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A Peep into Periya ThiruMozhi 189

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Dear SrEvaishNavites,


The Lord knows any feigning of worship as He is inside the jEvAthmA. 'vuLLuvAr vuLLiRRellAm vudan irundhu.." says thoNdar adip poDi. Here Thirumangai AzhwAr says that he is a cheat in the sense that he has misconstrued as the jEvAthmA as his.


Usually, we observe poets talking about swans while narrating style and beauty of walk. Here in ThriuchERai it is the other way round. The swans simulate the walking style of the beutiful women and did they succeed in that ?


Finally, Thirumangai AzhwAr prescribes dedicating this pAsuram to Almighty with folded hands.


All these are aptly summarised by Smt Sumithra VaradarAjan.



vanamamalai padmanabhan



Sri Parthasarathi thunai

SrimathE ramanujaya Namaha

Sri Vara Vara munayE Namaha

Sri vAnachala maha munayE namaha




“kallaththEn poiyagaththEn AdhalAl pOdharukAl kavalai ennum vellaththErkku enkolO”


“I am a perfect cheat. I stole my athma “chOrEna AthmA apahArinam” and till today haven’t accepted the same. Due to this I have been suffering in the world of miseries without any break. In spite of all these, how is it that I have received a outcome that is attained by those who surrender their athma to the lord and at all times are in his memory” Wonders kaliyan in the 9th paasuram of the kan sOra venkurudhi padhigam.


My heart is a barren land filled with hard stones. How did love and respect, that too towards bhagavatas, who I consider to be just like me (sajadeeyargal) creep inside my heart? Deeply wonder’s azhvar in the last but one paasuram in this canto.


Usually the last paasuram in any padhigam except for a few exceptions is a pala shruthi paasuram. Pala shruthi paasuram declares who wrote the above paasuram and what result those who chant these paasurams will obtain. This canto is one of the rare ones that does that say the palam (result) directly. Kaliyan says,


The Failed Simulation

“poomAn sEr karunkuzhalAr pOl nadanthu vayal nindRa pedaiyodannam

tEmAvinin nizhalil kanduyilum taN sErai yammAn tannai

vAmAn sEr parakAlan kalikandri olimAlai kondu thondeer

toomAn sEr ponnadimEl sootumin num tuNai kaiyAl thozhudhu nindrE”


[The birds in the fields of thiruchchErai divya desam try to imitate the beautiful walking style of the long dark haired maidens of the place and not being able to do the same even in the company of the female birds due to shy, sleep under the shadow of the trees. Kalikandri, who is capable of winning over his enemies like Parthasarathi who rode the chariot of arjuna in such a way to win over the war wrote this beautiful tamil poetry. Oh! Those who are interested in bhagavat vishayam, oh! Bhagavatas submit this beautiful paasurams to the sparkling divine feet of emperuman. While doing so let your hands be folded while standing in front of him.]


Dedicating the thirumozhi to the Lord-The End in itself.


What is the pala shruthi here? Folding hands in front of the lord and chanting the paasurams of kaliyan itself is the palan. How? Sri Parasara bhattar in his guna ratna kosam says, “Ishvaryam akshara gathim paramam padham vaa….” Oh! Ranganayaki your head is bowed down I have found the reason. This person came in front of you and prostrated you with folded hands. You gave him all the wealth, kaivalyam and even paramapadam but still you are not satisfied with granting the required for what he did. So your head is bowed due to shyness. That is the generosity/magnanimity of piratti. The same is with perumal. It is even enough if we stand in front of him with folded hands. What to say, if we chant azhvar’s paasuram, that too the paasurams that elaborate the greatness of bhagavatas very near to emperuman’s heart (“jnAni tu Athmaiva mE matham” “mama prAnAhi pAndava:”)?


Azhvar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam

Adiyen ramanuja dAsee

Sumithra Varadarajan



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