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The Basics of The Three Philosophies-4

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Dvaita Contd…..


5. Mukti or liberation is the realization of one's

svarupa deha:


The svarupa deha mentioned earlier has eyes, ears and

other indriyas (sense organs) and parts of the body in

their essential forms. The second of the 4 bodies

(mentioned in the beginning of point 4) is the linga

sarira which is sticking to the svarupa deha. This is

like the husk sticking on to rice. This too is neither

created nor destroyed. But this, which covers the Jiva

from time unknown, is removed at the time of

liberation. Above this linga sarira, there is a body

called 'Aniruddha deha'. Lord Aniruddha created this

at the time of creation. It gets destroyed only at the

time of dissolution. It is only above this Aniruddha

deha that the 'Sthoolasharira’- gross body is formed.

This body is created and destroyed in every Janma

(birth or life). There are inert senses (Indriyas) and

parts (avayava) of body in the inert Linga, Aniruddha

and sthula sariras. They function only when they come

in contact with their essential counterparts in the

Svaroopadeha, which is covered with the above said

three bodies. The Jiva does not experience the bliss

of its Svarupa during transmigration. When they get

destroyed at the time of liberation, Svaroopaanandha

(the bliss of ones nature) is experienced. The

experience of this bliss is liberation.



6. Pure Bhakti is the only means to liberation:-


There is no difference of opinion in this. It is wrong

to say, as some do, that lust, anger, fear etc.; too,

when directed towards Lord Vishnu can bestow



7. " Pratyaksha, Anumaana " and " Veda " are the three

" Pramaanas”: -


The means of Knowledge is called " Pramaana " . It is

only three.

i) Pratyaksha or perception: - This is the direct

perception of external objects through organs of

senses like eyes, ears, etc. Joy, sorrow etc., are

experienced by mind. Hence sense organs, mind etc.,

are Pratyaksa Pramaana i.e., means to direct



ii) Anumaana or inference: - with the knowledge

arising out of this Pratyaksha, certain conclusions

are made, though directly not perceived. For instance

when one sees smoke in a particular place, one infers

the presence of fire there. This is called inference

or Anumaana Pramaana.


iii) Veda: - Those (areas) which are out of reach of

the above means of knowledge, like heaven, hell, god

etc., can be known only through the Vedas. Hence this

is the third Pramana.


8. Lord Narayana is the only import of Vedas: -



The Vedas have three Kandas.

i) The Karma Kanda of the Vedas talk about the Karmas

(or actions). They prescribe actions which please Lord

Vishnu and make one reach his lotus feet. Even though

at some places it describes some actions of less

importance, it praises Narayana.


ii) The second is the Devatha Kaanda - which praises

the other deities who are Naarayanadaasa's (servants

of the Lord). Through this, one attains their grace to

the reach the Lord. The praises of these deities can

be considered as the Lord's praise.


iii) The third Kaanda is the Bramha Kaanda - which

directly sings the glory of Lord Vishnu.

Hence, all the Kaanda-s and Shastra-s (Scriptures)

declare Narayana as the supreme person. 'Sarve Veda…'

- sloka of Geeta also states the same.






Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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Spirituality, Mental peace or problems in life or

about dharma, please write to us by clicking here:



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questions for you and suggests prayers.









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