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Dear BhakthAs:


I am grateful to SrIman Narasimhan Ananatha rangachar Dampathys

of Bangalore for their most valuable kaimkaryams in transalting

the PeraruLALan pathrikai articles int to English and sending them

to me for archiving in the Moorthy LakshaNam section of

the Home pages for SaaLigrAmam under development .


These authoritative articles are from HH PoundarIkapuram

Andavan to whom we are indebted .


Daasan, V.Sadagopan



>Respected Sriman Sadagopan Swamin:

>I am sending here (as text file attachment) the second and last part of



>on Saligramam by HH Srimad Paravakkottai Andavan Swamy. The articles which

>came in Perarulalan magazine issues of July, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov and Dec 2001

>and Jan 2002 are in this file (have been marked too).


>I have not done much of prrof-reading etc and kindly excuse us for any mistakes

>which might be there and they are ours and ours alone. We would be glad to

>make any corrections pointed out by readers.


>These articles have been translated from Tamil to english by my wife, Usha.


>Hope readers enjoy the information.


>I had some difficulty posting files on the group and hence am sending it to you

>and am requesting you to kindly post it to the respective groups.


>Thanks and Regards,



>Shrimathe gopaala desika mahadesikaaya namaha


>July 2001



>Saalagraamams can be of the following colors :-


>White , yellow ,red black, ash color, kapila (light red), black and

>red color mixed as in smoke or multi colored.


>Murthies and their Colors, in general :-


>Vaasudeva kshetram white

>Hiranya garbhan yellow

>pradyumnan red

>vishnu black

>shriman narayanan green / yellow

>narasimhan kapila

>vaamanan kayam flower color (light blue)


>Colors and their benefits :-


>Blue aiswaryam

>black strength and progress

>red kingdom

>white moksham, charity and wealth

>multi colored shri / sampath


>Murthies unworthy of worship


>Very dark colors, those whose colors are difficult to ascertain,

>dark red and those colors not mentioned in the list given above have to be



>Murthy and its vadanam(opening)


>When the length of the vadanam of the saalagraamam is one eighth

>the perimeter of the murthy, then it is a superior murthy, if it is

>one fourth it is tolerable ; but if the length of the vadanam is

>more than one fourth the perimeter, the murthy is not worthy of

>worship. If the vadanam is on the bottom surface, the murthy is not

>worthy of worship; vadanam on the upper surface keeps enemies away; those

>with vadanam on the mid portion are superior and worthy of worship.

>If the vadanam lies on one portion of the murthy, the murthy is not acceptable.

>Elongated and very lengthy murthies are not worthy ones.

>All Shri vaishnavites must possesss saalagramaam murthies in their homes.

>Murthies of Black and jamun fruit color are commonly found in homes.


>We perform narayanan smaranams for bestowing all mangalam on those

>who worship murthies of the right color, having correct no. of vadanams.


>Narayana Narayana






>Aug 2001


>Characteristics of some saalagraama murthies


>Matsya murthy



>Has a shape of that of a fish and a mouth too.

>Chakras are found in the mouth.On the tail,there could be chakras or

shrivatsa marks.

>If the murthy has dots or lines on the surface,these signify Vanamaala and

are very

>auspicious signs.





>Circular in shape, of the form of a tortoise, this murthy could also have

lines that signify

>the Vanamaala or lotus or chakra. Green or golden colored dots may also be

seen. This is a

>very rare murthy and difficult to obtain. Murthies that are big, heavy,

rough and jet black in

>color may also be called kurma murthies. These huge murthies may have

chakras and also exhibit

>other colors like red and so on.


>Varaaha murthy



>A long mouth with chakras on the inner surface of the open mouth, signs of

bearing the Earth -

>these are the lakshanas of the varaaha murthy. It could be blue or black in



>Swaetha varaahan



>Of a long nose and one molar tooth, white in color and with lines of

Vanamaala - these are the

>lakshanas of the swaetha varaaha murthy.


