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Sundarakandam - sloka by sloka translation-chapter1

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134.aTha oorDhvam dhooram

uthpathya hithvaa



pithuH panThaanam aasaadhya jagaama

vimale ambare


Then he , leaving the mountain and

the ocean, flying up and far into the path of his father and went on the clear



aTha- then




SailamahaarNavou- the mountain

and he ocean,


uthpathya- rising up


oorDhvam dhooram- high and far


aasaadhaya reaching


panThaanam – the path


pithuH- of his father,

Vayu, meaning, in the air,


jagaama – went on


ambare –along tha sky


vimale –which was





135. bhooyaScha oorDhvagathim

praapya girim tham



vaayusoonuH niraalambe jagaama vimale



The son of Vayu, flying high

again, went along the clear sky, which is without support , looking at the



vayusoonuH- the son of

Vayu, Hanuman,


bhooyaH cha – again


praapya – gaining


oorDhvagathim- the upwards motion


jagaama – went


vimale ambare- along the clear



niraalambe- which had

nothing as support,(meaning that hanuman is flying in the sky which has nothing

along the path.)


avalokayan looking at


tham girim- that mountain.



136. thadhvitheeyam hanumatho

dhrshtvaa karma



praSasamsuH suraaH sarve sidDhaaScha



Seeing the second difficult task

of Hanuman all the devas praised along with the siddhas and the maharshis.


dhrshtvaa- seeing


thath dhvitheeyam karma- the scond task

( the first was the crossing of the oecean and the second was manging the

situation with Mainaka well )


sudhushkaram – difficult to



hanumathaH – of Hanuman


suraaH – the devas,


siddhaaH – the siddhas


paramrshayaH cha – the great



praSaSamsuH praised him.




137. dhevathaascha abhavan

hrshtaaH thathrasThaaH thasya



kaanchanasya sunaabhasya

sahasraakshaScha vaasavaH


The devas and the thousand eyed

Indra who were there became pleased by the deed of the golden hued Mainaka.


Thasya kaanchanasya sunaabhasya- by the act of

the golden hued Mainaka,


dhevaaH cha –devas and


sahsaraakshaH- the



vaasavaH cha – Indra also


thathrasThaaH – who were

present there


abhavan- became


hrshtaaH- happy.



138.uvaacha vachanam Sreemaan




sunaabham parvathSreshTam svayameva



The glorious Indra , , himself

spoke to Mainaka , the best of mountains , with a voice faltering with



Sreemaan SacheepathiH- the glorious

Indra ( the husband of Sachee)


Svayameva - himself


uvaacha- spoke


vachanam – words


sagadhgadham- faltering with



parithoshaath- of happiness


sunabham – to Mainaka

(sunaabha and Horanyanabha are the names of Mainaka.)


parvatahSreshtam- the best among




139. hiranayanaabha sailendhra

parithushtosmi the bhrSam


abhayam the prayacChaami thishTa soumya




Oh Mainaka , the king of

mountains, I am verymuch pleased with you and I give you asylum.

Stay as you wish.


hiranyanabha- oh Mainaka,


Sailendhra- the king of



parithushtosmi- I am pleased


bhrSam- very much


the with you


prayacchaami- I am giving you



abhayam- protection


thishTa – stay


yaThaa sukham- as you wish (in

whatever way you feel happy)


soumya, dear one.



140. saahyam krtham the sumahath




kramatho yojanasatham nirbhayasya bhaye



Great help as done by you

to Hanuman, the valiant and fearless, in crossing hundred yojanas which is a

cause of fear.


Sumahath- a very great

Saahyam – help


krtham – was done


thvayaa – by you


hanoomathaH for Hanuman


vikraanthasya – who is valiant


kramathaH- traveling


yojanaSatham – 100 yojanas


nirhayasya- and unafraid


baye sathi- when it is




141. raamasyaisha hi dhoothyena

yaathi dhaasaratheH hariH


sathkriyaam kurvathaa thasya

thoshithosmi dhrDam



This monkey is going as a

messenger of Rama, son of Dasaratha, and I am certainly pleased with the honour

done to him by you.


esha hariH- This monkey


yaathi – goes


dhoothyena- as a



raamasya- of Rama


dhaasaratheH- th son of



thoshithosmi- I am pleased


dhrDam-for certain

(dhrDam means firm or strong)


thvayaa –with you


kurvathaa- who is doing


sathkriyaam –the honouring


thasya- of him



142. thathaH praharsham agamath

vipulam parvathotthamaH


dhevathaanaam pathim dhrshtvaa




From that the the best of the

mountain felt vey happy seeing Indra,the lord of devas, pleased.


thathaH- from that


parvathotthamaH- the best of the

mountains, Mainaka,


agamath- became


vipulam praharsham- very

happy.vipulam denotes the expanse of happiness.


dhrshtvaa- on seeing


Sathakrathum- Indra


dhevathaanaam pathim-

the Lord of the devas


parithushtam- being pleased.





