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Bhagavan (post-3)

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Sri Parthasarathi thunai


SrimathE rAmAnujaya Namaha


Srimad Vara Vara MunayE Namaha


Sri vAnAchala mahA munayE Namaha




" Srivatsachinha misrEbhO namavukthi madheemahi,


yadhuktayas trayeekantE yAnthi mangaLasootrathAm "




" Sri parasara bhattAryA: SrirangEsa purOhita:


srivatsAngitha sudhas sriman sreyasE mEstu bhooyasE "




In the previous posting we enjoyed the SriRangaraja stava sloka of Swamy

Parasara bhattar and Varadarajan stava sloka of Swamy koorathAzhvan both telling

us about the divine qualities of emperuman. Swamy koorathAzhvan expresses the

same idea in one another sloka of his excellent work " athimAnusha stavam " .




" Jnanambalam vipulameeshanaveerya shakthi


tejAmsee cha triyugabhooya mupAgadhAni I


poornAni shat cha parigruhya bhavan chaturthA


bhaktham janam tvamanujagrahithAnurAgAth II " (6)




[Oh! MY lord you along with limitless kalyana gunas primarily six in number

viz., Jnanam, balam, Ishvaryam, veeryam, shakthi, tejas attain the form of

vasudeva with all the 6 divine qualities and as sankarshana, pradyumna and

aniruddha with 2 of the 6 gunas (predominating) to shower your grace on the





Sri Pillai ulagariyan in his tattvatraya-Ishvara prakaranam explains the same as





" parathvaththil jnAnAdhigal Arum poornamAyirukkum; vyuhaththil evvirandu gunam

prakadanamAyirukkum adhil sankarshanar jnanam balangalirandOdum koodi jeeva

tattvaththai adhishtiththu aththai prakruthiyil nindrum vivEgiththu

prathyumnAvastaiyaiyum bhajiththu shAstra pravarthanaththaiyum jagath

samhAraththaiyum pannak kadavarAyiruppar; prathyumnar Ishvarya

veeryangalirandOdunkoodi manas tattvaththai adhistiththu dharmOpadEsaththaiyum

manusadhushtayam todakkamAna suddha varkka srushtiyaiyum panna kadavarAyiruppar;

anirudhdhar shakthi tejassukkalirandOdun koodi rakshanaththukkum tattvajnana

pradhAnaththukkum kAla srushtikkum misrasrishtikkum kadavarAyirrupar "




We have already seen that though it has been said that each moorthi has 2 of the

6 qualities it refers only to the predominance of the qualities and actually

bhagavan takes any avataram along with all his divine qualities only. At this

point the words of Swamy VedantAchariyar in his rahasya traya sAram comes handy.




" ekgunangalellAm sarva kAlaththilum svaroopAsrithangalAyirukkum. Para

vyuhAdhigalil gunaniyamam sollugiradhellAm avvO roopangalai anusandhippArkku

sarvEshvaran Avishkarikkum gunavishEshangal sollugaikkAga vaththanai "




Sri PeriyavAchAn pillai in his tattvatraya sangraham says,




" emperumAnudaiya divyAtmaguNangalAvana-


jnanam shakyAthi shatguNangalum, adhilE pirandha sowsheelyAdhigalum "


" evaithAn OrO guNangalukkum avadhiyindriyilE, evattrukku thogaiyumindriyilE

yirukkum "




Thondaradipodi azhvar rightly said, " pEsittrE pesalallAl " . What a similarity in

words and meanings have our poorvacharyas expressed in their works. It gives us

a clear picture with out any room for even a slight confusion. There is

absolutely no limit or count for the bhagavat kalyana gunas. Nammazhvar enjoys

the same as, " yAnum Eththi Ezhulagum muttumEththi pinnaiyum tAnumEththilum tanni

Eththa Eththa engaidum " (4-3-10) [i try to praise emperuman then the whole world

fully tries further emperuman himself tries to talk his praise but no limit can

be found], " Erila vanpugazh " (1-2-10), " ennil tholpugazh " (3-3-3).




" yathA rathnAni jalathE: asankEyE Yani puthraga I


tathA gunA: anantasya asankEyEyA mahatmana: II "




Like the countless valuable gems inside the sea, the ocean of kalyana gunas of

ananthan is also innumerable adorns a puranic sloka.




Till now we have seen the reason behind the title " Bhagavan " given to the

supreme lord and how that has been expressed in their works by our

poorvacharyas. In the next posting we will see what the six qualities actually

signify and see where we will be able to visualise this Bhagavan even with our

'oona kan' (those eyes with which we see the world today).




(To be continued)




Alwar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam


Adiyen ramanuja dAsee


Sumithra Varadarajan









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