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Vishnusahasranama- 542 to 562

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542. mahaasrngaH


Refers to Varaha who in His srnga , horn on His nose carried the earth as though it was a root dug from the ground.


543. krthaanthakrth

krthaantam krthavaan ithi krthaanthakrth or

krthaantam mrtyum krnthati iti krtaanthakrth.


Hirabyaksha was like Yama, the god of death and the Lord ended his life. Also when He annihilates everthing it incluses krthaantha , that is Yama also. krthaH anthaH , end,meaning death,yena ithi krthaanthaH , one who brings the end to all, meaning death.

There is an alternate meaning of one who expounded the doctrine, krthaantha, meaning siddhaantha here, that He will protect those who resort to Him. In Varahapurana he says that he will remember those who resort to Him at the time of their leaving their body even if they lost their consciousness and hence could not remember Him.


544. mahaavaraahaH


The great Boar. When the Lord took the form of Mahavaraha the ocean came only upto His ankle. His form touched the sky.The word is also split as mahaa+vara+aaha= one who give great boons.


545. govindhaH


The Mahavaraha is govindha since he rescued the earth, go , from the ocean. Gaam vindhathi ithi govindhaH. Reference may be made to the explanation of the nama 190 for a detailed discussion of the word.


Varaha is called yajnavarha as He is the personification of yajna, which has Vedas for its source. Hence as the word go also means vaak, which refers to veda, he is called govindha since He is know through the Vedas. The word go is derived from the root gam, to go. gacChathi ithi gouH, the word gouH being the nominative singular of go sabdha.It means that which moves , that is , the whole world. The word jagath for the world is derived only from this meaning, gaChathi (moves) ithi jagath. Since the Lord is the power behind all that moves He is govindha.


544. susheNaH


Sobhanaa senaa tyasya saH. One who has a well-equipped army. The word army here meaning, His powers and infinitely auspicious attributes.


The word sena can also said to be derived from si to bind and the word means one who binds the universe well.


545. kanakaangadhee


angadhee means one who has ornaments, kanaka meaning gold and the literal meaning would be `the one who is adorned with golden ornaments.' But with the Lord it is His infinitely auspicious qualities, ananthakalyanaguna, which arre His ornaments.The word gold means the brilliance. The word anga interpreted as movement from the verb ang , to go, and dha means to give , the nama can also mean the one who gives light denoted by kanaka, gold, to all that moves.


antarAditye hiraNmayah purushahdRSyate, says the Upanishad, denoting the Lord who is seen inside the Sun, and describes Him as having golden limbs , from the toenails to His head, the whole of Him is golden.

In Yadhvabhyudhaya Vedanta desika says that every part of His body vying each other in beauty excelled that of His ornaments and stole the hearts of all beings. The ornaments were beautified by Him and not vice versa


546. guhyaH


The word means one that is secret or hidden. The real nature of the Lord is hidden from the senses and intellect and could be understood only through devotion and meditation. He is hidden in the cave of the heart to be intuited only when the heart becomes devoid of its impure thoughts gathered through ignorance which obstruct the opening of the cave.




One with depth and magesty, gambheeryam. He is unfathomable.


548. gahanaH


gahana means difficult to access. It is difficut to reach the Lord through senses , mind and intellect.




Besides the meaning of `hidden,' it also means one who protects from the verb , to protect.




The bearer of the discus and the mace.


Of the five weapons of the Lord the chakra denotes the mansthatthva, because like the chakra it revolves around with thoughts,and the gadha the budhithaatthva, the intellect which is steady.




vidhaDhaathi ithi veDhaaH, One who gives everything . Also means the creator as the word VeDhaaH has the meaning of creator denoting Brhama.




He has marks of sovereignty like the umbrella etc. which are unique such as having Adhisesha as umbrella.


553, ajithaH


One who is unconquerable.


554. krshNaH


krshaami medineem paartha! bhoothvaa krshNaayasomahaan

krshNo varNaScha me yasmaath thena krshNoham arjuna (MB.Santhiparva)


"I plough the earth, Arjuna, becoming a great plough. My complexion is also dark and hence I am known as Krishna."


krshir-bhU-vAcakah Sabdo NaSca nirvrti vAcakah

vishNus-tad bhAvayogAcca krshNo bhavati SASvatah



krshi means earth and the partoicle ` Na ` denotes happiness. Vishnu is known as KrishNa because he ploughs the universe to give happiness. This meaning has been explained already in the nama 58.


The common meaning is anyway the Krishnavasudeva, who is given that name because of His attraction to everyone and his dark complexion.


555. dhrDaH


Firm, steady etc. The vyuha and other forms of the Lord are real and not illusion.


556. sankarshaNaH


sam +karshaNaH He draws the chith and acith, sentient and insentient, towards Him uniformly.


557. achyuthaH


SaSvatham Sivam achyutham , says the Upanishad of Brahman.he is eternal.ever pure and never swerves from His state of the supreme Lord. Reference can be made to the earlier explanations of this namas 321 and 101.


558. varuNaH


He who envelops. vrNothi sarvam aavrNothi ithi varuNaH , He pervades and covers all with His maya.


560. vaaruNaH


vrjn also means to seek and hence varuna is the seeker and vaaruNa is the one who is wih His seekers.


561. vrkshaH


He who is the resort of all. vrkshatha ithi vrkshaH. The tree is named vrksha since it gives shelter, fruits flowers etc. to those who resort to it. The Lord is Srithaanaam kalpavrkshaH, like the kalpavrksha wish giving tree of the celestials.



562. pushkaraakshaH


theshaam prasaadhavarsheNa poshake akshiNee yasya saH. He has eyes which shower His grace towards the devotees who resort to Him, nourishing them.As pushkara means lotus, besides the meaning of one having lotus like eyes, pundareeka iva akshiNee, it could also means that He is present in the heart-lotus. The word pushkarou also means the Sun and the Moon and the nama pushkaraaksha means the Lord who has the Sun and the Moon as his eyes.


563. mahaamanaaH


The one who has a great or large mind. He has fathomless, generous and large heart towards His devotees. Also because the creation, sustenance and annihilation are done by His will.




































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