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bhAramA kudhaSAkEna ASarADHeekuhakEna hA

chAruDheevanapAlOkyA vaidhEhee mahithA hrthA


Seetha, lustrous like Lakshmi and revered by all, was taken away by Ravana, who descended into a degrading state, being wicked and cunning, while the good forest gods looked on.


bhAramA- lustrous like Lakshmi. Though Seetha was Lakshmi herself, since she was in human form she is compared to Lakshmi.

mahithA means much revered.

chAruDheevanapAlOkyA- vanapA means forest gods , the protectors pA,of the forest, vanam.They are referred to as charuDHee, of good thought.

hrthA - abducted, by Ravana who is described as kudhASAka, of low status, kudh+ASa, because his end was near, and aSarA- rakshasa and cunning, dheekuhaka.

hA -alas!


sloka in reverse


thAh hathAh hi maheedhevaikyAlOpAnavaDHEEruchA

hAnakEhakuDHeerASanAkESA adhakumArabhAh


The glory of Pradhumna was eclipsed by Indra, who was aided by a brahmin and got back his valour and lustre in order to protect the fleeing devas.


thAh adhakumArabhAh hrthAH- that glory ,thAh bhAh of kumAra, the youth, here, Pradhyumna,who became adha , restless, was hrthAH taken away by Indra.

Indra is described as

1.maheedheva aikya alOpana anava dheeruchA, being revived of his indestructible, alOpana, ever-existing,anava, intellect and lustre,Dheeruchou, by the friendship, aikya of maheedheva, a brahmin.

2,hAnakehakuDheerASAnAkESa- nAkESa is Indra , who is the lord of heaven, nAka. He had the desire AsA (to protect) the devas who were kuDheera, pseudo heroes who had the wish, eeha, to flee, hAna (giving up fighting.)

Indra was supposed to have been revived by a friendly brahmin called Pravara.according to harivamsa.




hArithOyadhabhaH rAmAviyOgE anaghavAyujaH

tham rumAmahithaH apethAmodhAh asArajnah Ama yah


Rama, who was hArithOyadha bhAh, of attractive, hAri, hue of the cloud, thoyadhabhAh, rAmAviSlEshe, on being separated from Seetha,got the faultless,anagha,Hanuman, vAyujah.

rumAmahithah, Sugriva, who was revered by Ruma, his wife,apEthAmodhah, lost his happiness, asArajnah, became devoid of his power of thought and strength (being persecuted by Vali) and Ama, went to tham, that Rama.


sloka in reverse


yaH amarAjnah asAdhOmaH athApEthah himamArutham

jaH yuvA ghanagEyaH vim Ara AbhOdhayathaH arihA


Pradhyumna, who gave up battle with the devas became revived with the coolbreeze of the sky and regained hie glory and vanquished the devas.


yah yuvA, the youthful Pradhyumna, who had undaunted valour,asAdha umaH, gave up fighting (being attacked by Indra)with the devas, amarajnaH. He was revived athApEthaH, by cool breeze, hima mArutham, in the sky,vim and attained Ara, victory,jah, killing enemies, arihA, rising in fame, Abhodhayathah, and was extolled by elders, ghanagEyah.


Sloka 24


bhAnubhAnuthabhAh vAmA sadhAmOdhaparaH hatham

tham ha ThAmarasAbhAkshaH athirAthA akrtha vasavim


Rama, who had more lustre than the Sun, who was the joy giver to Seetha forever, who had eyes like lotus and who is the giver of all, killed Vali, son of Indra.

Rama is qualified by the adjectives,

1. bhanubhAnuthabhAH- His lustre was extolled , nutha, even by that of the Sun, meaning that it excelled the lustre of the Sun.

2.vAmA sadhA modha paraH- He was the source of constant joy for Seetha, vAmA means beautiful lady, here it means Seetha. Modha is joy.

3. thAmarasAbhAkshaH- His eyes,aksha, shine, bha, like lotus, thamarasa.

4.athirAthA- abundant giver.


hatham akrtha- he killed

Tham, that,(who was known as Vali) vAsavim- vAsavasya apathyam pumAn vAsaviH, son of Indra, Vali.


sloka in reverse


vim saH vAthakrthArAthikshObhAsAramathAhatham

tham haropadhamaH dhAsam Ava AbhathanubhanubhAH


Krishna, who vanquished even Siva,and whose lustre belittled even that of the Sun, protected his servant Garuda who agitated and weakened the strength and pride of the enemies by merely the breeze of the futtering wings.


Sah- that Krishna,who was able to win over, upadhama ,Siva,hara, and whose lustre,Abha, reduced to nothing the brilliance of the Sun,thanubhanubhA, protected, Ava, the bird ,Garuda,vim, who was his dasa, servant or bhaktha.

vAthakrthArAthikshObhAsAramathAhatham- is the the qualifying phrase of Garuda, meaning the one who caused kshobha.agitation, asAra, depletion of strength and mathAhatha, quelling of the pride of aRAthi, enemies, by the mere vAtha, breeze (created by flapping of his wings)


The vanquishing of Siva by Krishna refers to the fight with Banasura by Krishna to save Aniruddha who married Usha, daughter of Bana , whose fort was guarded by Siva.




















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