>Bhoo Varaaha



>Sporting a well groomed body with chakras on the rear end, face of the

shape of a spear - ankusha-

>and having a pronounced canine tooth; this nurthy is a bestower of all good


>The Varaaha murthy of Indra-neela color and possessing three lines is a

bestower of all friuts.





>Of a long mouth, light red (kapila) in color, an elongated chakra with a

large torso (mid portion)

>; this murthy has to be worshipped by sanyasis.


>Laxmi Narasimhan



>Sporting a chakra on the left side or with two chakras, black in color,

smeared with dots : this

>murthy bestows material gains and Shri Vaikuntam. There may be a big chakra

with a small

>chakra at the centre, in the mouth of the murthy.


>Mahajwaala Narasimhan



>Huge murthy with wide open mouth, of blue or light red color : this murthy

has to be worshipped

>by sanyasis only.





>Of the color of Indra-neela gem, small in size, with bright rays of

Vanamaala and lotus , this

>murthy is round shaped.

>If the same murthy is long and beautiful, with lines of vanamaala, lotus,

shankha, chakra and

>gadhai, then it is called thrivikrama.


>Shri raama



>This is thick and long, with lines indicating bow and arrow; sports dots on

the surface, chakra

>at the centre; having many openings of black or orange color; may sport

lines of lotus.


>Sita Raama



>Egg shaped, with an opening on the lower surface, kundala lines and two

chakras present in the

>mouth, lines indicating kalpa-vruksha, a chakra on the left side of the

head portion.


>Shri Krishna



>Possessing lines that represent the five Ayudhas viz. Shankha, chakra,

gadhai, Sharngam(bow) and

>nandakam(knife). Having lines of vanamaala and lotus and sporting small



>Shri gopaala murthy



>Having the lines of PanchaAyudha as in the Shri Krishna murthy, with no

openings and with lines

>of vanamaala. The mid portion is thick with lines indicating a flute.

>The same murthy with one half being red and the other being black and

sporting a long mouth,

>is called Madhana gopaala.


>Santhaana gopaala



>On both sides of the murthy lines indicative of a cane(stick used for

driving the cattle) and

>horns of cows are seen. Lines indicating a flute, vanamaala, chakras of the

shape of a spear,

>dharma chakras can also be seen in the mouth. Worshippers of this murthy

are bestowed with

>a long progeny. The murthy is long and blue in color.


>Hayagriva murthy



>Face of the shape of the spear, elongated body with dots on the surface.

Looks very much like

>a ripe jamun fruit.


>Lakshmi Narayana



>Has a valley like formation, chakras on the top portion, well rounded

shape. Four chakras

>are seen in two openings on the left side of the murthy. Chakras of the

shape of shrivatsa and

>conch are seen.

>If lines indicative of a flying garuda are seen in the mouth, the worshiper

is bestowed with

>bounty. If lines indicative of Adhisesha encircling the murthy are seen,

then it is a Narayana

>murthy. If two chakras are found in the upper and lower surfaces of the

mouth, then it is

>called Laxmi narayana murthy.


>Govinda murthy



>Of bluish black color, vanamaala lines, of ten mouth lines with one chakra

each on the upper

>and lower surface. Worshippers are bestowed with whatever they desire.






>Round or egg shaped murthy, with dots all over the body. One chakra in the








>Sep 2001



>Hiranya garbham



>Generally, murthies that do not have any openings are called Hiranya

garbhams. Inside some of

>these murthies a reddish golden glow can be seen when the murthy is held

against the light.

>The other lakshanas are:-

>it is round shape like the moon and the surface is very smooth. Big in size

and black in color,

>the top portion is elevated and chakras can be seen near the mouth.

Worshippers of these will

>have a very bright future. Worshipping this murthy yields the fruits of

worshipping a thousand saaligrama

>murthies. This murthy yields the fruits of worshipping a thousand

saaligraama murthies. This murthy

>bestows a lot of material happiness. On placing near the ear, a distinct

sound can be heard.


