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Dear Mr Sadagopan,


Have u still not deleted Gayathry from the I am still receiveing her colorless mails...this seems to be some kind of rotten seed glooming in this pious group.


Please cut her immediately from the group.


RahulSadagopan <sgopan wrote:


Dear All :


" Agayathry " is sending strange communications to many Vaishnava web sites

since January 2005 .


Many of these messages are not based on SaasthrAs or the traditions nourished

by our AchAryAs . It is not her message . It is from some one , whom she obviously

thinks highly of . If you look at the web site of her source of inspiration , what I am referring

to will become clear . She means well but the messages coming thru are muddy

and disturbing .


" She " seems to thirve on sending messages to unmoderated VaishNavite e-lists .

I have removed her from "her" my web sites of Oppiliappan since these messages

are interwoven with unpalatable and offensive views such as this one below .



Moderator , Saranagathy and Oppiliappan Lists .




rahul atul

Sunday, May 15, 2005 8:51 AM

Re: Did Arjuna not worship Lord Krishna


Gayathry wot is wrong with you ! how could these doubts come in your mind u need a proper counsiling.Gayathry <agayathry wrote: Q180) Did Arjuna not worship Lord Krishna who was thehuman incarnation?Ans) Arjuna is called as Nara. Nara means a humanbeing. He perfectly represented the state of a humanbeing. The human being has always a mixed feeling. Heis a mixture of faith and doubt. Due to faith Pandavaswon the war. But due to the doubt, they were reallydefeated because all their sons who are the heirs ofkingdom were killed. Nara was associated with Narayanafor thousands of years. But still he slipped from thegrip. Arjuna was born as a hunter in the next birth.Sometimes he believed Krishna and sometimes hedoubted. One-day Krishna asked Arjuna to lookup thetop of tree, whether there was a bird. Arjuna toldyes. Then Krishna told whether that was a flower.Arjuna again told yes. Then Krishna asked Arjunaregarding his blind support. Then Arjuna

told thatwhatever Krishna says, it will happen. This is a sceneof full belief. But you see another scene. Arjuna wasprepared to fight with Krishna to protect Gaya. Thisis the scene of full doubt. Had he believed Krishnafully, what is the necessity for him to go toHimalayas to get Pasupatastram? Just like the presenthuman being, he was fond of energetic body of God. Dueto this, he did long penance and had the vision ofShiva, the energetic body. He worshipped Shivalingamin Himalayas, which is a model representing theformless God. The Shiva lingam indicates the wave ofenergy. It represents God in the form of all pervadingenergy. He kept a small statue of Hanuman on thechariot and the picture of Hanuman on the flag. Thisshows that human beings are fond of statues andpictures. Arjuna also saw Shiva in energetic bodywalking before the chariot. But, Krishna was sittingin the front of chariot as driver. But, he did

notidentify Krishna as God. The energetic body in front,the statue above and the human incarnation in thefront are available. Even Ravana worshipped Shivalingam and saw shiva in the energetic body after doingpenance. But, he disbelieved Rama, who is theincarnation. Hanuman and Gopikas had full faith on thehuman incarnation (Rama and Krishna) without anydoubt. Hanuman just slipped in one incident. He foughtwith Rama for the sake of his mother. Dharmaraja alsojust slipped once. He refused to tell a lie eventhough Krishna ordered. Thus both Hanuman andDharmaraja were having 99% belief. Ravana stands forcomplete disbelief and Arjuna is in between them.Hanuman and Gopikas are the candidates for IASexamination. Rama gave a very tough question paper.Rama was protected by Hanuman in several incidents.Rama also acted highly selfish by showing lot ofinterest on His wife. He told Ravana, to return backHis wife and live

happily. If Ravana did this, Ramawill not harm him in spite of his atrocities. Thatmeans Rama is interested in His wife and not in thewelfare of society. Similarly, Gopikas were ripenedsages and were IAS candidates. Krishna acted as athief and mischeivous in all respects. Neither Hanumannor Gopikas got any doubt. If one understands thesethree epics, the salvation can be achieved. They arenot simple stories. Every story has a hidden ocean ofspiritual knowledge. Every Purana has such treasure ofspiritual knowledge. Hanuman and Gopikas neverworshipped formless God or God in energetic body orGod as statues and photos. They worshipped the humanincarnation only with a rock of faith. But Arjunaworshipped God in other ways. Ramayana and Bhagavathamspeak aobout the achievement of God. Bhaaratam speaksthe problems in such spiritual effort. There is nodifficulty in understanding or in accepting formlessGod or God in

