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Q.163) We came to know that your devotees started a

website under the heading “UNIVERSAL RELIGION”. Can

you give the details of this?


Ans) We are sending the details of Universal Religion

based on the discourses of Swami in parts. The first

part is given below:






If you say that your religion is the only path to

God and that other paths lead to hell, I have one

humble question to you. The question is for every

religion without any trace of partiality. The simple

question is: Today I have heard your Religion and if I

follow that, I reach God and if I refuse I will go to

the hell for my own fault. This is very much

reasonable. But before your ancestors discovered our

country, the literature or even the name of your

religion was not known to our ancestor and he could

not reach God for no fault of him. But your ancestor

reached God through your religion at that time. Even

if I assume that my ancestor will take rebirth now and

will follow your religion to reach God, such

possibility is ruled out because you say that there is

no rebirth for the soul. Thus my ancestor suffered

forever for no fault of him and the responsibility for

this falls on the partiality of God. Had the God been

impartial, He could have revealed your religion to all

the countries at a time. Had that happened, my

ancestor might have also reached God as your ancestor.

Therefore your statement proves your own God partial.



The only way left over to you to make your God

impartial is that you must accept that your God

appeared in all the countries at a time in various

forms and preached your path in various languages.

The same form did not appear everywhere and the same

language does not exist everywhere. The syllabus and

explanation are one and the same, though the media and

teachers are different. Can you give any alternative

reasonable answer to my question other than this?

Certainly not! Any person of any religion to any

other religion can pose this question.


Moreover every religion states that their God

only created this world. Unfortunately this world is

one only and every God cannot create the same world.

There are no many worlds to justify that each God

created His own world. Therefore any human being with

an iota of commonsense has to agree that there is only

one impartial God who created this one world and He

came in different forms to different countries and

preached the same path in all the languages

simultaneously at one time.


Let this logic sword of the divine knowledge cut

the rigid conservatism of the religious fans in this

world to establish the Universal Peace. I need not

beg all these religious followers to be united and

harmonious to each other for the sake of world peace.

Such begging appeals are made enough in the past. The

religious fans feel that there is no unity really in

the religions but they have to be united since their

kind hearts melted by these appeals. Thus a temporary

change was only brought. At the maximum one

generation of the followers got united. The next

generation fights with each other because they feel

that there is no real unity in them due to lack of the

real unity in their religious scriptures. A permanent

solution for this does not lie in the begging appeals,

which may or may not unite the followers. Even if the

appeals unite such unity is not permanent. If the

real unity in all the religious scriptures is exposed

through the logical divine knowledge, the followers

have to be united for generations together.

Therefore, My attack is not on the hearts of the

followers through love and kindness. My attack is on

all the religious scriptures through intellectual

logical analysis of divine knowledge. The unity of

hearts through love can be only temporary. The unity

of brains through intellectual analytical divine

knowledge will be permanent. Hearts agree but brains

realize. Agreement is temporary, but realization is

permanent. Thus this is My first blow of My divine

conch shell for the permanent unity of all the

religions aiming at eternal Universal Peace.

By Swami.


Q.164) We came to know that today is birthday of Swami

and we convey our greetings to Swami. Can you pass on

the message, if any, is given by Swami, today on this





Today is the birthday of this body, today is

Thursday and today is the full moon day. These three

aspects indicate the three headed Datta. Thursday is

called as Guru – Day, which indicates the Brahma.

Full moon day with light indicates Siva who represents

the wave nature of energy through Linga. This body

consisting of the form of matter represents Vishnu.

Vishnu, the matter is worshipped as form. Siva the

energy in the form of wave is worshipped as Linga,

which is also in the form of a wave. Brahma is beyond

both matter and energy and is above worship.


This is a very special day indicating “Paripurna

Avatara”, which means that the Lord dwells in a human

body from its birth to its end and also expresses His

inseparable characteristic i.e., the true infinite

divine knowledge. Veda says the same (Satyam, Jnanam,

Anantham Brahma). The Lord who came in such full form

as Brahma was the sage Vasishta who preached the ‘Yoga

Vasistham’ or ‘Jnana Vasistham’. Then Vishnu

came in such full form as Lord Krishna and preached

Gita. Then Siva came as Sankaracharya and preached

the ‘Bhashyam’. Now the three in one called as

‘Dattatreya’ is now here before all of you. The unity

of these three forms indicates the union of the three

points of today viz. Birthday, Thursday and Full moon



When I say that I am the human incarnation of

Lord Datta there are three types of people here. The

first type of people who conquered egoism and jealousy

and are highest devotees. For them this human body is

pervaded by the Lord as the wire is pervaded by the

current. For them Advaita (Monoism) is suiting to

their psychology and they can digest this. In fact

they wanted to see, touch, talk and live with the

Lord. To satisfy them the Lord came down and He is

satisfying their desire through this Advaita. For

them myself and Lord Datta are one and the same. The

second type of people who conquered egoism and

jealousy to certain extent and or my devotees need the

‘Visishta Advaita’, which speaks that the human

incarnation is a spark of the Lord, who is the

infinite fire. This philosophy speaks about part

(Sesha) and whole (Seshi). The spark is qualitatively

same as the fire and thus satisfies their devotion,

but the spark is quantitavely different from the fire

and this aspect satisfies their partial egoism and

jealousy. The third type of people are full of egoism

and jealousy. For their psychology Dvaita should be

exposed. For them the human incarnation is just two

in one system. This human body is like the house and

the Lord is dwelling inside this house as its owner.

The house i.e., myself is completely different from

the house owner i.e., the Lord. No importance need be

given to the house when the king comes and resides in

a house. When there is no importance to this external

human body their egoism is completely satisfied.


The first type of people bow to the temple from

outside and they feel that they have bowed to the

inner statue through the temple. The second type of

people respect the temple to some extent and bow to

the statue standing in the main door of the temple.

The third type of the people do not care for the

temple and feel that the temple is as good as their

house. They go inside the temple and bow directly to

the statue.


Gita said “Manusheem Tanum Aasritam”, which means that

the Lord dwells in the human body in the case of human

incarnation. This is Dvaita to satisfy the third type

of people who are in majority in this world. Gita

also exposed ‘Visishtha Advaita’ to the second type of

the people (Mama Tejomsa Sambhavam). Gita also spoke

Advaita for the first type of people (Aham Aatma,

Mattah parataram). If Advaita is preached to the

third type of people, problems arise, which are

mentioned in the same verse (Avajaanantimam). Thus

Gita contains the total knowledge. Vishnu represents

Sattvam. Sattavam produces knowledge. Gita is the

essence of all Vedas. The Vedas, which are known

today are only just one-year recitation of sage

Bharadwaja. The remaining Vedas are infinite as told

by Veda (Anantaa vai Vedaah). Therefore, Gita

contains the essence of all the entire Vedas, which

are known and unknown also. The Human incarnation is

clearly mentioned in Vedas as ‘Vivrunute Tanoom’,

which means that the Lord will reveal Himself to the

devotees through the human body. Again Veda says “Yat

Saakshaat Aparokshaat”, which means that the Lord

appears before you and is not present somewhere else.

The path of sacrifice of work (Karma Sanyasa) is

mentioned by both Vedas (Kurvanneveha) and Gita (Kuru

Karmaiva). The another part of the path, which is the

sacrifice of the fruit of the work (Karmaphala Tyaga)

is praised by Vedas (Thyakthena, Dhanena Tyagena) as

well as by Gita (Phalam Tyaktva, Karma Phala Tyaagee).

Whatever is found in Gita must exist in Vedas because

Vedas are the cows and Gita is the milk milked from

the cows.





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