>Shudhdha sudharshana murthy



>One chakra in the head portion and beside the chakra, symbols of conch etc.

are seen. This murthy

>bestows all the desires of the worshipper. Black in color, speckled with

dots it bestows happiness in this

>world. Of very bright lustre, this murthy has signs of gadhai and chakra on

the left side and lines

>on the right. Of the shape of chakra, it has many lines. If this murthy has

golden lines, it bestows

>happiness here and in the other world.


>Ubhaya sudharshana murthy



>One chakra each at the top and rear ends. Black in color, it is of a very

small size. Bestower of

>all desires this murthy is difficult to obtain.


>Murthies that should not be worshipped



>Murthies that do not have a regular shape should not be worshipped. Murthy

that has a burn mark

>or is hot to feel or with lines of confluence and that which has no chakras

and is rough, those

>with irregular shaped mouths , with a crack ,those with crooked chakras,

chakras at the bottom,

>countless number of chakras or many bow-like lines , indistinct chakras,

those of the color

>of bright green, red as fire, scary to look at,triangle shaped , those with

too many holes or

>too many lines , should not be worshipped.


>Donating saaligraamams



>A saaligraama murthy is said to contain the fourteen worlds. Hence, Lord

Shriman Narayana is

>pleased by the act of donating a saaligraama. Only a murthy that has been

worshipped, is worthy

>of donation. One should accept only such murthies. Both the giver and

receiver of a murthy will

>accumulate lots of punyas. One who sells or buys a saaligraama murthy will

attain hell.


>However a murthy may be, be it broken, damaged, cracked etc. it sanctifies

the place of its

>residence. If one is unable to obtain a blemishless murthy, even a faulty

one can be worshipped,

>provided it has chakras. Saaligraama worship bestows all auspiciousness.

Bramhachari and sanyasi

>can worship murthies with blemishes.


>One murthy or even no. of murthies except two, can be worshipped. Odd no.

of murthies except

>one, should not worshipped.








>Oct 2001



>Colors of Saaligramam and their associated benefits



>Saalagraama Of the color Kapila (light brick red) if worshipped will result

in loss of wife.

>Hence, this has to be worshipped by bramhachari or sanyasi.


>Those of blue color bestow aIshwaryam and lakshmi.


>Those of black color bestow strength , fame and success.


>White colored ones bestow moksham.


>Yellow ones bestow wealth.


>Red one bestows on the worshipper kingdom.


>Those that are very red result in death of the worshipper.


>Those of ash color result in sadness and poverty.


>Deciding the murthy based on the color



>Red color Narasimhan

>Kayam flower color Vaamanan

>White Vaasudevan

>REd Sankarshanan

>Blue Damodaran, Aniruddan

>Black Narayan, Vishnu

>All colors Ananthan

>Yellow Shridaran

>Off white Vaasudevan

>Pure white Adhokshajan

>Honey color Bramha


>This table can be found in the Shri tatwa nidhi.


>Deciding the murthy based on the chakra



>If one chakra is present, then the murthy could be any of the following :-


>One Pundarikan, vaikuntan, madhusudanan, raaman,

> balaraaman, sudharshanan, veer narayanan,

> ksheerabdhi shaayi, matsya murhty, parameshti,

> vishwarupam etc.

>This is is a brief of what is told in the puraanas.



