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BhOgyAmrutam - bhUta krut

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bhUta krut (star-Ashwini)

bhUtani karOti it = The creator of all beings (everyone/everything).

pASuram : perumAL Tirumozhi-8-4 (KulaSEkharALwAr tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam)

samanvayam with pASuram : You have created the creator (Brahma) and thus became the actual creator. By yielding to the prayers of those (demi-gods) created by you, you have also become the created (You took the vibhavAvatArams and thus were created by the ones created by you).

bhUta krut = The creator of all bhUtAs (beings). Also, you are the one created by those beings (Created by you).

pASuram :

tAmarai mEl ayanavanai | paDaittavanE |

Having created the creator on the Lotus

tayaradan tan mAmadalAi | maidilitan maNavALA

O sItA patE, the son of DaSaradha

vaNDinangaL kAmarangaL iSaipADum | kaNapurattu yen karumaNiyE

O gem (nIlA maNi) of tirukkaNNapuram, where the bees keep singing in the kAmarai rAgam

yEmaru vum SilaivalavA |

O Capable one with the victorious bow

irAgavanE tAlElO

O Sri Rama, Sleep happily ( Sri KulaSEKharALwAr is singing nice lullaby to his litte Sri Rama ).

Detailed meaning :

1) Having created the creator on the Lotus :

You have created the Brahma and placed him on the lotus.

Placing on the lotus signifies your love for Brahma. You have protected him with your love (the lotus). You have provided Brahma with all the equipment required for creation. Thus, you are the actual creator (you did the vyaSTi SruShTi). You made Brahma do the SamiShTi SruShTi and conferred on him, the glory of being the actual creator.

Thus, you are the actual creator (bhUta krut).

The creation started with the lotus, which is your love. Love not only towards Brahma, but that which is mainly aimed at the upliftment of all the jIvAtmAs by giving them SarIrams and thus giving them the oppurtunity to do bhAgavatha sEva.

Thus the name bhUta krut, explains that extreme love which you have towards us, which had taken the form of action (kArya rUpam) i.e., which made you create.

2) The eldest son of DaSaradha : In order to protect us from RAvaNa, you have become the son of DaSaradha. Thus, out of love towards us, you have become bhUta krut (the one created by the beings).

3) SItA patE : You have accepted sage viShwAmitra as your AchArya. According to his orders, you broke Lord SivA's bow. In the process, you got married to our mother, sItA mAta.

You obey our AchAryAs words (prayers) and accept us as your people. Through our AchArya sambandham, we get this acceptance from you.

Taking birth (getting a body) cannot alone be called creation. The real creation is the one which uplifts the soul; that which re-unites the jIvAtmAs with you and gives them the oppurtunity to do the divine kainkaryam.

bhUtam = Atma + SarIram.

Not only do you create us (give us the SarIram), but you send an AchArya at the right time and through our AchAryA's prayers you accept us and give us the extreme intimacy i.e., kainkaryam to you at the highest level (like in the case of our mother).

4) O gem (blue diamond) of TirukkaNNapuram, where the bees keep singing in kAmara rAgam :

In their extreme eagerness to serve the Lord continuously, one group of bhAgavatAs have become the flowers at TirukkaNNapuram divya dESham. Their only wish is to be useful to the bhAgavatAs (archakAs) who worship the Lord there with utmost love.

Another group of bhAgavatAs have become the bees and have surrounded these highly fragrant and fortunate flowers. They are singing melodiously about the glory of these flowers and are earnestly striving to taste the nectar of divine love hidden in the hearts of these flowers.

For the sake of all these different groups of bhAgavatAs existing in different SarIrams to be totally useful to you, you have made the beautiful TirukkaNNapuram as your abode and are shining as its nIlA maNi.

This grandeur of TirukkaNNapuram divya dESham with its supremely radiant nIlAmaNi (Lord Sri Ramachandra) and the bhAgavatAs decorating it in various forms is really out of the reach of words. The amazing beauty of this diyva dESham leaves the onlookers dumb founded.

Thus you are enabling the bhAgavatAs to serve you in different forms to their heart's content.

Serving you and your devotees is the real purpose for getting a body. You have fulfilled both of these (giving a body and making it useful to you). So you get the name, bhUta krut.

5) O great one with the victorious bow :

This line brings to the memory, the episode where Khara and DuShaNa were slain by you. They thoroughly misused the power and oppurtunity given by you.

If one uses the body given by you to harm your people, you destroy that body.

Thus you are also the destroyer of the bhUtams (bhUtAni kruntati it) - bhUta krut.

This also shows that you are the one who actually carries out the complete cycle of creation, maintainance and destruction of the all the bhUtams.

6) O Sri Rama, sleep happily :

Sri KulaSEkharALwAr is singing a nice lullaby to his little Sri Rama who is about to fall asleep.

The extreme love displayed by Sri KulaSEkharALwAr, KouSalyA mAta, Sri PeriyALwAr towards their baby Lord is unmatched. They became His protectors and He, their protected one.

The Lord who strives continuously for many thankless beings without expecting anything from them in return, takes rest happily in the hearts of those who treat Him as their little fellow (with utmost love). And the above names stand out in that list.

Our KulaSEkharALwAr enjoyed this never ending bliss with his little Lord Sri Ramachandra, when Sri AlwAr decorated this earth. Now our KulaSEkharALwAr has attained the nityatvam of being the threshold of the entrance at Tirumala. He is continuously immersed in the joyful vision of Lord SrInivAsa and is the support for the dvAram which is serving the bhAgavatAs willing to have the darshan of the Lord.

In this way, the Lord keeps giving divine bodies to the ones who desire to serve Him with extreme fervour.

So the name bhUta krut fits aptly onto Him and Only Him.

Jai Sriman Narayana


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