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AchArya Raamanuja CD ROM Release for this Year's RaamAnuja Jayanti ( April 19, 2010 )

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Dear AchArya RaamAnuja SampradhAyins :


It is with great pleasure adiyEn announces the release of a Multimedia CD ROM on AchArya RaamAnuja's Vaibahavam and SrI Sooktis on behalf of a three member team . The team members are : Professor M.A.Alwar of Melkote , Dr.Anil Thakur of Australia ( Multimedia Systems Expert) and adiyen .


History: Few years back , Professor M.A.Alwar of Melkote and adiyEn worked together to produce a series of CDs on Sri VaishNavam topics . One was on AchArya Ramanuja and His matchless contributions to bless us with what is known today as Bhagavath RaamAnuja SiddhAntham . The other was on the Charitram and Paasurams ( Four thousand sacred collect ) of Azhwars on the 108 dhivya dEsa EmperumAns. Volume I on the AzhwAr's charitram has been completed now and it covers the charitram and the audios of Seven AzhwArs ( PeriyAzhwAr , ANDAL , Mudhal AzhwArs , ThoNDaradippodi and ThiruppANar). The Melkote AdhyApAka ghOshti recited for this CD the Paasurams of the seven AzhwArs in the sampradhAyic way . We will be working soon on the Volume II to cover the vaibhavam of the rest of the five AzhwArs ( Swamy NammAzhwAr, Madhura Kavi , Thirumazhisai , KulasEkharar and Thirumangai). Between Swamy NammAzhwAr and Thirumangai alone , we have to record more than two thousand Paasurams and complete the relevant multimedia content . Any one intersted to support the creation of the Volume II in DVD Format are welcome to contact adiyEn . Meanwhile Volume I of AzhwAr Charitram in English and AchArya RaamAnujA's Vaibahvam and Sri Sooktis also in English are ready for distribution now to interested AastikAs . Consulations with experts in Ubhaya VedAntha SampradhAyam in India was undertaken to make sure that the content is authentic in all aspects such as Bhagavath AarAdhanam , Comments on the nine Sri Sooktis of AchArya RaamAnujA ( Sri BhAshyam , VedArtha sangraham , VedAntha Saaram , VedAntha dheepam, SaraNAgathy Gadhyam , Sriranga Gadhyam , SrI VaikunTha Gadhyam , SrI GeethA BhAshyam and nityam) . Sample passages in Sanskrit of these 9 Sri Kosams are recited and introductions to them in English are provided .


The center piece of this Multimedia CD ROM on Acharya Ramanuja is the Bhagavadh AarAdhanam with its six Aasanams and mantrams associated with them captured in a how to fashion . Quiz for children and a rare Video of sacred Thirumanjanam ( AbhishEkam) for Bhagavadh RaamAnujA 's archA moorthy at Melkote are also included . This CD ROM is an outcome of many months of intensive effort . It has an anugraha BhAshaNam at the front from HH Srimath Narayana Yatheendhra MahA Desikan , the 45th Pontiff of Sri Ahobila Matam .


Those who are interested to acquire a copy of this CD ROM on AchArya Ramanuja in USA are requested to contact adiyEn ( Yennappan) . AdiyEn will try to make available the First Volume on AzhwArs as well . With the funds raised , we will try to complete the Second Volume of the Vaibhavam of the remaining seven Azhwars. The AchArya Ramanuja CD ROM and the AzhwAr Vaibhavam CD ROM have been prepared in English to reach out to the younger generation and the overseas community , who might wish to learn more about our hoary VaishNavite traditions , Acharya Paramparai and the 108 dhivya dEsams that have received MangaLAsAsanams from the 12 AzhwArs .


This CD ROM on AchArya RaamAnuja is available now in India at Sri Nrismha Priya (SNP) office at

30 Venkatesa AgrahAram, Mylapore ,Chennai 600 004 . It has been priced at Rs.250 ( Postage, Courier charges extra). The telephone number of the SNP Office is 2-461-1540 . The email address is : nrisimhapriya


The Managing Editor of Sri Nrisimha Priya ( English), Dr.Ramamurthi has kindly reviewed the CD ROM on AchArya Ramanuja in the March , 2010 issue . Here is his review :


" BhagavAn SrI Ramanuja is a supreme example of the blending of a scholarly mind, a poetic heart and devotion born of Love for Lord Sriman Narayana. These qualities form the corner stone for the VisishtAdhvita Philosophy and Sri VaishNava religion . Sri Ramanujacharya was a living example of this type of devotion . This is beautifully and graphically brought out in the CD ROM.


This user-friendly CD ROM provides access to the charitram ( Life History) , Granthamala ( Literary Works) ,

Vaibhavam (anecdotes) and Swami Ramanuja's greatest bequest to the Sri VaishNavAs , namely Bhagavad Aradhana . Each of these items is just a click away once you slide the CD ROM in to your PC. The MENU enables you to click and read each item , one by one or separately and also REPEAT/QUIT each separately .

Charitram covers Ramanuja's Incarnation , Formative years, Spiritual Quest, His Life in Srirangam , Tirumalai and Tirunarayanapuram . Grantamala is an informative presentation of the Nine Gems of Sri Ramanuja's literary bequests. Each twinkling gem can be clicked and read separately. TELL ME MORE is a special button to study each of the work in detail . Vaibhavam presents Sri Ramanuja as a spiritual Master as well as His extreme Humanity through anecdotes.


The Tour de Force of this CD ROM is the animated presentation of the daily Tiru Aradhana , its various Asananas -Mantra , Snana , alankara,bhojya , punar mantra and paryanka . The related mantras are chanted clearly and audibly . This is very useful for beginners and regular practioners alike.


The CD ROM is a humble offering by a group of dedicated Sri Vaishnavas of whom it will be invidious to name only a few . However it is incumbent to mention the names of Srimans Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan , Melkote M.A. Alwar and Anil Thakur of Australia. The available version is customized for Sri Ahobila Mata SampradhAya by Sri Sadagopan and a version housing the Tennacharya sampradhAya is under preparation for later release by Sriman Alwar.


This is indeed an invaluable acquisition for every Sri Vaishnava......Dr. T.G.Ramamurthi, March 2010 " .


Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan on behalf of the Team



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