>If two chakras are present, then the murthy could be any of the following :-


>Two Matsya, kurmam,varaahan, swaetha varaahan, vaamanan,

> lakshmi varaahan,garudan, bhu varaahan, narasimhan

> parushuraaman, veera raaman, keshavan, lakshmi

> narasimhan, seshan, upendran,dadhi vaamanan, vishnu,

> daasharathi raaman, balaraaman, kodhanda ramaan,

> thrivikraman, krishnan, govarhanan, kalki,padmanabhan

> hari, pradyumnan, anirudhdhan, lakshmi gopaalan,

> santhaan gopaalan, madana gopaalan, bal krishnan,

> hayagrivan, maaya narayanan, garudadhwajan, narayanan

> Pundarikakshan, yagyan, shridharan, gadaadharan,

> lakshmi pathi, vaasudevan, maadhavan, seshasaayi

> vidhaarana narasimhan, vidhyunjihva narasimhan,

> gora narasimhan, kukshi narasimhan, vibhishana

> narasimhan, mahahaara narasimhan, kali naashaka ramaan,

> nara narayanan, shankara narayanan, rupa narayanan,

> laskshmi damodaran, damodaran, shankarshanan,

> adhokshajan, dattareyan, chaturbhujan, mohan krishanan,

> sowbhagya varadan, rukmini vijayan, choodamani krishanan,

> dhanjaya krishanan, parijaata hara krishnan, shyamanthaka

> hara krishanan, kaliya mardhana krishanan, chanur mardhana

> krishnan, sudharshanan, murari, vanamaali, amrutaharanan,

> shri vatsa laanchnan, darnidharan, devadevan, swayambhu

> kapilar, dharmaraajar, hiranya garbar, paramhamsan.


>Narayana Narayana







>Nov 2001



>Murthies with three chakras


>Narayanan, laxmi narayanan, daasarathi raaman, shaantha vaasudevan, narasimhan,

>koormam, achyuthan, keshavan, adho mukha narasimhan, simshumaaran,


>matsyan, sudharshan, purushottaman.



>Murthies with four chakras


>sita raman, janaardhanan, thrivikraman, hamsamardhi, laxmi narayanan,


>shri raman, budhdha chatur bhujan, govardhanan,


>Murthies with five chakras

>sita raman, shri hayaananan



>Murthies with six chakras

>shri murthy, taraka bramha, thrimurthy


>Murthies with seven chakras

>ananthan, sarvothomukha narasimhan



>Murthies with eight chakras

>mahaa narayanan, chakra paani, pithaamahan, ananthan



>Murthies with nine chakras

>vishwaksenar, achyuthan, ananthar


>Murthies with ten chakras


>hrushikeshan, govindan, ananthan, vishwarupakan, maha vishnu, paatala


>purushottaman, satyaveerashravan


>Murthies with eleven chakras

>sudhdha ananthar, rudra shankar, rudra naathar,


>Murthies with twelve chakras

>mukundan, sooryan


>Murthies with thirteen / fourteen chakras, upto twenty five chakras and

>with chakras more than twenty five also exist. But, they are not



>Murthy without chakras could also be a shaiva murthy.


>Dashaavataara murthies



>Matsya murthy


>elongated, smooth , two chakras on the vadanam, one chakra on the tail,

>fish shaped, lines on the left side - this murthy bestows all auspiciousness.

>Black in color, face like a fish, with dots and vanamaala - these are lakshanas

>of a matsya murthy. It could be multi colored, have three dots and be of

the shape

>of a conch also.


>Koorma murthy



>Of the shape of a tortoise, with chakras, with an elevated rear, beautiful


>body in the shape of a whirlpool, of green color with the symbol of

kaustuba mani.


>Some koorma murthies are of the color of indra-neela gem, with the three


>lines and of a big size.


>Round or tortoise shaped, with lines of vanamaala and two chakras, of black

color, with

>golden dots is also a koorma murthy.


>Four more types of koorma murthies can also be seen.





>Four types of varaaha murthies exist. Viz



>1. shudhdha varaahan

>2. bhu varaahan

>3. laxmi varaahan

>4. swaetha varaahan


>Shudhdha varaahan



>Of a big size, of the color of indra-neela gem, with three significant lines.


>Laxmi varaahan



>Of the shape of varaahan, with chakras, with lines on the rear side, long, with

>an elevated rear, with two chakras on the left side and kaustubha lines on the



>Bhu varaahan



>Elongated face, of black color, with separate ring-like structures, chakra

in the

>mouth portion.


>With a bent face, elevated rear, spear-shaped face is also a bhu varaahan.


>Laxmi varaahan



>Chakras on the left side and lines of vanamaala are seen.


