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Rama Avatar- a Perfect Incarnation – by Sri.Sri.Muralidhara Swamiji Part-5

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Dear Members,


If one holds Rama as his idol (‘adarsha purusha’) and

constantly yearns to become like him, it will without

any doubt instill all the qualities of Rama in him and

transform him into one. Or if we feel that it is

impossible for us to earn all the qualities of the

great Rama and decide to fall at His feet, it will

suffice. By our act of surrender to Rama we will

gradually be transformed and become like Him!


In Ramayana, the various qualities of Rama are spoken

of at first; these are later highlighted at every step

where each of these qualities is exhibited. Rama is a

Dharmatama. Here, dharma does not mean charity. When

one speaks of Rama as Dharmatma it does not mean he

performed charity. Dharma is different from dhana.

Rama adhered to every syllable of the rules and

regulations the Scriptures lay down for a Kshatriya,

including the Vaideehic dharma. If the Scriptures lay

down that a Kshatriya has to peform ‘agni hotra’, Yaga

Yajna, Rama performed even these without fail. He also

ruled the Kingdom as laid down by the Scripture. He

stood by the dharma laid down for a Kshatriya. Rama

ignored not an iota of it. Rama is the line drawn to

show the extent of qualities (‘gunas’) in a man. Rama

is the ocean (‘sagara’) of Gunas. Citing a particular

‘guna’, if a devotee of Rama were to be questioned

whether Rama possessed it he can very boldly reply,

“Yes!’ for, Rama possessed all the virtues. We find

all the qualities in Ramayana. Rama was such a

(complete/perfect) man of all virtues (‘guna poorna’).



Why did the Lord incarnate in this manner in

Rama-avatãr? What is the ‘tatparya’ (meaning/purpose)

of this avatar? In Rama-avatar the Lord incarnated

Himself only to establish Dharma. Through this epic

Ramayana, Valmiki illustrates all the dharma to us.

What is the reason for this? We never were during

Rama-avatãr. Neither were we during Krishna avatar.

So, Rama or Krishna will not appear to be a reality to

us. Nor are we able to see with these physical eyes

(‘stula netra’) Devatas such as Agni, Vayu, etc. Out

of sheer compassion for us, Sages like Valmiki,

Sukacharya have depicted the lives and lilas of the

Lord as Rama and Krishna through ‘Grantas’ (Texts)

such as Ramayana, Srimad Bhagavatam, respectively.

While speaking on the life of Rama in Srimad

Bhagavatam, Sukacharya says, “It is an avatãr that

remains unparalled - there is neither anyone greater

than Rama nor equal to Rama in His status!” If

Sukacharya, an ardent devotee of Lord Krishna says so

in Srimad Bhagavatam one can understand the greatness,

the magnitude of Rama-avatãr. Sri Thiagaraja Swami

sings in his kirtan, “Sukanuthaya deenabandhave!” Why

does Thiagarja Swami sing as ‘Sukanuthaya

deenabandhave’ instead of Valmikinuthaya

deenabandhave?” Is it not Valimiki who has written the

Ramayana? The praise of Rama by Sukacharya, an ardent

devotee of Lord Krishna, deepens His glory. Hence, Sri

Thiagaraja swami sings, “Sukanuthaya deenabandave”

“Sukamuni stutipatra” - one who is sung by Suka. Such

a noble Avatãr is this Rama-avatãr.


!!! Will Continue !!!




Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


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