya Saarvabhouman's anugraham ,

the kaimkaryam should see completion (poorthi)

before the next PurattAsi SravaNam at Thiruayindhai.


Let us enjoy the secone slOkam of Sri DEvanAyaka



SlOkam II


DEvAdhinATa KamalA-pruthanEsa-poorvAm

dhIpthAntharam VakuLabhUshaNa-nATa mukhyai:

RaamAnuja Prabruthibhi: paribhUshithAgrAm

gOpthreem jaganthi Gurupankthim aham prapadhyE


Extended Meaning


Swamy Desikan offers here his deep salutations to

the SrI VaishNava Guru Paramparai . He addresses the Lord

of Thiruvainthai as DEva adhinATa ( The Emperor of all

the DEvAs)and His divine consort , HEmAbhjavalli ThAyAr

as " KamalA " next in the AchArya paramparai. From there on ,

Swamy Desikan continues with his salutations to the row of

AchAryAs starting with VishvaksEnar (PruthanEsar) , who is

third in the line of our AchAryaas . VishvaksEnar is followed by

Swamy NammAzhwAr with the eternally fragrant VakuLa garland

(VakuLa BhUshaNar) .


Swamy NaaTamuni of Kaattu MannAr KOil , who recived upadEsam

directly from Swamy nammAzhwAr at AzhwAr Thitunagari is saluted

next in the paramparai of AchAryAs . The continuing

paramaparai after Swamy NaaTamuni --UyyakkNDAr , MaNakkAL

Nampi , AaLavanthAr, Periya Nampi-- are referred to as

" NaaTa Mukhyai: " Tis row of AchAryAs starting from

Swamy NammAzhwAr and concluding with Periya Nampi

is recognized as the middle portion of our AchArya

Paramparai (Guru Pankthi). Sriya: Pathi ( Lord DEvanATan

Here ) ,His divine consort ( Kamala) and VishvaksEnar

are recognized as the head portion of this Guru Pankthi.

The final row of AchAryAs are occupied by SrI RaamAnujA

and HIs successors down to Swamy AppuLLAr , the AchAryan

of Swamy Desikan himself.


This AchArya paramparai without parallel lights up

the way in the surrounding darkness of SamsAram and

removes the ajn~Anam of SamsAris and leads them on

to SrI Vaikuntam via the archirAdhi maargam. Swamy

Desikan performs Prapatthi to this illustrious

AchArya paramaprai and prays for the successful

conclusion of this SrI Sookthi on Lord DEvanAyakan

of ThiruvahIndhrapuram.


Additional Thoughts


Swamy Desikan visualizes the SrI VaishNava AchArya

Paramparai in three distinct rows. The Poorva bhAgam

(Front end) is constituted by the Lord , His divine consort (MahA

Lakshmi) and Her disciple , SrI VishvaksEnar .

The madhya (middle portion)shines with Swamy NammAzhwAr,

Naatha Muni, UyyakkoNDAr , MaNakkAl Nampi,AaLavanthAr

and Periya nampi. The concluding section starts with

AchArya RaamAnujA and proceeds further down to Swamy

Desikan's own AchAryan ( Swamy AppuLLAr). From AchArya

RaamAnujA , AchArya Paramparai for Swamy Desikan

proceeds along this divine path: ThirumadaipaLLi

AacchAn , KidAmpi RaamAnuja PiLLAn , KidAmpi

Ranga RaamAnujAcchAr , Swamy AppuLLAr .


This slOkam is a brilliant Guru ParamparA Vandhanam

by Swamy Desikan . This vandhanam has to be performed

first and foremost in any of our sacred activity .

AchAryan can not be considered as a mere human being

by us; AchAryan has to be considered and saluted as

the incarnation of our Lord Himself.


AchAryan is Moksha KaaraNam for us all . PerumAL is

the First AchAryan in our row of AchAryAs and it

concludes with our current (Prakrutham ) AchAryan

in this glorious row of AchAryAs.Swamy Desikan devotes

his attention to AchArya Vandhanam and elaborates on

the importance of salutations to Guru ParamparA in

the Guru ParampaparA Saaram chapter of SrImad

Rahasya Thraya Saaram :


Gurubhyas-tadh-gurubhyasccha namOvAkaam adhImahE

vruNImahE cha TathrAdhyou DampathI JagathAm Pathi:


(meaning): We offer our salutations to our own

AchAryan and His AchAryAs by reciting the Namas-sabdham

(Nama: yenRa sollai OthuhirOm ). Further ,We invoke

the SaraNya Dampathis as the means(UpAyam) and goal/

fruits (Phaan) of our Prapatthi.


EmperumAN Is the PraTamAchAryan (First among AchAryans)


In SrImad Rahasya Thraya Saaram's chapter on Guru ParamparA

Saaram, Swamy Desikan deals with the Tathtvams behind

EmperumAn's role as the First AchAryan and as an AchAryan

without an AchAryan . He struggles all the time from

time immemorial to lift us the Bhaddha Jeevans out of

the mire of SamsAram driven by His infinite DayA for us

through the following means and keeps at it:


1) Our PraTamAchAryan creates Brahma and instructs

him on the Four VedAs.


2) When those VedAs are stolen by the Asuraas from BrahmA ,

He incarnates as Lord HayagrIvan and recovers them and

gives them to His son , BrahmA.


3) He spreads Bhagavad Saasthrams to the world through BrahmA.


4) He blesses the sons of BrahmA --Sanath KumArar,Sanakar ,

Sanandhanar and sanAtanar--to create the granthams(Samhithais)

that would be beneficial to the world.


5) He protects further the VedAntha SampradhAyam from

haani by commanding Sages Naaradhar , ParAsarar , Sukhar,

Sounakar to create PurANams and other samhithais.


6) He enters into sage VyAsar (KrishNa DhvipAyanar) throuhg

anupravEsam and blesses them to create IthihAsams like

MahA BhAratham and fundamental VedAnthic texts like Brahma Soothram.


7) He incarnates as Hamsam , Mathsyam , HayagrIvan and as

Nara-NaarAYanan as well as GithAchAryan to instruct the world

on the Tatthva Trayams and MokshOpAyams .


8) He asserts that the Tatthvams /artha visEshams

revealed by Him as intrepreted by MahA Jn~Anis

Like BhIshmAchAryan are indeed correct .He bears

evidence to the correctness of their intrepretations.


9) He blesses us with the PaancharAthra Saasthram

revealed first by Him in Krutha Yugam after it

disappeared at the end of Krutha , DhvApara and

at the beginning of Kali Yugam.


10) He incarnated agian as the Ten AzhwArs ( Swamy

NammAzhwAr to Thirumangai) and blessed us the Veda Saaram

in Agasthya BhAshai so every one can access the VedArthams.


11) He created many AchAryans after the AzhwArs to protect

the Veda Maargam in the southern land nourished by CauvEri ,

TaamraparaNi and other scared rivers.


12) Our Lord as PrathamAchAryan continues to reminds us

that AzhwArs and AchAryAs are His avathArams.


This is the essence of the summary of the UpakArams

done for us by the Lord as the First among AchAryans

adiyEn is grateful to Dr.V.N.VedAntha Desikan Swamy for

the above summary.


Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE saraNam ,

SrI Taranga Mukha Nandini SamEtha SrI DeavanAyaka SwAminE nama:

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan/SaThakopan

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