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PurattAsi SravaNam MangaLAsAsanam at Kaanchi: Part VIII

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SrI MahA Devi SamEtha Sri VaradarAja ParabrahmaNE nama:


Dear BhakthAs:


Salutation to the Blemishless AchArya Paramparai


Once again , Swamy Desikan is overwhelmed by

the NirapAya Desika paramparai and the SrI NadAthUr

AmmAL's celebrated KaalakshEpa ghOshti and the sacred

pravachanams there leading up to the creation of

Srutha PrakAsikA and other SrI Sookthis by his sishyAs.


Ten of Swamy Desikan's slOkams from his various works

and one benedictory slOkam of NadAthUr AmmAL are recited

here to salute the AchArya Paramparai .


First SlOkam saluting SrI AmmAL KaalakshEpa GhOshti


A slOkam from SrI Sankalpa SooryOdhayam is recited now in

anticipation of the imminent visit to the sacred site ,

where the KaalakshEpa GhOshti including Swamy Desikan's

own AchArya thrived:


dhivi bhuvi cha nivishtAn DEsikAN dhivya bhUmna:

praNathi niyatha vrutthi: prArTayE kanchidharTam

adhijigamishurAdhyam dhAma yushmath prabhAvAth

priyagathiranugruhya prEkshyathAm bhruthya yEsha:


As the one belonging to the illustrious line of AchAryans

of resplendent glories staying in SrI Vaikuntam or here ,

Swamy Desikan prays for their anugraham as the servant

indebted to them.


Second SlOkam saluting NadathUr AmmAL KaalkshEpa GhOshti


asmath guru paramagurUn Yathivara Poornou cha Yaamunam Raamam

PadhmAksha Naatha SaThajith sEnEsa RamA RamApathIn vandhe


The entire series of AchAryAs (AchArya paramaparai ) starting

from AthrEya RaamAnujar (Guru of Swamy Desikan) to the Lord

Himself is saluted here . AchArya RaamAnujA , His AchAryan

Periya Nampi( MahA PoorNar) , Yaamuna Muni , Raama Misrar

(MaNakkAl Nampi) , UyyakkoNDAr ( PundareekAkshar) , Naatha Muni,

SathakOpar (Swamy NammAzhwAr ) , VishvaksEnar , Periya PirAtti

and Her Divine Consort are saluted Here in the ascending order.


Third SlOkam saluting NadathUr AmmAL KaalkshEpa GhOshti


SamsAradhva gathAgatha sramaharas sarvAvagaahya : svayam

SrIsamlEsha samullasathganarasa: SrIsastaDAkO mahAn

nEdhishtEna mahApaTEna sugamO yEshAm prasAdhadh abhUth

thIrTam tathra subham prakAsayathu nastEbhyO GurubhyO nama:


The analogy of relief (Srama haram)from the horrid summer heat

( the experiences of SamsAric afflictions) by dipping deep

in to the cool pond of AchArya anugraham is recognized here

and salutation is made to those AchAryaas and their paramparai.


Fourth SlOkam saluting NadAthUr AmmAL KaalakshEpa GhOshti


A slOkam from SrImath Rahasya Thraya Saaram from

the Guru ParamparA chapter is recited now:


Gurubhyas Tadhgrubhyasccha namOvAkam adhImahE

vruNImahE cha tathrAdhyou DampathI JagathAm pathI


We invoke the namas sabdham for our immediate Guru

and His Gurus. Among them , we elect the SaravalOka

SEshis , the Lord and His PirAtti both as UpAyam

and Phalan.


Fifth SlOkam saluting NadAthUr AmmAL KaalkshEpa maNDapam


yEthE mahyam apODa manmaTasarOnmATAya NaaTAdaya:

trayyantha: prathinandanIya vividhOdhanthA: svadandhAmiha

sraddhAtavya SaraNyadampathi dayAdhivyApagA vyApakA:

sparthA viplava vipralambha padhavI vaidEsikA DesikA:


This slOkam is an echo of the thoughts housed in the 65th slOkam of

SrI YathirAja Sapthathi . The VyApaka AchAryAs belonging to

the sath sampradhAyam are celebrated here and contrasted

with the aadEsa VaidEsikAs ( outside the divine directions of

SadAcAryAs belonging to the veda Maargam) , who bring misery.


EmperumAn and His Divine Consort are the trust worthy

SaraNya Dampathis celebrated through many charithrams

in Veda-VedAntham.Those who spread the GangA of their

DayA to us are AchAryAs like NaaTa Muni. These AchAryAs

are far away from inauspicious codes of behavior such as

(1)insulting others because they are learned (2)destroying

ancient sadAchArams (3)being decietful. In this SamsAric

world full of temptatations like lust for the other sex

induced by the arrows of ManamTA and other disturbances

arising from inappropriate desires , May the Vaibhavams

and UpadEsams of these AchAryAs become enjoyable to adiyEn !


Sixth SlOkam saluting NadAthUr AmmAL KaalakshEpa GhOshti


HrudhyA Hrudhpadhma simhAsana rasika HayagrIva hEshOrmighOsha

kshiptha prathyarTi dhrupthir jayathi bahuguNA pankthir-asmath gurUNAm

dhik-soudhAbaddha jaithra dhvajapaDa bhavana sphAthi nirdhUtha Tatthath-

siddhAntha sthOma thUla staBaka vigamana vyaktha-sadhvarthaneekA


The glory of the illustrious AchArya paramaparai and its victories

in establishing our siddhAntham with the blessings of the Lord

HayagrIvan sitting in the heart lotus of the AchAryAs is celebrated

in this slOkam. The auspicious sounds of the neighing (kanaippu)

of Lord HayagrIva BhagavAn as Sarva VidhyAdhikAri is saluted.