143. sa vai dhatthavaraH SailaH

babhoova avsThithaH



hanoomaan cha muhurthena vyathichakraama



Being given the boon by Indra the

mountain stayed there. Hanuman crossed that part of he sea in an



dhattha varaH- having been

given the boon


sa SailaH – that mountain


thadhaa -then


babhoova –was


avasThithaH-stayed (there)


hanumaan cha – and Hanuman


vyathichakraam- crossed


saagaram – the ocean (

that part of the ocean since he had to go a long way yet.)


muhoorthena- in a moment



144. thatho dhevaaH saganDharvaaH




tham prayaatham samudhveekshya



abruvan sooryasankaasaam surasaam



Then the devas, gandharvas,

siddhas and the great sages looking up at the son of Vayu going in the sky,

spoke to Surasaa tha mother of nagas, who was brilliant like the Sun.


thathaH – afterwards


dhevaaH saganDharvaaH-

the devas with gandharavas,


siddhaaH cha paramrshayaH- the siddhas and

the great sages,


samudhveekshya - seeing

upwards,eeksh(to see) +udh+vi(upwards)


tham maaruthaathmajam- that son of



aakaaSe prayaatham- traveling in

the sky,


abruvan – spoke to


surasaam – Surasaa


naagamaatharam- he mother of



sooryasankaaSaaam- who was

lustrous like the Sun.



145.ayam vaathaathmajaH Sreemaan

plavathe saagaropari


hanooman naama thasya thvam muhoortham




This glorious son of Vayu is

flying over the ocean. You do obstruction to him called Hanuman for a while,


ayam vaathaathmajaH- this son of

Vayu,( vaatha , anila and maarutha are all names of Vayu

and aathmaja is the son.)


Sreemaan- who is

glorious, SreeH asya asthi ithi Sreemaan.


plavathe –is flying


saagaropari- over the sea.saagarasya



thvam- you


vighnam aachara

–do obstruction


thasya –to him


hanumaan naama- who is called



muhoortham – for a while.



146raakshasam roopam aasThaaya

sughoram parvathopamam


dhamshtraakaraalam pingaaksham vakthram




assuming a form of a demon, fierce

and mountainous,with canine teeth, yellow eyes and a face touching the sky.


aasThaaya- assuming


roopam – a form


raakshasam- demonic


sughoram- formidable


parvathopamam- like amountain


dhamshtraakaraalam- with fangs,


pingaaksham- yellow eyes


krthvaa- making


vakthram- (your) face


nabhasprSam- touching the




147. balam icChaamahe jnaathum

booyaScha asya



thvaam vijeshyathyupaayena vishaadham

vaa gamishyathi


We wish to know his strength and

valour again and whether he overcomes you by a device or gets dispirited.


icChaamahe- we wish


jnaathum – to know


bhooyaH- again


balam – strength


paraakramam cha- and



thvam vijeshyathi- (whether)he

will overcome you


vaa –or


gamishyathi- will get

vishaadham – grief.


148.evam ukthaa thu saa dhevee

dhevaiH abhisathkrthaa


samudhramaDhye surasaa bibhrathee

raakshasam vapuH


Being said thus by the devas and

honoured by them Surasaa getting a demonic form in the middle of the ocean,


evam ukthaa- being said thus


saa dhevee- that goddess


dhevaih- by the devas


abhisathkrthaa- honoured thus (

asking her to do them a favour was an honour to her)


surasaa- Surasaa


bibhrathee-getting ( from

root br ,meaning to bear )


raakshasam vapum- demonic form


samudhramaDhye – in the middle

of the ocean,



149.vikrtham cha viroopam cha sarvasya cha bhyaavaham


plavamaanam hanoomantham aavrthya enam

uvaacha ha


a horrible and distorted form

creating fear to all, stood in the way of Hanuman who was flying and said thus:


vikrtham cha– horrible and


viroopam cha- distorted also


bhayaavaham – frightening


sarvasaya cha – to all



obstructing, aavrthya means

covering but her eit means she stood barring the way

hanoomantham –Hanumaan


uvaacha – said,




150. mama bhakshyaH

pradhishtasthvam eeSvaraiH



aham thvaam bhakshayishyaami pravisa




You are sent as my food by gods ,

oh bull among monkeys, enter into my mouth. I will eat you.


Thvam –you


pradhishtaH- is sent or

shown to be


mamabhakshyaH- as my food


eesvaraiH – by the gods


vaanararshabha- oh the bull

among monkeys,


aham bhakshayishyaami- I will eat you


pravisa- enter


idham aananam- this mouth


mama- of mine




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