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788. SubhaangaH


One who has bewitching



789. loka saarangaH


Loka saareNa gamyathe ithi. The Lord can be attained by that which is the inner

essence of all the worlds, namely Omkara from which everything emenated.


790. suthanthuH



means expamnsion . thanthu means

thread which is the exapnasion of cotton and hence the name. The universe came

from the Lord like threads or the web of the spider and goes back into Him like

wise as declared in the upanishat yaThaaoorNanaabhiH

srjathe grhnathe cha. Suthanthu

means the Lord who is all pervading.


791. thanthu varDhanaH


One who makes the

unicverse expand into multitudes of threads.




792. indhrakarmaa


Indh means

paramaiSvarya. The Lord is parameSvara and His actions are that of the supreme



793. mahaakarmaa


All His acts are



794. krthakarmaa


He repeats His action of

creation etc. again and again.


795. krthaagamaH


Prepounder of the Vedas.


796. udhbhavaH


ucchaiH bhavaH. One who is above everything.


797. sundharaH


Of beautiful form.


798. sundhaH


Sushtu udhan ithi


He is softened towards His devotees



799. rathnanaabhaH


He has gem-like navel,

means beautiful and shining with the golden lotus.




Of bewitching eyes.


801. arkaH


archyathe ithi arkaH. One who is worshipped by all.


802. vaajasaniH


Vaajam annam arthinaam thanothi ithi. He

gives sustenance.


803. Srngee


This refers to the

Mathysavathra in which the Lord incarnated as a large fish with horn.




One who wins all or causes

victory for His devotees.


805. sarvavijjayee


One who is omniscient and



806. suvarna bindhuH


The word bindhu means anusvara

"m" and varna is the letter su varna means the auspicious letter with the

bindhu that is omkara. As bindhu also means limbs and suvarna bindhu means ione

having limbs radiant like gold.




Impenetrable and



808. sarvavaageeSvereSvaraH


Lord of all who have

mastery over words.


809. mahaahrdhaH


Great lake plunging into

which the devotees get great joy.


810. mahaagarthaH


The great pit fromwhich

everything originates, resides and merges back. Also His maya is so deep that

no one can fathom.


811. mahaabhoothaH


He is the origin of the

five elements, pancha bhoothaani.


812. mahaaniDhiH


mahathaam niDhiH mahanthaH asya niDhayaH

ithivaa. He is the tresure of high souled persons and vice versa.




Kum bhoomim modhayathi, gives joy to the world. Kou bhoomou thaiH saha

modhathi. He finds joy in His devotees while they are in this world.


814. kundharaH


Kundham parathathva jnaanam dhadhaathi. Kum

mukthibhaavam dhdhaathi ithi vaa.


He gives the knowledge of the supreme reality

or He give moksha.


815. kundhaH


Kum paapam dhyathi, one

who destroys the sin for His devotees


816. parjanyaH


Rain cloud. He cools the

thaapathraya, the heat of the samsara by His cool showers of grace.




He purifies those who

remember Him.


818. anilaH


ila means to urge , anila

is the one who need not bbe urged. The Lord needs no goaduing to protect His





He feeds His devotees on

His gunas like nectar.


820. amrthvapuH


His form is also nectar.


821. sarvajnaH




822. sarvathomukhaH


He could be approached

from all sides as He faces everywhere. In manthrajasthothra of Narasimha thers is

these words,


api vinaa sarvam sarvathra sarvadhaa

yo jaanaathi

namaami aadhyam tham aham sarvathomukham


I bow down to Him, who is

facing everywhere, who knows everything

without the help of indhriyas, always and everywhere.


























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