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Sri Tyagaraja Kriti Series - bhuvini dAsuDane kriti - SrIranjani rAga

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Dear Raama bhaktas:

The krti for study today is "bhuvini dAsuDane" in SrIranjani rAga. This is a janya raga of the 22nd melakartha rAgam karaharpriya.

aarohanam: S R2 G2 M1 D2 N2 S

avarohaNam : S N2 D2 M1 G2 R2 S.

The renditions of Both Srimathy Suguna PurushOtthaman and Sangeetha Kalaanidhi Semmangudi SrinivAsa Iyer are attached as audio files for your enjoyment .

Raama DhAsan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradachAri Sadagopan





SrI raghunandana parabraHmaNe namaH


Kriti: bhuvini dAsuDanE

Raga: SrIranjani

In the kRti ‘bhuvini dAsuDanE’ – rAga SrIranjani – SrI tyAgarAja says that whatever may be Lord’s will, he will happily accept.


bhuvini dAsuD(a)nE pErAsacE boMkul(A)DitinA budha manO-hara


avivEka mAnavula kOri kOri aDDa drOva trokkitinA brOvavE (bhuvini)


cAla saukhyamO kaSTamO nEnu jAli jenditinA sari vArilO pAla muncina nITa muncina padamulE gati tyAgarAja nuta (bhuvini)


O Lord who steals the minds of wise! Did I utter any falsehood out of greed for being called as Your servant in this Earth? Did I tread any short cut beseeching people with no discrimination? Was I grief stricken whether there were comforts or troubles? Among my peers, whether You lift me up or throw me down, Your holy feet alone are my refuge. Please protect me.

Word-by-word Meaning

P O Lord who steals (hara) the minds (manas) (manOhara) of the wise (budha)! Did I utter (ADitinA) any falsehood (boMkulu) (boMkulADitinA) out of (cE) greed (pErAsa) (pErAsacE) for being called as (anE) Your servant (dAsuDu) (dAsuDanE) in this Earth (bhuvini)?

A Did I tread (trokkitinA) any short cut (aDDa drOva) beseeching much (kOri kOri) the people (mAnavula) with no discrimination (avivEka)? Please protect (brOvavE) me. O Lord who steals the mind of the wise! Did I utter any falsehood out of greed for being called as Your servant in this Earth?

C Be it much (cAla) comfort (saukhyamO) or a lot of troubles (kaSTamO), was I (nEnu) grief (jAli) stricken (jenditinA)? among my peers (sari vArilO), whether You lift me up (pAla muncina) or throw me down (nIta muncina), Your holy feet alone (padamulE) are my refuge (gati); O Lord praised by this tyAgarAja! O Lord who steals the mind of the wise! Did I utter any falsehood out of greed for being called as Your servant in this Earth?

Notes –

C – pAla muncina nITa muncina – the exact meaning of which is not known; it has been translated keeping in view the context. If there are any better meaning, please send your suggestions ???

Additional Comments by Sri V.Sadagopan:

There are a few krithis, where ThyAgaraja SwamigaL expresses his Total, unconditional faith (Mahaa ViSwAsam) in the Lord. This kriti is one such expression of such sthira bhakti. The others are:


(1) Nanu BrOvakanu viDavanuraa Raama in Raagam SankarAbharaNam

(2) VaddanuNDunadhE Bahu mElu VaarijAksha in VarALi raagam

(3) neevE nannEDa jEsitE nE nEvaritO delupudhunayya in SourAshtra rAgam

(4) VidajAladhurA; naa manasu vinarA in Janaranjani raagam

(5) dharanu nee saridhaivamu gAnarA Raghuvara in VarALi raagam

(6) NenarunchinAnu; anniDiki nidhAnuDani nEnu; needhupai in MaaLavi rAgam

(7) Challaga nAtO Balkumi Raama, Saarasavadhana! SaadhusantrANa! in VegavAhini rAgam

(8) NeevErA Kula dhanamu santatamu –nee vErAjeevanamu in BegaDaa rAgam and

(9) Korivacchitinayya, KoDhaNDa pANi! ninunE in Bilahari rAgam.


