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Suthra12-bhavathu niSchayadhArDyath oorDhvam SasthralakshaNam


Even after the realization one should take care of the spiritual teachings.


A jnani has no need of sasthras as Krishna says in the Gita `thraiguNyavishayA vedAh nisthraiguNyo bhava arjuna,' (BG-2-45)


This can be construed in two ways .To an enlightened one the karmakanda of the veda which is the ritualistic portion that secures enjoyment in this world and is like water in the well when the whole area is flooded as given in the subsequent sloka. But if we take veda to mean the entire scripture including wisdom of Upanishads it may be interpreted thus: Even when the entire land is flooded the well can contain only as much water as it can hold .So too one can comprehend only as much as his intellect can grasp, which fact has been proved by the controversies in interpreting the vedantic passages


But Krishna also says `yadhyadhAcharathi Sreshrah thath thath eva itharo janAh. Sa yath pramANam kuruthe lokasthadanuvat rthathe(BG-3-21) That is, the masses always tend to follow the footsteps of those whom they consider as leaders. So it is the duty of the wise to preserve the wisdom of the scriptures in order to guide others. The truth of the scriptures must be re-lived before our eyes and their usefulness demonstrated to all to induce the common man to adopt it for his enlightenment. The wise alone can give out the values

That are relevant to the particular age and time sifting the grainfrom the chaff. This is the real meaning of the Gita slokas. The protection of the sasthras mentioned in this suthra includes making the scriptural texts understandable to the ordinary man to cultivate a liking for them.


We have seen in the recent past that the scripture has been neglected as something irrelevant or meaningless even by the educated , not to mention the illiterate. This is due to the reluctance of those who are well versed in the scriptures to part with their knowledge either due to mistaken idea of its being secret to be guarded or because they fear that it may not be appreciated. The spiritual knowledge is said to be guhya, secret in the sense that it is difficult to be understood and not because it should be told to anyone.


It is true Krishna says in the Gita `idham the nAthapaskAya nAbhakthAya kadhachana na chASuSrooshavE vAchyam na cha mAm yO abhyasooyathi,' (BG.18-67) meaning that this knowledge should not be disclosed to one who lacks the discipline nor to one who is either without faith or devotion and atheistic. But it is difficult nowadays for the one who has the quest for knowledge to learn the scriptures by himself because the real implications will be lost unless guided by a guru. So it is the duty of the knowledgeable persons to make it easy for all. Some of the acharyas have been doing the good work in the recent years and many are being benefited all over the globe.


Most important fact to be remembered is that neither the sruti, ie.vedas nor the smrthi, namely Bhagavtgita has restricted the spiritual knowledge to any particular sect of religion. It is common to the whole humanity.


















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