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Vishnusahasranama-330 to 338

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He gives out amrtha to the devas and dries up the asuras. The word skandha means emitting or oozing as well as drying.If the word is taken to mean Skandha or Subrmanya then also it is relevant because in the Gita the Lord says, `senaaneenaam aham skandhaH,' meaning, "I am Skandha among the commanders."


331. skandhaDharaH


He is the upholder of dharmapaTha, way of dharma. Even if the word skandha refers to Subramanya, the Lord is the supporter of him as he said in the Gita `senaaneenaam aham skandhaH.'


332. DhuryaH


The word Dhur means the front part. Dhuram yaathi ithi DhuryaH. The Lord was in front helping the churning of the ocean in amrthamathana. Another meaning of the word is burden. As Koorma the Lord bore the mandhara mountain on His back.





varam dhadhaathi ithi varadhaH – giver of vara, boons. As the word vara also means the best, He is the best vara who gives all. Hence He is worthy, vareNyaH, of being called varadha.




The seven airs, called maruths are His vehicles.The air acquires the power of giving life from the Lord and moves everywhere.Hence the air is said to be His vehicle. The seven maruths are, aavaha, pravaha,anuvaha,vivaha, paraavaha and parivaha, blowing in the seve regions of the universe.




vasathi , aaccHaadhayathi sarvam ithi vaasuH. He abides everywhere and conceals Himself through His maya. Nammazvar says in Thirvaimozi,


dhidaviSumberivaLi neer nilam ivai misai


padarporuL muzuvadhumAi avai avai thoRum


udalmiSai uyirena karandhengum parandhuLan(Thiru.117)


The Lord pervades the five elements, and all things that are their manifestations, and inside all beings, which form His Sareera, unmanifest as their self. That is He is transcendent and imminent.


The word Dheva is derived from dheevyathi, meaning, shines, plays and conquers. He shines in all but not manifest except to His devotees. He plays on in the world y His leela, that is, the creation and other acts are wih no effort like a play for Him. He conquers all with His power and with His love.VaasuH cha asou dhevaH cha ithi vaasudhevaH.


sarvaaNi tatra bhoothaani vasanti paramaatmani |

bhootheshu ca sa sarvaathmA vaasudevasthatah smrthah ||"

(vishNu purA.6.5.80)


All beings abide in the Lord and He is in all beings and hence He is called vaasudeva.


Of course the name Vasudeva is commonly understood as the son of vasudeva. Vasudhevasya apathyam pumaan vaasudhevaH. The dhvaadhavsaakshara manthra `Om namo vaasudevaaya' is equal in importance to the ashtakshara , Om namo narayanaya.'


336. brhathbhaanuH


brhath means big or large. bhaanuh is rays.The rays of the Sun, Moon and other luminous bodies are from The Lord only who illumines the world throughy them.


337. aadhidhevaH


The first cause. He is the creator and annihilator and sustainer. The word dhevaH has ben explained as shining, playing etc..


338 puranDharah


puram dhaaryathi ith purandharaH. One who destroys the cities in the form of gross, subtle and causal body and effects the realisation of Self. Lord Siva is called purndhara as he destroyed the three cities belonging to the three asuras.The Lord says in Gita, rudhraaNaam SankaraSchaasmi. "I am Sankara among the rudhras."


Nammazvar says in Thiruvaimozi,


Puramoru moonreritthu amararkkum ariviyandhu


Aran ayan ena ulagazittha maitthuLanE (Thotu.1-1-8)


The Lord has destroyed the three cities and also gave knowledge to the devas and He created and annihilated the worlds as Brahma and Siva.











































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