In all these kritis, SwamigaL expresses his deep attachment to Lord Raamachandra and states that the Lord alone is his life (jeevanam) and family wealth (Kula dhanam) just as Swamy Desikan declared in his nyAsa daSaka slOkam that Lord VaradarAjan alone is his wealth. In these kritis, Sadhguru SwamigaL will beg the Lord not to take note of his failings and declare that he can not let go of the sacred feet of the Lord. His tanmayatvam with the Lord will be revealed thru the statements like "Whatever tasks I might undertake, whatever unseeable sights I might see, I have regarded them all as Yourself and felt delighted that I did so".


In the Bhuvani dhAsuDanE kriti of today, he states that he has not swerved from the royal road of worship of the Lord and has not taken any by-paths thru association with men with no vivEkam. He asks for additional protection from the Lord in his sAdhanAs and declare that whatever might happen, he will hold on firmly to the Lord's sacred feet. This mood of firm and resolute visvAsam in the Lord, his incomparable friend and Lord is echoed in the SankarAbharaNa kriti, "Nanu BhrOvakanu viDavanuraa, Raama?".


One of the AchAryAs of ThyAgarAja Swamigal was Upanishad Brahmam of Kaanchipuram, a great Raama Naama siddhAnti. He initiated ThyAga Brhamam into Raama Taaraka Mantram. ThyAgaraja Swamigal recited that pavitra nAmam of Raama 96 crores of times quite early in his life and was blessed with Raama SaakshAthkAram. After that, wherever ThyAgarAja SwamigaL's eyes fell, there he saw only Lord Raamachandra and whatever he saw, he accepted as Raama. He explains this mood of total surrender rooted in his Mahaa ViswAsam in the Balahamsaa kriti (Raama SitArAma): "Just as a chaste wife delights in serving her Lord, just as a creeper twines around the Kalpaka tree, my mind is inseperably attached to You. I will not leave You even for ages." For ThyAgarAja Swamigal, Lord Raamachandra was Sarvam and he was a MahAtmaa (Raamachandra: sarvamiti sa mahatma dhurlabha:) to paraphrase the saying of GitAchAryan.


Without this sthira bhakti born out of Mahaa visvAsam in the Lord, One's SaraNAgathi will not become fruitful. When Saint ThyagarAja states that he is holding on to the Lord's feet firmly, he is following the upadEsams of JitnatE Stotram:


(1) sarvadhA charaNa-dhvandhvam vrajAmi SaraNam Tava (I seek and hold on to Your sacred feet as my object of protection).


(2) na kaama kalusham chittam mama tE paadhayO: sthitam (My mind is totally rooted in Your auspicious feet).


(3) prapannAgouga vidhvamsi charaNou SaraNam gata: (adiyEn has surrendered at Your sacred feet, which are powerful to destroy the mighty assembly of the sins of PrapannAs).


About the greatness of holding on to the Lord's sacred feet as protection, Swamy NammAzhwAr's Paasura Vaakyams are our guiding light. Swamy NammAzhwAr describes himself as:


nAhaNaimisai NampirAn charaNE SaraN namakkenRu,

nALL thOrum yEka chintayanAik-kuruhUr SaThakOpan MaaRan


The key words are "NampirAn charaNE SaraN namakku" (The Lord's sacred feet are our sole refuge) and "NaaLL thORum yEka chintayanAi" (having those sacred feet every day as the sole object of his meditation). These thoughts are echoed in to day's Sri Ranjani kriti CharaNa Vaakyam: "pAlamunchina neeDamunchina PADHAMULE GATI" (Whether You lift me up or throw me down in front of my peers , Your feet alone are my sole refuge and adiyEn will hold on to Them).


KulasEkhara AzhwAr's paasurams on the EmperumAn of VitthuvakkODu celebrate this ananya gatitvam and Mahaa VisvAsam of a Jeevan seeking the Lord as upAyam (means) and upEyam (goal).


Raama dAsan,

Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan


NOTE: Those who prefer to have a PDF or WORD document copy of this write-up can download either of the format from the following links:


WORD doc:








SrI SemmanguDi SrInivAsa iyer's rendition:



Smt Suguna purushotthaman's rendition:


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