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bhOgyAmrutam - 25. sarvaha

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25. Sarvaha


= One who is every one = sarati gacchati iti = The one who is spread everywhere, the omni-present.


pASuram : TiruvAimozhi – 3-2-7 (NammALwAr tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam)


samanvayam : Lord Sriman Narayana has made everyone / everything as His divine body. He is spread everywhere. In spite of that we are not able to recognize Him and serve Him.


pASuram :


yennAnru nAm iruntiruntu iranki nenje

O Heart of mine, you keep suffering perennially.


meyn nAnam inri | vinai iyal pirappu azhunti

in endless births of struggle which are bereft of the tatva jnAnam


yenjnAnru mengum Ozhivara niraindu

Who is everywhere and who is the support of everything


meyn nAnacchOti kaNNanai mEvutumE

When will I reach that Krishna who is supremely radiant, being full of imperishable knowledge.


Detailed Interpretation:


1) O Heart of mine, you keep suffering in endless births which are bereft of tatva jnAna:


In this world, someone somewhere is always engulfed in pain and suffering. Why? It could be due to the loss of a dear one or a dear possession or it could be that they didn’t get their desired objects. In reality, the one who is the most lovable – Our Lord Krishna is present at all times in everyone’s heart. But we are devoid of such knowledge. This body that we are in as a result of several bhAgavatApachArAs never allows the generation of such a knowledge nor does it create any interest to go in that direction.


2) That Lord Krishna who lives in everyone / everything without leaving them, and who is the source of all the tatva jnAnam:



Lord Krishna has filled Himself in everyone / everything. He was like that in the past, is so currently and will continue to be so in the future. And so He is alluded to as ‘sarvaha’.


If our beloved AchArya is coming towards us in a car, we do not say that the car is approaching us. We say with joy that our AchArya is coming to grace us. We give prominence not to the car but to the AchArya inside it.


In the same way, we should cognize the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna inside everyone / everything. We shouldn’t limit our vision to the body or the soul that surrounds that supreme Lord. Seen in that perspective, everything / everyone is Lord Sri Krishna Himself. Such a jnAnam is called the tatva jnAnam.


3) Will I be able to meet the Supremely radiant Lord, who is full of such knowledge:


Our Lord continuously strives to create such a jnAnam in us and relieve us of our grief. For this, He makes Himself totally accessible to us in the form of our AchAryAs, by making them as His SarIram. Thus He always moves around us with the urge to impart the correct knowledge. But, we fail totally in recognizing Him.


Will we be able to at least recognize Him properly if not meet Him in any of our lives? If that’s the case, when is it that we can ever meet Him? It is possible?

The answer is – “Yes, Its possible”. The following slOkam (chapter 4. SlOkam 42) of Bhagavadh Gita asserts this. It was the 13th SlOkam of the GitA jyOti SlOkas selected by Our AchArya HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swami vaaru.


tasmAd ajnAna sambhUtam hruth sttham jnAnAsinAtmanaha

chhiththvainam samSayam yOgam AtthishTThOthisTTha bhAratha


Because of a lack of association with proper AchAryAs (tasmAt), you have developed ajnAnam. This ajnAnam has given birth (ajnAna sambhUtam) to a doubt deep in your heart – (hruthstham samSayam) – Whether I will get the blissful togetherness with my Krishna?

Now, cut (chitvA) that ajnAnam – with what? – With the sword of knowledge graced upon by the AchArya (jnAnAsinA) and get up, rise to serve the Lord who is in everyone / everything. You definitely have an inclination towards acquiring such a jnAna. Your name itself suggests that (bhArata).


In this way, Lets serve that Lord – sarvaha who is in everyone / everything, who is everything – And who is our Lord Krishna.


Enough of Lord Krishna and His greatness. We want a Lord who had actually shown us the way Himself right…Then…


Today is Sri Rama Navami. Lets turn our attention to Our Beloved Rama. That Lord, who led a life filled with stress and pain, just to show us an ideal man’s life. A life which lays the path towards acquiring such knowledge and which itself makes us dear to the almighty. A Lord who is full of only compassion.


We see lot of heartbreaks due to the loss and seperation from dear ones and the resulting pain felt by the heart. When our Lord descended to this earth as Sri Rama, He was separated again and again from His dearest partner – our beloved mother, once due to destiny, once to uphold the law of His kingdom. He expressed His pain as though His heart was being cut with a knife continuously and was bleeding.


His heart is the Heart. Its fully filled with love and only love. Love for everyone. Such is Our Lord – sarvaha – for whom everything / everyone is His SarIram. Everyone is His own precious possession. He cannot bear separation from us. He cannot see the suffering of anyone. Suffering of any person, is to Him like the pain in some part of His own body.

And if anyone can claim to be so, it is only our Lord Sri Ramachandra. If at all we wish to be in anyone’s loving embrace, it should be the embrace of our Rama. His heart is The heart which has felt the pain and which understands our heart fully. When He hugs us close to His heart, surely all our sufferings will come to an end then and there itself. That love in His heart, which is highly contagious will find its way to our heart and we will start serving Him with extreme love. What more knowledge is required?


At the same time, we should pray that one Rama avatAra was enough and the Lord should not suffer anymore for our sake by taking such incarnations. But the memory of that Rama should be always there with us and should deliver us of all the pains and sufferings; The memory of the little Baby Rama, who has come for us today and is waiting for us to lift him up and kiss Him. When He was a little Baby that time, He didn’t know that He had to suffer so much through out His life. He was happily sleeping in His mother’s lap and playing with His dad. Lets now see to it that the baby Lord who has come to us today is not subjected to any such pain again and lets take care of Him fully.


Jai Sriman Narayana

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