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bhOgyAmrutam - avyayaha

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avyayaha (star-aSwini) = na vIyatE - na vyavagamyatE iti = The one with no decrease in His divine qualities (ever lasting divine qualities).

He will not let go those who surrender to His srIpAdams.

pASuram : mudal tiruvandAdi - 39 (pOyagai ALwAr tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam)

samanvayam : There is no decrease in His kaLyANa guNams in all the incarnations that He takes. Those who surrender with love to His srIpAdams are the ones who have tasted such kaLyANa guNAs and have thus totally got enticed by Him. Once they experience His qualities, they cannot leave Him. Thus, He ensures that those who reach His srIpAdams are not let back into the samsAram.

A question may arise -- Does He totally see to it that we do not come back, once we go to Him?.

Yes...He does!!. But what if we wanted to go away from Him?.

The answer is that, He through His divine qualities keeps us totally glued to Him. Once we taste His qualities, we cannot bear anykind of seperation from Him even for a split of a second. He never leaves us and we will never leave Him. Isn't it the point of no return?. ( na ca punarAvartatE, na ca punarAvartatE )

For those , who constantly experience His divine qualities (which He displays in all His incarnations and archAvatArams), all materialistic pleasures loose their significance.

pASuram :

iDandadu pUmi | yeDutta tukunramThe earth is what He lifted | The mountain is what, He held aloft

kaDandadu | kanjnanai mun anjna |kamsa is the one, whom He intimidated and killed

kiDanda tuvum nIrOtamAkaDaLE |The great ocean (with the sounds of its gigantic waves) is where He reclines

ninratuvum vEngaDamE | pErOta vaNNar peritutiruvEngaDam is where He stands. The grandeur of that Lord, is beyond comparison.

Detailed meaning :

1) The earth is what He lifted : He took the varAha avatAram to save this earth. He thus protected all of us. There was no reduction in His protecting power, even when He took the varAha form. Out of mad love towards us, He takes all kinds of forms. He comes down to any extent to save us. Indeed, He descends to a level below us in order to protect and elevate us. He is like the mother who protects her kid which has fallen into a drain, by totally getting into the drain. Once we realize this, can we leave Him?.

2) The mountain is what He held aloft : There was no dearth of power and patience, even when He was in the form of a little Kid. Was that Kid a normal Kid?. That darling of all; that little one held aloft a huge mountain for seven full days and nights to protect His people.

3) Kamsa is the one whom He intimidated & killed : At a tender age, He attacked Kamsa. He has such ever lasting power, intrepidity and fame.

4) The great ocean is where He sleeps : He reclines on the AdiSESha in kShIra sAgaram, with all the completeness that He has in the paramapadam.

5) TiruvEngaDam is where He stands. The grandeur of that Lord is beyond comparison : He came down to the TiruvEngaDam with His full compassion (krupa), vAtsalyam (Love) and His captivating Lovely Form. There was no reduction in any of these.

He stands there continuously to grace us. He hardly gets any rest. For ages, He is straining Himself like that, out of extreme love for us. He feels - "If I sleep for a second, I may miss my dear child, who has come a long way to see me" - And how many such dear children, He has?...Uncountable.

If we were deprieved of our food and sleep for a couple of days (not even days, just for a few hours), we will not care for Him, even if He presents Himself before us. But, so great is the Love of our Lord, that He doesn't care for any pain, to grace us. His grandeur, His divine qualities are unparalled and are ever lasting. We should all pray, that our beloved one on the TiruvEngaDam gets ample rest in each of our hearts atleast.

If we realize this love, we can never go away from Him. We will never get troubled by the worldy afflictions if we surrender to His srIpAdams. He grants us such a state.

Indeed, this secret is what He conveys to us as Sreenivasa perumAL. His left hand points to His SrI pAdAms. His right hand indicates that the troubles of the world are just knee deep for those who surrender to Him.

Jai Sriman Narayana

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