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srilakshminarayanhrdhayam-slokas-17 to 37 of Narayanahrdhayam

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17.nArAyaNa thvamEvAsi dhaharAkhyE hrdhiTHithah

prErithA prEryamANAnAm thvayA prErithamAnasah


Narayana you are in the space inside the heart called dhaharAkasa;

You are the driving force behind all who are urged into action ; My

mind is guided by you.


18.thvadhAjnAm sirasA krthva bajAmi janapAvanam

nanOpAsanamArgANAm bhavakrd bhAva bhODHakah


I will carry your orders which purifies al,l with bowed head. There

are various kinds of meditation which are created by you and you are

the instructor of good attitudes.(The good thoughts are the result

of jnana and bhakthi as given in the Gita. Only jnana combined with

bhakthi can secure moksha)


19.bhAvArThakrth bhavAtheethah bhava soukhyapradhO mama

thvanmAyAmOhitham visvam thvayaive parikalpitham


You give the meaning to things and you are beyond transmigration ;

be my benefactor.The world is pervaded by your maya which is your own

creation.( As said by the Lord in the Gita only those who surrender

to HIm are able to cross over His maya. 'mamamAyA dhurathyayA masmEva

yE prapadhyanthE mAyAmEtham tharanthi thE.')


20.thvadhaDHishTAna mAthrENa sA vai sarvArTha kAriNee

thvamEva thAm puraskrthya mamakAman samarThaya


The maya has the power to fulfil all desires because of your support.

So you yourself fulfil my wishes through maya.


21.na mE thvadhanyah thrAthA asthi thvadhanyanna hi dhaivatham

thvadhanyam na hi jAnAmi pAlakam puNyavarDhanam


I have no other protector than you, no God other than you, I do not

know any saviour other than you who makes my merit grow.


22.yAvath sAmsarikO bhavO manasTHO bhAvanAthmakah

thAvath siddhirbhavEth sADHyA sarvadhA sarvadhA vibhO


O Lord, always at all times the worldly thoughts that arise in the

mind should be achieved succesfully.


23.pApinAmaham EkAgrO dhayALoonam thvam agraNeeh

dhayaneeyo madhanyO asthi thava ko athra jagaththraye


I am the prominant among sinners and you are the first and foremost

among the merciful.There is none more deserving for your mercy than

me in the whole world.


24.thvayAham naiva srshtaschEth na syAth thavadhayAlunA

AmayO vA na srashtaschEth oushaDHasya vrTHOdhayah


If I have not been created there will not be any recipient for your

mercy.If there is no disease been created ther is no use for the



25. pApasangaparisrAnthah pApthmA pAparoopadhrk

thvadhanyah ko athra pApEbhyah thrAthAsthi jagatheethalE


To one who is fatigued by committing sins , who is sinful and has

sinful perception, there is no one in the world to protect them from

their sins except you.


26.thvamEva mAthA cha pithA thvameva thvamEva banDhuscha saKHa


thvamEva sEvyascha gurusthvamEva thvamEva sarvam mamadhEvadhEva


You are my mother, you are my father,you are my relative and my

friend are you.You are the one to be served and you are the guru and

you are all to me , my Lord of lords.


27. prArThanA dhasakam chaiva moolAshtakam athah param

yah paTEth srNuyAnnithyam thasya lakshmeessThirA bhavEth


The ten verses by way of prayer and another eight explaining the

main subject (the Lord). To the one who reads or hears these every

day Goddess Lakshmi will stay with him for ever.(The rest of the

narayanahrdhyam is phalasruthi)


28.nArAyaNasya hrdhayam sarvAbheeshtaphalapradham

laksmeehrdhayakam sthothram yadhi chaithadhvinAkrtham


29.tathsarvam nishphalam prOktham lakshmeeh kruDHyathi sarvadhA

Ethath sankalitham sthothram sarvAbheeshta phalapradham


Narayana hrdhayam will fulfil all desires.If the

lakshmeehrdhayasthothra is read without this it will be in vain

because Lakshmi will be displeased and both when read together will

fetch all desired results.


30. japEth sankalitham krthvA sarrvAbheeshtam avApnutAth

nArAyaNasya hrdhayam Adhou japthvA thathahparam


31. laksheehrdhayakam sthOthrajm japEth nArAyaNam punah

punarnArAyaNam japthvA punarlakshmEEnuthim japEth


Therefore they should be read together.First Narayanahrdhayam and

then lakshihrdhayam and again Narayanahrdhayam should be read in that

order and one who does this will have all his desires fulfilled.


32. tadhvathhomAdhikam kuryAth Ethathsankalithamsubham

Evam maDhyE dhvivArENa japETh sankalitham shubham


Similarly when doing homa etc. the two sthothras should be read

together.To read Narayanahrdhaya twice in the middle will be



33. lakshmeehrdhayakE sthothrE sarvam anyath prakAsitham

sarvAn kAmAnavApnOthi ADHivyADHibhayam harEth.


The rest are mentioned in the lakshmihrdhayasthothra. By this one

obtains all desired objects and also gets rid off all diseases of the

mind and body.


34.gOpyamEthath sadhA kuryAth na sarvathra prakAsayEth

ithi guhyathamam sasthram prOktha brahmAdhibhih purA


This sthothra should be guarded with secrecy and should not be told

indiscriminately to those without devotion. This most secret treatise

has been instructed by Brahma and others long ago.


35.lakshmeehrdhayaprOkthEna viDHinA sADHayEth suDHeeh

ThasmAth sarvaprayathnEna sAdhyEth gOpyEth suDHeeh


The wise should try and get success doing as it is told in the

lakshmeehrdhaya and make all efforts to achieve his end guarding the



36.yathraithath pusthakam thishTEth laksmeenArAyaNAthmakam

bhootha paisacha vEthAla bhayam naivathu sarvadhA


There is no fear from evil spirits in the place where this book,

which is the embodiment of Lord Narayana and Lakshmi, exists.


37.bhrguvArE thaTHA rAthrou poojayEth pusthakadhvayam

sarvadhA sarvadhA sthuthyam gOpayEth sADhayEth suDheeh

gopanATh sADHanAth lOkE dhanYo bhavathi thathvathah


On Friday night these two books,narayanahrdhayam and lakshmeehrdhayam

should be worshipped and read.Always this book which is praiseworthy

should be guarded and sadhana should be done with it.By doing that

one becomes fortunate in this world.


Narayanahrdhayam sampoornam



(Lakshmehrdhaym will follow shortly.)

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