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Book Release function - Srivaishnava NithyanusandhanamWith a view to preserving the priceless treasures ofSri Kanchi Mahavidhvan P.B.AnnAngrAchAryar svAmi -TheVersatile Genius, VEDHICS Foundation USA, with theintention of Preserving the books of svami forposterity and also with the sole intention of lendinga taste of what a MahavidhvAn is and in the processinstill immense SrevaishNavite education, explainedlucidly by Sri PBA svAmy in his famous 'dhivyArthadhEpikai', started the Grantha Kainkaryam. To makethat happen VEDICS joined hands with Granthamala,Kanchi Svami's own office. It is said, that the gooddeeds continue as Vaazhai adi vaazhai (from oneplaintain tree to another they have same root), trueto that Sri P.B.Sampath Kumar svami Grandson of KanchiSvami extended a hearty welcome to VEDICS, and it mustbe said that it was due to his untiring effors thisfirst book release has happened. The project had a long term vision of re-publishingall the books of Kanchi svami and it is no wonder thishas started with 'nithyAnusandhAnam' the capsule ofAzhvAr-s prbahandham and their simple meanings givenon a platter by the great MahavidhvAn. With theblessings of both PEar aruLALan and Geethacharyan andrelentless efforts of Sri Vangipuram PattangiMukundan, President of VEDICS Foundation, Smt and SriP.B.Sampath Kumar svami and the illustrous family ofSri Kanchi Svami, the NithyAnusandhAnam booktransformed into a wonderful Book form with wonderfulpictures or EmperumAn, AzvAr and AchAryAs. The Book release function was also a great occasion.It was at the footsteps of GEthAchAryan this wasconducted, The place itself was the Sri VanamamalaiMutt. Erudite scholars not just attneded but Gracedthe occasion by not just by their august presence buttheir divine speech and AsErvAdham-s. His Holiness SriParakAla Ramanuja Embar Jeeyar svami released the bookand the first copy was receid by Sri U.Ve.Elayavalli.S.Bhoovarahachar svami. when looked fromthe top, it looked as if all the 5 emperumaans of thedhivyadesam, all the azvars, acharyas graced thefunction personally. Sri P.T.Seshadhri svAmi commencedthe occasion with his prayer and the divine releasetook place. The release was followed by deliveries.Divine Deliveries. HH Sri Parakala Ramanuja EmbarJeeyar svami gave his mangalasasanams. Lectures byeminent scholars continued. Thanks to Sri Kanchi Svami who has given us thisunique oppurtunity to serve the sampradayam. Thanks toVEDICS Foundation USA for their immense efforts.Thanks to Granthamala, Kanchi Svami's own office.Thanks to Smt and Sri P.B.Sampath Kumar svAmi fortheir invaluable Cooperation in all respects. We hopeto grow strength to strength. This book is a pricelesstreasure. An invaluable one. For Beginners it is aboon .For others it is a prized possession. In theProcess we will also be a small squirrell insupporting VEDICS Foundation the SrEvaishNavitenon-profit organisation and its members in theircommitment to their roles and furtherance of theirmicro and macro objects to serve the sampradayam andthier motto "Thondukkey kolam poondu". salam ilA anilam pOlEan N.S.Padmanabhan VEDICS-Grantha Kainkaryam coordinator, India.

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