energetic body or God as statue orpicture. But, the human incarnation shows birth,death, hunger, illness etc. in the gross body. Thiscreates doubt. The doubt becomes stronge when thehuman incarnation exhibits bad qualities (Rajas andtamas) through the suble body. Actually God entersonly the energetic bodies or the living bodies. In theupper world, God is seen in energetic body. But, suchenergetic forms are meant only for the souls havingenergetic bodies in the upper world. When the soulleaves the gross body in this world, it immediatelytakes energetic body to go to the upper world. In thisworld, God eneters animals etc. also but they are notfor preaching. They are only for destroying thedemons. Mainly He enters the human body for the sakeof human beings. Regarding statues and photos, theyare only representative models. You can worship themassuming that they are God. But actually they are notGod. Similarly you

can love your son assuming him aschild Krishna. But you should remember that it is onlyrepresentative worship and your son is not actuallyKrishna. Thus Brahma Vidya is most difficult inunderstanding and accepting human incarnation. Unlessegoism and jealousy are completely destroyed, none canaccept the human incarnation. That is why people seeBrahma Vidya as most difficult subject.______________________ Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today! Download Messenger Now http://uk.messenger./download/index.html-----------------srirangarAja charaNAmbhuja rAja hamsamsrimad parAnkusa padhAmbhuja brungarAjam|sri bhattanAtha parakAla mukhAbhja mitramsrivatsachihnna saranam yathirAjameedE||I pay homage to Sri Ramanuja, the swan who has chosen

the Lotus Feet of Sri Ranganatha as his refuge;who is collecting the pollen and nectar from the flower-like feet of Parankusa (NammAzhwAr); who brightens like the sun the faces of Bhattanatha (PeriAzhwAr) and Parakala (Thirumangai AzhwAr), andwho is the refuge of Kuresa!

India Matrimony: Find your life partner online. -----------------srirangarAja charaNAmbhuja rAja hamsamsrimad parAnkusa padhAmbhuja brungarAjam|sri bhattanAtha parakAla mukhAbhja mitramsrivatsachihnna saranam yathirAjameedE||I pay homage to Sri Ramanuja, the swan who has chosen the Lotus Feet of Sri Ranganatha as his refuge;who is collecting the pollen and nectar from the flower-like feet of Parankusa (NammAzhwAr); who brightens like the sun the faces of Bhattanatha (PeriAzhwAr) and Parakala (Thirumangai AzhwAr), andwho is the refuge of Kuresa! -----------------srirangarAja charaNAmbhuja rAja hamsamsrimad parAnkusa

padhAmbhuja brungarAjam|sri bhattanAtha parakAla mukhAbhja mitramsrivatsachihnna saranam yathirAjameedE||I pay homage to Sri Ramanuja, the swan who has chosen the Lotus Feet of Sri Ranganatha as his refuge;who is collecting the pollen and nectar from the flower-like feet of Parankusa (NammAzhwAr); who brightens like the sun the faces of Bhattanatha (PeriAzhwAr) and Parakala (Thirumangai AzhwAr), andwho is the refuge of Kuresa!


India Matrimony: Find your life partner


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Dear Sri Rahul Atul :


Since I am not the Moderator of Ramanuja Society , I can not

remove her from Membership . Only the moderator of the above List

can remove her .


I have prevented her from polluting Oppiliappan , SaraNAgathy Lists

as the moderator of those two lists by deleting her Memberships there .


I have to leave it to the judgement of other list moderators to take

action of their choice .





rahul atul

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 10:44 AM



Dear Mr Sadagopan,


Have u still not deleted Gayathry from the I am still receiveing her colorless mails...this seems to be some kind of rotten seed glooming in this pious group.


Please cut her immediately from the group.



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