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nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi-98

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Sri Parthasarathi thunai

Srimathe ramanujaya Namaha

Srimad Vara Vara munayE Namaha

Sri vAnAchala mahA munayE Namaha




"pazhudhAgA tondRaRindhEn pArkadalAn pAdham



vazhuvA vagaininaindhu vaigal-thozhuvArai


kandiRanji vAzhvAr kalandha vinaikeduththu


viNdiRandhu veeRRiruppAr mikku"


Ignoring the not so effective ways, do we really have something that is surely effective?

'Yes' answers thirumazhisaipiran.

Bhagavat/bhAgavata samAsrayanam (surrendering to the lord and bhagavatas) are the best upayas. Again out of these two bhAgavata samAsrayanam is absolute.


(pazhudhAgA tondRaRindhEn) I have known the one upaya that will never go fruitless.

The ways that does not go waste are i) Surrendering to bhagavan ii) considering bhagavatas to be our masters and surrendering iii) settling under the shadows of bhagavata abhimanam.

Out of these azhvar talks about the second (bhagavata samasrayanam) in this paasuram and then proceeds to talk about the first and last in the next paasuram


(pArkadalAn pAdham) The divine feet of the one who has sacrificed his divine abode the ultimate bliss and descended to the milky ocean (thiruparkadal) for the sake of the sharanagathas.



(vazhuvA vagai ninaindhu) Those who surrender with purity in mind, considering the lord's divine feet to be both the way and the goal.

Aspiring for the right benefit unlike begging for a rupee from a billionaire;


(vaigal thozhuvArai) Surrendering to the lord is such a pleasant feeling that if one falls to his feet once he will be tempted to do the same again and again daily.



(thozhuvArai kaNdu) After we taste the pleasure of surrendering we then start searching for those who have the same experience.


Here lies the difference between ii) and iii).

The bhagavata talked about in ii) goes in search of other bhagavathas whereas those in iii) are blessed to be admired by other bhagavathas without any effort on their side.


(kaNdu eRanji vAzhvAr) They are blessed with the acquaintance and sight of bhagavat bhakthas and also extol their enchanting activities;



(eRanji) prostrate whole-heartedly says Appillai


(kalandha vinai keduththu viN tiRandhu veeRRiruppAr mikku) they are blessed to get rid of all those sins that were mingling with the athma for so long.

Slowly the door to the vaikunda opens. The jeeva now filled with jnana and bhakthi enters the ultimate bliss to do divine service to the nithyasooris who rank first among the kainkaryaparas to the divine lord.



(mikku veeRRirupAr) they remain with utmost knowledge and devotion; they sit with might;



(To Be Continued)



Azhvar emperumAnAr Jeeyer thiruvadigalE sharaNam


Adiyen ramanuja dAsee



Sumithra Varadarajan













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