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Sri Tyagaraja Kriti Series: Kriti:cUtAmu rArE Raga:Arabhi

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SrI raghunandana parabraHmaNe namaH

Kriti cUtAmu rArE

raaga Arabhi

In the kRti ‘cUtAmu rArE sudatulAra’ – rAga Arabhi, SrI tyAgarAja sings praises of the Lord of SrIrangaM.


cUtAmu rArE

su-datulAra ranga patini


sItA pati pUjyuDaTa

sRGgAra sEkharuDaTa (cU)

CaraNam 1:

sarig(a)ncu sAluvaTa

caukaTla pOgulaTa

paruvampu prAyamaTa

paramAtmuDaTa rangani (cU)

CaraNam 2:

mukha nirjita candruDaTa

muddu mATal(A)DunaTa

sukham(o)sangi brOcunaTa

sundar(A)nguDaTa rangani (cU)

CaraNam 3:

Agama sancAruDaTa

akhila jagat-pAluDaTa

tyAgarAja sannutuDaTa

taruNulAra ranga patini (cU)


O Damsels with nice teeth! Come, let us behold the Lord of SrIrangaM. He is said to be the Lord worshipped by Lord SrI rAma – Consort of sItA; He is said to be the acme of charm.

1. He is said to be adorned with golden bordered shawl and ear rings of pearls; He is said to be in prime age and that He is said to be the Supreme Lord.

2. His face is said to surpass (beauty of) the moon and He is stated to speak sweet words; He is said to protect by conferring comfort and that He is said to be having beautiful limbs.

3. He is said to be found in SAstras and that He is said to be the protector of the entire Universe; He is said to be the One well-praised by tyAgarAja.

Word-by-word Meaning

P O Damsels with nice teeth (su-datulAra)! Come (rArE), let us behold (cUtAmu) the Lord (patini) of SrIrangaM (ranga).

A He is said to be (aTa) the Lord worshipped (pUjyuDu) (pUjyuDaTa) by Lord SrI rAma – Consort (pati) of sItA; He is said to be (aTa) the acme (sEkharuDu) (sEkharuDaTa) of charm (sRngAra); O Damsels with nice teeth! Come, let us behold the Lord of SrI rangaM.

C1 He is said to be (aTa) adorned with golden (sariga) bordered (ancu) (sarigancu) shawl (sAluva) (sAluvaTa) and ear rings (pOgulu) (pOgulaTa) of pearls (caukaTla); He is said to be in prime (paruvampu) age (prAyamu) (prAyamaTa) and that He is said to be (aTa) the Supreme Lord (paramAtmuDu) (paramAtmuDaTa); O Damsels with nice teeth! Come, let us behold the Lord of SrI rangaM (rangani).


C2 His face (mukha) is said to (aTa) surpass (nirjita) (beauty of) the moon (candruDu) (candruDaTa) and He is stated to speak (ADunu) sweet (muddu) words (mATalu) (mATalADunaTa); He is said to (aTa) protect (brOcunu) (brOcunaTa) by conferring (osangi) comfort (sukhamu) (sukhamosangi) and that He is said to be (aTa) having beautiful (sundara) limbs (anguDu) (anguDaTa); O Damsels with nice teeth! Come, let us behold the Lord of SrIrangaM (rangani).

C3 C3 He is said to be (aTa) found (sancAruDu) (literally roaming) (sancAruDaTa) in sAstras (Agama) and that He is said to be (aTa) the protector (pAluDu) (pAluDaTa) of the entire (akhila) Universe (jagat); He is said to be (aTa) the One well-praised (sannutuDu) (sannutuDaTa) by tyAgarAja; O Damsels (taruNulAra) with nice teeth! Come, let us behold the Lord (patini) of SrIrangaM (ranga).

Notes –

P – cUtAmu – This is how it is given in all the books other than that of TSV/AKG, wherein it is given as ‘jUtAmu’. Any suggestions ???

A – sItA pati pUjyuDaTa – Please refer to the sthala purANa of SrIrangaM. Please visit site - http://www.ramanuja.org/sv/temples/srirangam/

C1 – caukaTTu – ear ring with four pearl set in it.

C1 – paruvampu prAyamu – please refer to lalitA sahasranAma (430) – nitya yauvana – eternally youthful.

Additional Comments By SrI V Sadagopan:

This kriti is one of the Sriranga Pancharatna Kritis. The other four are: (1) KaambhOji Kriti: Oh Rangasaayee! (2) VinarAdhA naa manavi in DevaghAndhari Raagam (3) RaajuveDalE (ThOdi Raagam) and (4) KaruNa jUDumayya! (SaarangA Raagam). ThyAgarAja SwamigaL had a most delightful darSanam of the Utsavar and Moolavar ArchA Murthys of Sri RanganAtha at SrIrangam. On Chittira Veeti, Lord Ranganatha stopped His procession to reveal His affection for ThyAgarAja SwamigaL. After listening to the compositions of the bard, Lord RanganathA blessed him and thru His archakAs invited His bhaktan to come to the garbha gruham and have the delightful Mutthangi Sevai. Out of that nectarine anubhavam arose the KaambhOji kriti of Oh Rangasaayee with many sangatis in the Pallavi. Saint ThyagarAja could not pull his mind away from the dhivya soundharyam of Sri RanganAthan. All these pancharatnams were composed in a spontaneous manner and were inspired by the swift flowing bhakti for Lord RanganAthan.

Aarabhi Raagam is the Janya Raagam of dheera SankarAbharaNam, the 29th MeLa Raagam. It is a KaruNaa rasa raagam. Saint ThyagarAja chose Aarabhi for one of his Ghana Raaga Pancharatnams (SaadhinchanE).


Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan

NOTE: Those who prefer to have a PDF or WORD document copy of this write-up can download either of the format from the following links:


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http://www.ibiblio.org/sadagopan/tyagaraja_kritis_project/audio/chUtamurArEMMI.mp3 (16MB)

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