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bhOgyAmrutam - 23 kESava

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I begin this nAma remembering our beloved Lord "Sri Chenna kESava Swamy" of Ongole. He has been silently protecting us generation after generation and has blessed us with the greatest gift - Our AchArya (though we have moved to the so called modern world and neglected Him). May all the fame, glory and power be with Him forever and may I be of use to Him in some form or the other, forever. I seek the blessings of all my forefathers who had worshipped this great Lord...



KESava = The one who is above ka (Brahma) & ISa (Siva); The slayer of demon kESi; The one with a wealth of beautiful hair.


pASuram : TiruvAimozhi 2-8-3 ( NammALwAr tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam )


samanvayam with pASuram : He is the kESava since He is the antaryAmi of both Brahma and Siva. He has an unmatched wealth of beautiful hair, which bespeaks His soundaryam and Iswaryam (opulence). And His divine deeds eminently suit His supreme stature.


pASuram :


puNarkkum ayanAy azhikkum aranAyBeing the creator Brahma and the destroyer Siva


puNartta tan undiyODu arattu mannaThrough the lotus originating from His navel, being the indweller


puNartta tiruvAki ttan mArvilWith LakShmi partnering Him on His chest


tAnSEr puNarppanThe one with deeds that befit His eminence


pErum puNarpu yengum pulaNEStunning feats that are celebrated all over.


Detailed Interpretation:

1) He becomes Brahma “the creator” and Siva “the destroyer”: He controls both Brahma and Siva as their inner ruler. He transcends all entities including ka – Brahma and ISa – Siva and is renowned as “kESava”.


2) Through the lotus originating from His navel; being the indweller: Brahma is not different from nArAyaNa in the sense that He is subservient and inseparable from nArAyaNa as His body (including His abode, the lotus).


It follows that Siva who came out of Brahma’s forehead derives the same subservience to SrIman nArAyaNa.


He scrupulously carries out the creation and destruction through Brahma and Siva as “KESava” (the controller of ka and ISa).


3) With LakShmi partnering Him on His chest : Our mother LakShmi is the abode of incomparable beauty and prosperity. The love and compassion that She has towards Her children complement Her external beauty in totality.


He is the “One” chosen by Her. The very fact that She adorns His chest with utmost joy, serves as a perfect reference to His inconceivable fame, glory and His surpassingly sublime beauty (external as well as internal). His magnetic charm is absolute in all respects. His captivating form beggars description and all His features eminently match His beauty.


His celebrated name “kESava” becomes all the more centroidal exactly in this context. “kESava” means – “The One with a wealth of beautiful hair”, which eloquently depicts both His soundaryam and Iswaryam (opulence).


4) The One with deeds that befit His eminence: His deeds are not the ones that can lessen His magnanimity, fame and glory. His deeds are fully in accordance with His beauty and eminence.


Our mother AnDAL says so in “nAcchiyAr tirumozhi” -2-5 – “Though you come and spoil the nice castles of sand that we children had built with a lot of effort, somehow we never get even the slightest of anger on you. O cunning mAdhava!, O my kESava!!, its just because of your lovely hair, charming face and an appealing form”.


veLLai nuN maNal koNDu Sittil viSittirappaDa vItivAi teLLi nAngaL izhaittakOlimWith the fine white sand, we built the special castles and decorated the streets...


azhittiyAkilum untanmElsuch nice showpieces were spoilt by you. Still in your case…


uLLam Odi urukalallAl | urODam onrum ilOm kanDAithough heartbroken, none of us are angry even to the slightest extent


kaLLa mAtavA kESavA un mukattan kangaL allavE

O cunning KriShNA!, my kESavA!!….Don’t you have eyes on you??


Though on occasions, His deeds bear a mischievous and cunning facade, they actually originate from His overflowing love towards us. In this case, it was the love towards those little girls who were happy in their own innocent world.


It is well known that the anger of little children is unbiased and is free from any kind of restriction (like the beauty of the object on which they are angry upon etc). Even such kids were awestruck with the beauty of our tiny goon and they couldn’t retaliate. Such is the bewitching beauty of our Lord “kESava” and equally notorious are His deeds.


5) Stunning feats that are celebrated all over: Needless to say, the acts of creation, destruction, maintenance and deliverance are outstanding.


The episodes of protecting gajEndra, prahlAda, draupadi are the prominent

ones that easily capture our imagination.


So also is His famous exploit of slaying the demon kESi, which earned Him the name – “kESava”. Even nArada maharShi panicked on seeing the demon kESi who disguised himself as a horse to harm Krishna.


This demon symbolizes a siddhAntam which advocates the thought that – “God does not exist”. It is pregnant with a logic, which can even frustrate the likes of nArada. He ripped apart the speech and logic of those who promoted such a thought through His gItOpadESam. And that’s precisely why Our Lord Krishna became famous as the subduer of kESi – “The kESava”.



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