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Navagraha NamaskAra Veda Mantrams : Part II

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SrI:Dear VedAbhimAnis :The Veda Mantram for Sooryan (dEvatan) is :

Om AasatyEna rajasA vartamAnO nivESayannamrutam martyancha , HiraNYayEna SavitA rathEnAdEvO yAti bhuvanA vipaSyan

(Meaning): Soorya Devan travels around the world in His golden chariot witnessing the activities of all Jeevans. With His Aatma JyOti and the lustre seen by our very eyes , Soorya dEvan encourages the jeevans of dEva lOkam and those of bhU lOkam to perform their karmAs ; this He does, while seated on His golden chariot serving as Loka Saakshi and performing PradhakshiNam of the Meru Mountain.

SatyEna= through the splendour of His Aatma JyOti

RajasA= through His lustre experienced by one's eyes

amrutam martyanccha nivESayan= He engages the people of deva and Manushya lOkams to observe their karmAs

AavartamAna: SavitA dEva:= Sooryan rotating around His assigned path

hirNmayEna rathEna bhuvanA vipaSyan AayAti= In His Golden chariot Sooryan travels and observes unfailingly all the KarmAs of the Jeevans as their witness.

The Mantram for the atidEvatai Agni for the Soorya Mantram is :

Agnim dhUtam vruNeemahE hOtAram ViSvadEvasam , asya yajn~asya sukrutam .

(Meaning): adiyEn invokes Agni dEvan, who is the grantor of the auspicious phalans . adiyEn prays to Agni , who invites dEvAs for this Yjn~am as dhUtan; takes and offers the havis presented at the Yajn~am to appropriate dEvAs in His role as HotAran.He does not hold back any of the Havis offered by the adhikAris in His role as ViSwa Vedas. We invoke for this Yajn~am Agni as the Adhi dEvatai is invoked .

The mantram for Rudran as the Pratyati dEvatai for Sooryan is :

yEshAmeSE PaSupati: paSUnAm chatush-padhaamuta cha dhvipadhAm. nishkreetOyam yajn~iyam bhagamEtu rAyaspOshA yajamAnasya santu.

May Rudran , the Pratyati dEvatai for Sooryan , accept our samarpaNams, which have not been earned by us but blessed to us by Him.This Rudran is also known as PaSupati,the Lord of the sentient Jeevans embodied as four legged or two legged janthus . Oh Rudra ! Please grow the status arising from wealth of the Yajamaanar (performer) of the Yjn~am enjoy the status arising from the growth in his wealth !

ChatushpatAm paSUnAm uta cha dhvipadhAm yEshAm yeeSE PaSupati:=Rudran known as Pasupati is the Lord of both the two legged humans and the four-legged cattle .

(Sa Rudra PaSupati) nishkreeta ayam yajn~eeyam bhAgam yEtu = May He accept as nivEdhanams ( offerings) of ours , which are not earned by us but bequeathed to us by Him.

YajamAnasya raayas pOsha: santu= May the enhanced status arising from the blessings of wealth to the YajamAnan be realized !

Om adhidEvatA PratyadhidEvatA sahitAya AdityAya Nama:

(To Be Contiued )

DhAsan,Oppilaippan Koil V.Sadagopan






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