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202. amrthyuh

mrthyuh yasya na asthi ithi amrthyuH


Denotes the indestructibility of the Lord who is anaadhi and anantha.



From this atarts the reference to narasimhavathara


Saakshaath svakaale sampraptham mrthyum


Bhakthaanaam nasayeth yasthu Mrthyu,rthyum

namaamyaham' –(manthrarajapadha sthothram)


Lord Narasimha removes the fear of death of His devotees and wards off the evil effects from their enemies and also He is the controller of Yama.To Him my salutations.



203. sarvadhrk


He who sees all.


Sarvendhriyairapi vinaa sarvam sarvarthra sarvadhaa

Yo jaanaathi namaami aadhyam tham aham srvathomukham

(manthra raja padha sthothram)


MY salutations to Him who knows everything everywhere and always, without the need of indhriyas.



204. simhaH


Everything in the world has its opposite. Every poison has its antidote. This the Lord with his power countermands, positive with the negative and vice versa.He is the vyavasThaathaa, one who ordains the effect of each object. In His incarnation as narasimha He nullified the effects of the opposites by manifestation of a form `na mrgam na maanusham,' in order to thwart the boones given to Hiranyakasipu.


Hinasthi smarana maathreNa sarva paapaan ithi vaa simhaH

He destroys all sins by the mere remembering Him by the devotees.


205. samDhaathaa


He unites all His devotees with Him and also gives the fruits of karma to all.dhaDhaathi ithi Dhaathaa. Sarvam dhaDhaahi ithi samDhaathaa.


He is frightful to His enemies and loving to His devotees. Vedanta Desika says in his kamasikashtaka,


sataapatala bheeshaNe sarabhsaattahaasodhbhate

sphurathkruDhi parisphurathbhrukutike api vakthre krthe

krpaa kapatakesarin dhaunujadimbhadhatthasthanaa

sarojadhrSadhrSaa vyathibhishajya the vyajyathe


Oh Lord, who appeared as a pseudo lion, kapatakesari, one can discern Your self-contradicting behaviour, vyathibhishajya the vyajyathe. (which reveals Your true identity). Looking fierce, bheeshaNa, with Your thick mane, sataapatala, and with Your violent, loud and splendid laughter, sarabhasa attahaasa udhbhate , Your brows throbbing, parisphurathbhrukutike, inflamed with anger, sphurathkruDhi, yet the mercy, krpaa, shown in Your lotus- like eyes, sarojasadhrSadhrSaa, towards the child of the Asura, dhanujadimbha, like that of a mother.


Lord as Narsimha appears formidable with His mane spread and his loud and violent laughter that strikes terror to all the three worlds, His brows bent and throbbing with anger. Yet , says Desika , the devotees are not deceived about His real identity as the all merciful Lord.that is why Desika refers to Him as kapata kesari, pseudo lion as in the case of His incarnation as Krishna whom Desika calls in his Gopalavimsathi as miThyaagopa, pseudo cowherd. The reason for this is His self contradicting actions. He looked fierce and frightening to Hiranyakasipu but at the same time His looks directed towards Prahlada was that of a mother towards her infant. As made out in the previous sloka He has vishamavilochana, one eye fierce and burning like the Sun to the enemies of His devotees and the other cool and comforting like the moon to the latter. Moreover whether He takes the form of the Fish, the Tortoise, the Boar or the Man-lion He is recognizable from His lotus-like eyes.


206. sanDhimaan


His association with His devotees is permanent . `sam' is the indeclinable denoting ekeebhaava, union. Sam (ekeebhaavena) Dheeyathe ithi sanDhiH. sanDhiH asya asthi ithi sanDhimaan. Narasimha is the personification of sanDHi as naramrga roopa.


207. sThiraH


Firm. He is firmly attached to His devotees.


Sadhaika roopathvaath sThiraH. The Lord is always the same all pervading and hence firm. thishtaThi ithi sThirah. He stood in sde the pilla r waiting for Hiranyakasipu to take action.


208. ajaH


The word ajaH means gathi, movement and also to throw, kshepa. He is aja because He goes everywhere, all pervading.Also He moves into the heart of his devotees. He throws the demons away from His devotees.The generally known meaning of the word as unborn has been explained in the nama 96.


Narasimha all pervading because He manifested everywhere as Narasimha not knowing where Hiranya kasipu was going to point out. Vedantadesika says in varadarajapanchasath that even today except the one pillar in the hall of Hiranyakasipu the rest of the three worlds are pervaded by Narasimha as a result. Sthambhaika varjam aDhunaa api kareesa noonam thrailokyam ethath akhilam narasimha garbham


209. dhurmarshaNaH


duhkhena marshaNaH- mrsh means to bear. The Lord is durmarshaNa because He is diifficult to bear by His enemies.


Nrsimha is described as ugra and bheeshana , fierce and fearful. `ugram veeram mahaavishnum jvalantham sarvatho mukham nrsimham bheeshaNam badhram mrthyumrthyum namaamyaham.' –Nrsinmha manthram




saasthi viSvam ithi saasthaa


He is the ruler and controller of the universe. In kamasikashtaka Desika says, svasThaaneshu maruthgaNaan niyamayan svaaDheenasarvendhriyaH, Lord Narasimha is the one who appoints the devas like maruths in their allotted positions and He is the Lord of the indhriyas.


211. viSruthaathmaa


He whose exploits are heard with wonder.


212 surarihaa


The destroyer of the enemoes of devas like Hiranyakasipu.

















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