>Swaetha varaahan



>Long nose, a molar tooth, glowing, white as cow's milk, with lines of vanamaala

>and a beautiful appearance.









>Dec 2001


>Narasimha Avataram



> " Elongated, with a mane, chakras in the mouth and a possessing wide mouth,

right side

>being raised up, with an uplifted head , two teeth of the jaw being

visible, such a

>murthy is called vidaarana narasimhan " - says the bramhanda puranam. This


>may be worshipped only by bramhacharis and sanyasis.


>Of the color of light red, with a knotted garland like structure, of red

spots , of long

>mane and chakras on the left side , of a wide mouth is another kind of a

vidaarana narasimhan.



>Of many mouths and open mouths and of gold color is the Raksha-shaantha



>In this manner there exist seventeen types of narasimha murthies.



>Vaamana avataram



>two types of vaamana exists viz. pure vaamana murthy and dadhivaamana .


>Shudhdha vaamana



> " Small in size, short and very bright, chakras on the top and mouth on the

rear side " -

>these are the lakshanas of a pure vaamana murthy says the Padma puraanam.

> " Of the color of kaayam flower and with beautiful dots and round in shape

and very small " -

>describes the bramhaanda puranam.

>Some of them possess five lines also.

> " Of the color of indira -neela with vanamaala and lotus and very bright and

round and small "

>these are the lakshanas of sudhdha vaamana says the varaha puraanam.


> " Round and smooth and with clear chakras and elongated mouth and clear

lines and an uplifted

>navel, on either side of the chakra a flower like formation and a garuda

like formation near

>the chakra , with lots of hair - this vaamana murthy bestows goodness,

auspiciousness and good

>relationships on householders who worship " , says the bramhaanda puraanam.


>dadhi vaamanan


>With mahalakshmi on the lap, Purnakumbham in the right hand and bhiksha

paatram in the left

>hand and a crown on the head, of the shape of a crescent moon - this is the

dadhi vaamana murthy.


>Parushuraama avataram



>Two types exist - ugra murthy and shaantha murthy.

> " Ugra Parashuraaman has a white and black body, elongated and big mouth and

chakras on the

>right side and the left side, dots on the chakra and lines resembling the

axe; on the rear side

>lines of the form of teeth " - this is in brief what the puraanas have to say.


>Murthy with bow and arrow formations, of fair complexion, and a seated

posture, bestow moksham .

>Being an amsha of Vishnu and axe like lines , of the color of grass and a

raised navel with brigt

>chakras is the ugra Parsshuraama say some puranaas.


>Shaantha PArashuraama



>Axe like lines on the rear side is the shaantha murthy.


>Daasarathi raaman



>Of twelve types.

>1. Raman


>3.Sita raaman

>4.Daasarathi raaman

>5.Dashakandakulaanthasu raaman



>8.Hrushta raaman

>9.Kodhandha raaman

>10. Kali naashaka raaaman

>11. Shri raaman

>12. Pattabhi raaman





> " Of the color of grass, with a beautiful chakra, with dandam(stick) on the

rear side,

>two lines on the sides " , says the bramha puraanam.

>With bow and arrow, with padma-rekha, egg-shaped and with lines of the


>black colored rear " , say the other puranaas.


>This murthy has not been found in all the three worlds.


>With bow and arrow , elongated, of a big size, with dots, chakra on the navel.

>With plenty of openings, of black color, is also a raman murthy.






>On the rear side are found five lines; bow and arrow on the sides ; two chakras

> " Those who worship Him will be bestowed with sons " , says the bramhaanda



>Sita Raama



>Of only one opening with four chakras, of the color of the dark blue cloud,

with bow and

>arrow, spear, umbrella, flag, lines of chaamara and vanamala. Bestows victory

>and sowbhagyam to the worshipper.


>Two openings with four chakras; one chakra on the left side, bow and arrow,

>quiver, vanamala " . says the bramhaanda puraanam.


>Egg shaped with opening on the bottom, kundalam in the opening, two chakras

>on the sides. Kalpa vruksha lines on the top and chakra on the left side.


