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paramakArunikar PeriyavAchAn pillai!!!

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Sri Parthasarathi thunai


Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha


Sri Vara Vara MunayE Namaha


Sri VanAchala mahA munayE Namaha




“Srimath Krishna samahvAya namO yAmuna soonavE


yathkadAkshai: kalakshyAnAm sulabhaha sreedhara sadhA”




Avani rOhini is a divine day not only for the birth of Sri Krishna, the pramEyam

but it is the day on which the great acharya, Sri periyavAchAn pillai considered

to be the avathara of thirukannamangai perumal took birth to shower his grace on

all of us by giving the great vyakhyanams to all the 4000 paasurams of the

Azhvars. None other than the bhagavan himself can really understand the divine

feelings of the Azhvars and give it in such a clear and explicit manner. The

legend behind the avatharam (avathara rahasyam) of periyavachan pillai

(thirukkannamangai perumal) as a shisya of nampillai (avathara of thirumangai

mannan on the same star karthigaiyil kriththigai) is well known and hence needs

no repetition. Many acharyas have written vyakhyanams to thiruvaimozhi,

thiruppavai etc, but no other acharya other than periyavachan pillai has written

commentaries to all the arulicheyal paasurams. That is why he is regarded as

“paramakArunikar” (one who is filled with ultimate grace) by

the Srivaishnava society. Not stopping with commentaries to divya prabhandams

swamy has done vyakhyanams to important slokas in ramayanam, a book on

tattvatrayam and many more.




Sri Manavala mAmunigal in his upadesa ratnamalai, shows his deep regards to this

great acharya as follows:




“periyavAchAnpillai pinpullavaikkum


theriya vyAkiyaigal seivAl – ariya


arulichcheyal porulai AriyarkatkippOdhu


arulicheyalAi tharindhu”




In the earlier paasurams, Swamy Manavala mAmunigal highlighted the various

vyakhyanams done by the various acharyas to the divine dravida vedam,

thiruvaimozhi. In this paasuram he says ‘pinpullavai’ referring to the other 23

prabhandams, starting from thiruppallandu till Periya thirumadal. Periya vAchan

pillai reserves the credit to have done a commentary to all the prabhandams and

thereby leaving the srivaishnavic world with the clear knowledge of the inner

sweet meanings of the azhvar’s arulicheyals. Can we ever repay the debt towards

this great acharya? Only thing we can do is to do an anjali to his divine feet

and recite his thaniyan and vAzhi thirunamams today and for ever. It is our

prime duty to preserve his divine works. Whether we read or not we have to

possess these precious jems with us and whenever time permits we have to go

through them and get enlightened by the writings of such Mahans.




The avatharikai (introduction) periyavachan pillai gives before proceeding to

give the commentary to the prabhandams is extraordinary and really takes the

reader to the time of the azhvar himself and makes us deeply involved in the

feelings of the azhvar and their relationship with the lord. To show a sample

let us enjoy the avatharikai given by PVP in his thirunedundAndaka (Last

prabhandam of thirumangai azhvar, one of the six angas to the dravida vedam)

vyakhyanam. Let me give the moolam first and then proceed to give the meaning,




“Azhvar thirumangai Azhvar AgirAr, “vendriyE vEndi veezhporutkirangi vErkanAr

kalaviyE karudhi” endru sarvEshvaran vibhoodhi adaiya evar thodaikku keezhE

kidakkiradhOvendru sangikka vEndum padi adhisayithAhankArarAi, adukkadiyAna

dhEhAthmAbhimAnaththai vudaiyarAi, aththAlE “sAnthEndhu menmulaiyAr thadanthOl

punarinbha veLLaththAzhindhEn” engirapadiyE Athma vishayamAdhal, Ishvara vishaya

mAdhal jnanam pirakkaikku yOgyadhai ellAdhapadi vishayapravanarAi pOndhAr





Meaning: Azhvar becomes thirumangai azhvar. Earlier azhvar was immersed in the

pleasures of the world and went at the back of beautiful women considering even

the lord’s abode to be under his feet. Filled with ego and pride azhvar was

immersed in the beauty of women and hence was deprived from the qualification of

understanding the athma and Ishvaran ……




Let us continue with the avathArikai in the next posting.




(To be continued)




Alwar EmperumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigalE sharaNam




Adiyen Ramanuja dAsee,


Sumithra Varadarajan













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