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[Fwd: Iramanusa Nootrandhadhi Velukkudi Swamy's Upanyasam (English Translation)]

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The irAmAnusa nootrandhadhi team of Vedics has been providing all of us with

lucid summaries of Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamy's discourses on this

devotional work in praise of Sri Ramanuja. This week's volume is

particularly inspiring for me.


I have been attempting to share the entire series with members of the

Society, but have missed a few postings along the way. I would like to

request that Sri Mukundan and Sri Narayanan please feel free to include

the International Ramanuja Society in the distribution of this series.


Thank you.


adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan



narayankv wrote:


> Volume VIII :-


> Volume Title : " Drishtaadrishta Phalamaagiya Iraamaanusa Naaamam "


> Thaniyan 4 :-


> Ini en kurai namakku, emperumaanaar thirunaamathaal

> Muni thandha noothettu saavithiri ennu nunnporulai

> Kani thandha senjol kalithurai andhaadhi paadi thandhaan

> Punidhan thriuvarangathamudhaagiya punniyane


> Let us look at the word by word meaning of this Thaniyan :-


> Ini en kurai namkku : What worries

> we could have when


> Thiruvarangathamudhaagiya Punniyane : Thiruvarangathamudhu who

> has done enormous

> Punyam that he

> got the bhaagyam of doing

> kainkaryam at

> emperumaanaars feet


> Punidhan : And who is considered to be

> so revered or sacred and

> gifted because of this

> great bhaagyam


> Paadi thandhaan : Who gave us the great gift

> thorugh his paasurams


> Kani thandha (or) Kali thandha : With Sweet words (or) with

> words that give us pride

> when we recite


> Senjol Kalithurai andhaadhi : Composed in Kalithurai

> Andhaadhi Style titled

> " Iraamaanusa

> Nootrandhaadhi " ,

> with most beautiful and

> sacred words used in it


> Emperunaar thirunaamathaal : Which has the Emperumaanaar

> Thirunaamam 108 times

> in 108 paasurams

> (Equivalent to Gaayathri

> manthram)


> Ennu Nunnporulai : Which has the essence or

> saaram of


> Noothettu Saavithiri : The great " Gaayathri

> Manthram " which is chanted

> for 108 times


> Muni thandha : That was given to us by the

> Lord (Muni) itself as the

> Veda Saaram or the essence

> of Vedas


> Summary of the thaniyan :-


> What sorrow we could have in our life when Thiruvarangathamdhu who

> has done enormous Punyam in order to be able to do kainkaryam to

> emperumaanaar and who is considered to be so revered and gifted

> because of his bhaagyam of doing kainkaryam at emperumaanaar's feet,

> has given us the great gift of " Iraamaanusa Nootrandhaadhi "

> that was composed in the Kalithurai Andhaadhi style and has the most

> beautiful, sacred and selected words explaining the greatness of

> emperumaanaar, and also containing the thirunaamam of emperumaanaar

> 108 times? Such a composition also has the essence or saaram of the

> " Gaayathri Mantram " which contains the essence of the Vedaas and is

> recited 108 times during our Sandhyaavandhanamn and was given to us

> by emperumaan itself.


> Here emperumaan is referred to as " Muni " for which we will see the

> explanation very shortly. When we have such a gift from

> Thiruvarangathamudhu, we do not need to worry about our lives in the

> bhoolokam and also in Sri Vaikuntam which are referred to as

> " Drishta " and " Adhrishta " Phalam respectively. Here, " Drishta Phalam "

> means the fruits of our deeds that we exeprience day to day in

> Bhoolokam and " Adhrista Phalam " refers to the fruits of good deeds

> that we will be experiencing in Sri Vaikuntam when we have

> emperumaanaar Sambandham.


> Now let us see the inner meaning of this Thaniyan through the

> Vyaakyaanam of Swamy Pillai lokam Jeeyar :-


> Drishta Phalam & Adhrishta Phalam :-

> ---


> In our sampradhaayam, we have two types of phalams i.e fruits that

> we experience for our karmaas whether good or bad. " Drishta Phalam " is

> the one which we experience in this Bhoolokam whereas the " adhrishta

> phalam is the one that we experience after this life whether in Sri

> Vakuntam or Swargam. Normally these two will never be balanced for

> us. If we live with great wealth and fame but we live in way that is

> against dharma, we might not get " Adhrishta Phalam " of enjoying Sri

> Vaikuntam or Swargam.


> On the other hand, if we have very good qualities and have done

> many karmaas that lead to Saathwik way, it may help reach " Sri

> Vaikuntam " but we would lived here with utmost poverty or experienced

> enormous pains and difficulties in crossing this ocean of Samsaara.

> That is why we say both these phalams do not go with each other in a

> balanced way. But when we chant the " Raamaanuja " thirunaamam, we will

> attain both " Drishta " and " Adrishta " Phalams. This means we will

> experience sukham when we are alive in this world and also

> once we reach Sri Vaikuntam. Hence this thaniyan tells the greatness

> of " Raamaanuja " naamam that is capable of making one attain both

> types of Phalams.


> Will Continue ...





> Vedic Iraamaanusa Nootrandhaadhi Team

> http://www.radioramanuja.com


> -----------------------------

> - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -

> To Post a message, send it to: bhakti-list

> Archives: http://ramanuja.org/sv/bhakti/archives/




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