>With beautiful lines . Bestows all material benefits on the worshipper - so

>says the Paadma puraanam.


>Taaraka bramha sita raaman (with six chakras)



>With bow and having the clefts of a cow - these are the lakshanas of this


>Three openings and six chakras, of black color, uplifted and slopy rear

side, of

>the shape of a big jamun fruit - this is the taaraka seet raaman.


>Dasakantakulaanthaka raaman



>With kodandam, egg shaped, big and having two lines on either sides of a dent,

>of black color, a bow on the right rear side.


>Veera Raaghavan



>With bow and arrow and quiver, with kundalam, with vanamala, with small


>with two chakras - this is the veera raaman murthy.


>Vijaya Raaman



>With bow and arrow, quiver, of a fearful contour, two dotted chakras, with


>this is the vijaya raama murthy.


>Hrushta raaman



>Garland on the top side, bow and arrow, lines on the sides, two chakras -

He bestows

>joy and moksham.


>Kali naashaka raaman



>Of the look of jamun fruit, of black color, opening on the rear side,

opening with two

>chakras, makara kundalam, golden mark on the forehead, with bow and dots -


>sarvaabheeshta sidhdhi.


>Narayana Narayana







>Jan 2002



>The last session on saaligraamams


>Round saaligramams have one flat surface. Elongated saaligrammas have

>a long flat surface. These saaligrmamas have to be placed during worship, on

>their flat surfaces.




>When the length of the vadanam of the saaligrammam is one eightth

>the perimeter of the murthy, then it is a superior murthy, if it is

>one fourth it is tolerable ; but if the length of the vadanam is

>more than one fourth the perimeter, the murthy is not worthy of



>Bramhins have to worship the Vaasudeva murthy, amongst the three murhties.

>Kshathriyas have to worship the Sankarshana murthy, vaishyas have to

>worship the Pradyumna murthy and the sudras Anirudhdha.


>Bramhins can worship many number of murthies. Kshatriyas should not

>worship more than three, vaishyas not more than two and sudras should

>not worship more than one murthy.


>Those who worship Saaligramams with Chakras three times a day will most

>certainly become muktas.


>Twelve shilas together is called a kshetram. A vaishanavan who

>worships these will be bestowed with limitless punyams. Saaligramams

>with chakras and dwaraka shilas when worshipped daily will bestow

>moksham. Saaligramama with chakra when donated is tantamount to

>bhu-daanam, donation of large areas of lands including mountains

>and forests.


>Wherever the dwaraka shila, saaligramam shila, tulasi leaf and

>shankha are together worshipped and whoever partakes of that

>theertam is bound to get moksham.

>Those who instead of partaking the saaligramam thirumanjanam theertam,

>use it for prokshanam of the self, are sinners tantamount to performers of


>dosham. That is why perumal theeratam has to be partaken first and

>then prokshanam done with some more theertam taken again.


>Saaligramam of the size of a gooseberry fruit

>and with a sumukha face, when worshipped bestows all the wishes of the

>the worshipper and moksha too. Those with no bhakthi but only a kaama

>purusha - full of desires, when he worships a saaligramam will be

>protected by the Lord undoubtedly. Even one look of the saaligrama

>murthy will drive away all sins just as the animals take to their heels on

>the sight of the lion. Even when one merely desires to perform

>Saaligrama aaradhana, all sins will fly away as the darkness is

>destroyed by the sun's rays.

>Even an impure person is rendered pure by the mere touch of the

>Saaligrama murthy; one who bears the saaligramam on his shoulders

>will be akin to one who bears the burden of the whole world.

>The worshipper of one hundred saaligramams, will be bestowed with goodness

>that is indescribable. Since, in the Saaligram murthy the Lord resides

>permanently, no aavahana is required; yet the agni puranam talks of

>performing visarjanam for purification.


>Let us all uplift our lives by performing saaligraama aaradhana

>in a befitting manner !


>Narayana Narayana


























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