The fluttering of the victory flag of our AchAryAs over

Para mathams is rememembered.


Seventh sLokam saluting NadAthUr AmmAL KaalakshEpa GhOshti


Aabhagavattha: praTithAm anagAm AchArya Sathathim vandhE

manasi mama yath prasAdhAth vasathi Rahasyathrayasya sArOyam


adiyEn salutes the AchArya Paramparai starting from BhagavAn

Himself. The essence of Rahasya Thraya Saaram resides in my

mind due to their anugraha Balam.


Eighth SlOkam saluting NadAthUr AmmAL KaalakshEpa mantapam


Karma-BrahmAthmakE SaasthrE kouthaskutha nivarthakAn

vandhE HasthigirIsasya VeeTi sOdhaka kimkarAn


The salutations here are to the SadAchAryAs , who

kept the highways(Veedhis) of the Lord (i-e)., Veda Maargam ,

free from any defects and blemishes (spic and span)

through their tireless AchAryaka Kaimkaryams .


Ninth SlOkam saluting NadAthUr AmmAL's KaalakshEpa mantapam


adhyAseena turangavakthra vilasaj-jihvAgra simhAsanAth

AchAryAdhiha dEvathAm samadhikA manyAm na manyAmahE

yasyAsou bhajathE kadhAchidahadhbhUmA svayam bhUmikAm

magnAnAm bhavinAm bhavArNava samuttharAya NaarAYaNa:


The great AchArya Bhakthi of Swamy Desikan is evident here.

He asserts that he will not consider any dEvathA equal to

or greater than AchAryAs. Tribute to Lord HayagrIvan

sitting on the throne at the tip of the AchAryA's tongue and

the merciful act of PrathamAchAryan, SrIman NaarAyaNan in

uplifting those who are drowning in the bottomless Ocean of

SamsAram .


Tenth SlOkam saluting the AchArya paramparai


prapadanamayE vidhyAbhEdhE prathishititha chEthasa:

prathipadamiha praj~nAdhAyam disanthu dayAghanA:

SaTharipu Suka VyAsa PrAchEthasAdhi niBhandhana

srama pariNatha sraddhA suddhAsayA mama DesikA:


The UpakArams done by His AchAryAs and the times at

which the AchAryAs come to rescue ( steep flight down

from the auspicous path, time of delusion about

the vEda maargam established by the praTamAchAryan)

are listed here. With sraddha ( conviction/faith),

they (AchAryAs) perform their duties and bless us through

their AchAryakathvam bound by the doctrines established by

Swamy NammazhwAr , Suka Brahmam , VyAsa BhagavAn and

Aadhi Kavi VaalmIki.


Eleventh slOkam saluting the NadAthUr AmmAL KaalakshEpa Mantapam


prathishtAipitha VedAntha: prathikshiptha Bahirmatha:

bhUyAs thrai vidhyamAnyasthvam bhUrikalyANa bhAjanam


This is the benedictory slOkam from NadAthUr AmmAL,

when He met the five year old VedAntha Desikan at

His KaalakshEpa Mantapam . NadAthUr AmmAL was so

taken up by the dhivya tEjas of the child and its

precocious talent that His blessings poured forth

spontaneously: " Oh Blessed Child! You will establish

the deep meanings of VedAs with pramANams! You will

destroy the arguments of the enemies of sath sampradhAyam.

The great scholars well versed in VedAs and VedAnthams

will recognize and praise your erudition with reverence.

May all MangaLams come Your way in great quantities !


Swamy Desikan went on to become VedAnthAchAryar

and Sarva Tantra Svatanthrar .


Salutation to Swamy Desikan (Kattiyam) & Yehtsarikai


SrImadh-Varadha-GurukrupA-lambhithOddhAma Vaibhava !

SrI VaadhihamsAmbhuvAhAdhAchAryAth aaptha Saasthra!


Oh Swamy Desika , who was the object of the KrupA of

Varadha Guru (NadAthur AmmAL) and became celebrated

for Your Vaibhavam as a paramAchAryan ! Oh Swamy DesikA,

who acquired all SaasthrA instruction from AthrEya

RaamAnujA (SrI VaadhihamsAmbhuvAahar), the disciple of

NadAthUr AmmAL ! Yethsarikai Swaami Yethsarikai!

Vijayee Bhava Vijayee Bhava Vijayee Bhava ,

Yethsarikai Swami Yethsarikai !


Now Swamy Desikan travels to the Sannidhi of his dear

Lord VaradarAjan fro MangaLAsAsanam on his birth day of

PurattAsi Sravanam .The Lord has ben waiitng patiently

for His dearst one to arrive all morning !


The archakAs hold gently the kaitthalam on which Swamy

Desikan is sitting and bring him close to the space below

the sacred feet of the Lord . The AchAryan and the Lord

are now united together .


adiyEn will describe the special alankAram for Lord

VaradarAjan as KaNNan ( KaNNan Karigiri mEl ninRu

anaitthum KaakkinRAn --Swamy Desikan) for this occasion .


There will be a huge throng of devotees and famous AchAryAs

assembled at the Sannidhi to have the unique darsanam of

the Lord and His famous AchAryan together on this auspicious day.


The deeply moving MangaLAsAsanam with recitation of many

slOkams from Swamy Desikan's SrI Sookthis take place now .

The Garbha Gruham resonates with the MangaLa sabdham of

vedAnthAchAryan's SrI Sookthis after haratthi is performed

for Lord VaradarAjan.


Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan


























Swamy NigamAntha MahA Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


P.S : Please remember to support the NithyArAdhana kaimkaryam at

ThUppul Swamy Desikan Sannidhi .Please contact me for details

on how you can supprot this important kaimakaryam.

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